Using Social Bookmarking Sites to Get Traffic to Your Blog

Social Bookmarking is a brilliant way to flood your site with traffic and visitors. But what is Social Bookmarking ? How can you start participating ? How do social bookmarking sites work ?

What does social bookmarking mean?

Automatically, most of web users are participating in social bookmarking. Tagging, saving and sharing the interested links is simply Social Bookmarking. Social bookmarking sites allow users to save their precious links on the web instead of their web browsers.

Start participating

You need to start work on collecting a list of most famous and trusted social bookmarking sites based on their traffic and popularity. Once you have a list of the top 50-80 social bookmarking sites you can start joining them by creating your profile. Creating profiles and bookmarking posts on a regular basis is a tedious activity, I suggest you outsource this activity to a social bookmarking service.

Ensure you tag all your posts and articles, tagging will help users with the same interests find your links and articles. Additionally, it helps you to easily and quickly find your links.

Be Social

The key to get traffic by using social bookmarking is to be a social. If you start submitting links without sharing and without recommending others, you will end up with no traffic.

The added bonus of saving your interesting websites is the ability of sending them to your friends simply as touching a button. Moreover, you can use social bookmarking site as a smart search engine.

These sites provide simple options for browsing and surfing based on different criteria. Users can search for the recently added and may be for the most common links. Also you can enjoy browsing by category such as technology, business, blogging, sports, news and more.

By displaying popular links and recently added lists, user can take advantage of both keeping up-to-date and seeing relevant sites.

Normally, the higher votes the site have, the more likely it catches eyes and gain a wide range of visitors from all over the world.

Get Traffic

Using social bookmarking to get traffic is an intelligent choice as it can surprise you with a flow of organic and targeted traffic. How ? As mentioned before, tagging is helps users search what other users have bookmarked.

Most popular social bookmarking sites

Here is a bunch of my most popular social bookmarking sites, in no particular order of importance.








Google Bookmarks

Mister Wong







I’ve been using social bookmarking and article directory submissions since I started this blog, they are a great way to increase traffic and backlinks. If you find it tedious and time consuming, I recommend you outsource these services.

Do you use Social Bookmarking sites ? Which are your favorite ones ?

Image Credit: samyakonline

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Jasmine September 19, 2011 - 1:11 pm
Social bookmarking sites are no doubt great sources for traffic. I particularly like Facebook and Blinklist. They are easy to use, yet fun too. Sometimes can get quite a lot of traffic from these sites.
Sahil Kotak September 20, 2011 - 5:26 am
I mainly use Digg and sometime use Stumbleupon. But, none of them helps me bring some good traffic not in notable amount as well. The reason can be because I am not much active on them.
Mary September 20, 2011 - 9:00 am
Jasmine would you also like to include Twitter in your list? :) Yes, i agree with you. And the key to an effective social bookmarking is to know and get known or to create an online visibility. In that sense people will think that you have something to offer that might be very interesting and informative. In other words just explore, gain friends and share something valuable in return. Isn't crossing the street with 50 of your buddies create traffic?
Coco Martin September 27, 2011 - 9:32 am
Social bookmarking sites can really improve the traffic for your website but the downside of this is that the kind of traffic from these sites have a very low conversion rate. I have experienced using social bookmarking sites for traffic generation and my CTR in Adsense became very low.
Kelli October 1, 2011 - 2:41 am
This is a great read with some good pointers. Social bookmarking is an area I'm weak in, so I'll definitely be following what else you have to say about this.
Rich October 1, 2011 - 9:58 pm
I have found social bookmarking sites have improved my sites ranking but probably not as effecitve as articles and forum and blog posting, although i am no expert and this article includes some very good tips.
search engine optimisation October 30, 2011 - 2:39 am
So I am asking this thing since you are originating bookmarking as a source of traffics. What is the difference between bookmarking as listed above to Social Media participation? E.g G+, Twitter, Facebook,LinkedIn?
Travel Bookmarks November 4, 2011 - 11:54 am
Its true that there are millions of social bookmarking sites but only a few will give you something back. Either you choose big ones or small niche related sites to get what you want. For the travel niche I can sugest the one above.
best social bookmarking site December 1, 2011 - 10:55 pm
Social bookmarking has been an important topic of discussion in internet marketing, and it plays a role in SEO. If you are able to use social bookmarking appropriately, you would be able to fare well in your online business.
Ashok sharma December 30, 2011 - 3:23 pm
Another social bookmarking site is:
Hopkinton MA Realtors January 7, 2012 - 7:33 pm
If you are going to be blogging for business you darn well better be sure you have an understanding of how social media and SEO work. There are so many bloggers that have good content yet it's never found because they have never even mastered the basics of SEO.
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