Steve Jobs is CEO of the decade

Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs was named CEO of the decade by Fortune magazine for his success in developing and reshaping the dynamics of four industries – computers, music, movies and mobile.

He single handedly saved Apple by creating a revolution in the online music industry, created a winning model for the smart phone, lead his previous company Pixar to dominate graphics and animation. Pixar was sold to Disney in 2006 for $ 7.5 billion.

He was often called a showman, a born salesman, a magician and a perfectionist.

Faced with bankruptcy a few short years ago Apple now has 34,000 employees worldwide and is valued at over $170 billion.

We had featured Steve Jobs Standford Commencement Speech in 2005 on this blog a few months ago. This is the best fourteen minutes of time you can invest to understand the mindset of a visionary.

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game-girl November 7, 2009 - 9:51 pm
I have never heard of him.Nice personality!Glad to read about him. .-= game-girl´s last blog ..Возвращение домой скачать фильм онлайн =-.
Seaward November 9, 2009 - 12:04 am
I am also very happy to know about such massive personality of It world.
WebpageLottery November 9, 2009 - 12:47 am
He is my idol. He is the man who can play Microsoft like a toy in his hand.
kitchen taps November 9, 2009 - 2:02 am
On a business level he is very great personality as i have seen.
Web Developer November 9, 2009 - 1:38 am
Steve Jobs is not just CEO he is also GOD of the business world
Tiens shop November 9, 2009 - 2:47 am
Great personality,I am very glad to learn and know about him.
Phaoloo November 9, 2009 - 2:49 am
He's a super star marketer and CEO we can learn most from him. But about tech, I prefer Windows tools which are much more flexible for developers. .-= Phaoloo´s last blog ..Top 8 Tools To Check Spelling And More =-.
reverse search November 9, 2009 - 3:48 am
I have read his life history.He really deserves it. .-= reverse search´s last blog ..Reverse Trace Cell Phone Lookup =-.
Greeting Cards November 9, 2009 - 6:49 am
Is this beause he is one of the few that didn't ask for a bailout?
Dataflurry November 9, 2009 - 11:40 am
He is very creative and I think he probably deserves this award. Very rarely will a CEO be able to turn around a massive company with innovative new products. CEO's often times aren't entreprenuers
Kit Homes November 9, 2009 - 10:47 pm
Steve Jobs have create a remarkable achievement in the product innovation and as accordance to it they customers needs apple have customized their product innovations. .-= Kit Homes´s last blog ..Are there any Exclusions? =-.
psychics November 10, 2009 - 3:24 am
Nice personality!Glad to read about him game-girl´s last blog .-= psychics´s last blog ..MOON MAGIC =-.
how to articles November 10, 2009 - 10:57 am
Jobs really did turn the company around. Amazing!
Louise@Online Printing Company November 11, 2009 - 9:37 pm
Well, that's not a big surprise anymore. Apple, despite his short absence during the 2nd quarter of the year, was really successful. Jobs deserve the accolade. :)
Bubba Moe November 17, 2009 - 2:38 am
I think the way he talks is very charismatic and inspirational. This motivates his employees to perform. Also, he is very passionate about his work and computing/media field, this enables him to quickly transfer creativity into a product..
oes tsetnoc November 19, 2009 - 7:26 pm
I saw "Pirates in Silicon Valley" and it seems that Steve Jobs was depicted as the villain against Bill GAtes' microsoft. I hope Jobs recuperates from his illness... .-= oes tsetnoc´s last blog ..My Oes Tsetnoc Entry TKO'd From the Top Ten =-.
Bubba Moe November 24, 2009 - 3:24 am
I think that all pay is negotiable in a free market. Your ability to successfully negotiate a higher rate of pay will depend on how valuable you are to the company and how difficult it would be to find someone else to do your duties as well as you do them. Ultimately, if the board agrees to waste money on CEO pay, then the shareholders will vote out the board.
lowongan pekerjaan November 28, 2009 - 7:10 am
I believe he is a great CEO. He must be done great jobs most of the time. .-= lowongan pekerjaan´s last blog ..Ibis Mangga Dua Hotel & Apartment Vacancy =-.
monika@Tunnel Design Engineer Jobs December 2, 2009 - 1:21 am
Thank you. I thought that it was important to point people in the right direction, especially if they had the connections or education to do such jobs.
mike@easy payday loans December 2, 2009 - 4:47 am
I do not know if I agree with Steve Jobs being CEO of the year and I think it has to do more with his past health issues than his work. To me, twitter, facebook, etc have shown more growth than Apple.
Mike Standing@Banner Design December 10, 2009 - 9:00 am
He truly deserves the title as numerous technological advancements have been materialized through his knowledge and experience. I think even if you take a look at the Mars with a huge telescope, you would find some aliens listening to music via their iPods.
Car Transporters | Igor January 14, 2010 - 5:53 pm
Apple is an amazing company, they just revolutionized technology from mobile phones to awesome computers.
video izle January 28, 2010 - 8:18 am
Jobs really did turn the company around. Amazing! Regards.
Lida February 1, 2010 - 12:42 pm
Great personality,I am very glad to learn and know about him.

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