6 To-Dos Before Marketing your New Mobile App

Today, trying to develop your business without proper marketing is like “Trying to climb a tree to catch a fish”. Mobile app marketing is no different in this regard. With so many mobile applications being developed day-after-day, the probability of showing off your newly-developed application becomes lesser and lesser unless it is marketed really well.

Any marketing strategy requires proper planning and execution. Any individual, who really wants to make it big, has to develop a market plan that is tried and tested in other operations. In this case when marketing your apps, there are several questions you need to be asking yourself.

Know your Target Audience

As you know, mobile applications are available in a variety of categories like applications for students, mathematicians, astrologers, bedtime applications, kid’s education, cooking, multimedia, games and many more. So whom are you going to target? Who are the ones that might best utilize your app?

So targeting your audience is the most important factor that might make or break your business. More often than not, your apps are more likely to succeed if they are a potential solution to people’s problems.

For example, if you have an app that can solve any of the modern teenage problems (say you have an app that can find solutions on the web for all teenage problems like smoking, drinking, and many more) then your target audience is the teenagers.

Let your Message be more appealing

The next big thing is how you get these products marketed or how you make them appealing to your targeted people. This is very important. Every piece of message you pass on has to be conveying and convincing. The value of your app has to be understood simply by the look of your presentation or writing.

Anything that is unique about your application has to be pointed out. This can be anything including features, sounds, animations and other functions. A lot of your success depends upon how well you explain your app. You may even popularize the smallest of advantages you see in your product.

The Pricing Factor

Another important factor that will determine your success is the pricing of your app. It is very easy to be carried away here. You should be careful not to over-price your app. Some people tend to do this hoping to prosper faster. On the contrary, this could backfire. You might end up gaining very little as there are few people willing to try out new apps digging deep into their pockets.

On the other hand if your product is competitively priced, you will have more people paying greater attention to your new invention. This will result in much more and longer benefits. You will have more people peeping into your product through referrals and other means and so that would mean long time prosperity.

Study your competitors

In the modern arena, this strategy cannot be ignored. Make a detailed study of all the competitors around you. As a beginner it would not be smart to challenge an experienced game developer or a professional programmer. Here, being mild and keeping away from the big boys would be the right thing to do.

And of course, if you are confident enough of your genius gems, you may go ahead and challenge them. But again, be careful as your skill might be challenged.

Making a Praise-worthy After-market Plan

Last but by no means the least, always make a praise-worthy plan that will yield the best after-market results. For example, think of the followers or the feedback obtained from individuals who have downloaded and used your app. These feedbacks are like gold. This will in turn attract or drive away users into your section. The more number of satisfied customers or the more positive feedbacks, the better are your chances of success. Again, people who are aware of your successful app will follow you to your next app development. There you have a readymade set of customers to test your new app yet again.

Here you see how one brilliantly marketed app, can help you in your next venture.

The Role of Social Media

Social Media is a blessed tool or a boon to people involved in marketing. They can be used efficiently to build on any kind of marketing.

In recent times, the tools available for app marketing in social media have increased considerably. However, the above mentioned strategic ideas have to be followed in order to experience any kind of genuine success.

Irrespective of whether you are a new comer to app designing or have already done some app designing before, it is crucial that you take a closer look at these ideas to go beyond just being a casual seller or developer of mobile phone applications. After all it’s your brand and you are the Boss!! So do not leave it loose.

As the saying goes “Success is a ladder that does not allow you to climb on it with your hands in the pocket”. Hence work hard and let your applications do the talking.

All the very best

Image Credit: LaurenSouch

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sam @ goa carnival December 30, 2011 - 3:47 am
One thing is true in my opinion before launch any new product we should learn many things from our competitors which will give good respond to us in market.
executive gifts December 30, 2011 - 5:42 am
Do some extra research and get ideas from those experienced testimonials and thoughts. That way, you'll surely have your mobile app launched successfully.
Dean Saliba December 30, 2011 - 8:03 am
I don't think it is just limited to mobile apps. Early next year I'm going to start work on my first ebook and I think most of the tips you covered in your post relate to that as well. :)
Alfred from Mobile Application Development January 6, 2012 - 6:49 am
The important for any new app marketing is getting an early attention. That attention we can get from Bloggers who love to write about new apps development, feedback from beta testers, reviews from peers and potential customers will help in making the marketing more successful.
Yasir Khan - Quantum SEO January 10, 2012 - 7:16 am
Keep the release date fresh :) When your app is approved, update the release date to improve ranking, And you can make the top-ten in some places with a dozen sales. Also finding your niche is important, you look down every category of the App Store, from Health & Study to Finance, and there's still plenty of room for everyone. Just make it a good idea, executed well
Amazon Web Services January 11, 2012 - 6:02 am
Its right post for new marketing executives, This post gives general ideas for marketing not for particularly mobile apps. But It's still good content and I have been learn t a lot of things.........
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