Top Joomla Web Hosting with JoomlaHostingReviews

In an earlier post we mentioned the benefits of selecting a good web hosting provider. Its very essential that you select a good web hosting firm to host your website.

As a blogger and a web business owner I often find myself needing to find another web host for one of my sites for one reason or another. The other day, I found that my favorite hosting provider did not support the Joomla content management platform, which I was requested to install for a client of mine. During my search, I stumbled across, which, as the URL suggests, is jam-packed full of reviews of how the Joomla platform integrates with a wide variety of web hosts’ services.

Joomla Web hosting Reviews is a webhosting review site that gives you the worse and best Joomla hosts . If you are running a website or blog on the Joomla platform and you regular web host does not support Joomla then you may want to check Joomla Webhosting Review.

One of the best features about Joomla Hosting Reviews is the segregation of the web hosts reviewed into sections: shared, budget, green, business, reseller, cloud, virtual private server and dedicated. This feature allowed me to click right through to reviews of hosts that would suit my purposes the best, unlike many other review sites that take ‘one size fits all’ approaches and review hosts with no consideration of the audience.

Another great positive of is the level of user input into rating and reviewing the web hosts discussed. Although the subjective ‘editor top picks’ do appear on the site, the Joomla-enabled web hosts that users like the most appear right below.

In addition to number-based ratings, also incorporates a number of user-submitted reviews, some running over the one hundred word mark.

Taking user input to the next level, the site even allows you to review the user reviews left by others through the comments function! This is in stark contrast to what is offered by some other review sites, where the web master just rates highly the web host he or she gets the greatest commission from. has also brought the internet world into the next generation with its inclusion of ‘green’ web hosts on its list of Joomla web hosting providers. With a growing trend to ‘go green’ in everything that we do, it is great that has moved into this new market with some honest reviews of the best eco-friendly Joomla-enabled web hosts out there. You can also check out the HostGator Review on the site.

Another hallmark of the comprehensive nature of’s coverage of Joomla web hosts catering to a wide variety of needs is its mention of some of the major Joomla-friendly web hosts based in the location – United States and United Kingdom.

I would definitely recommend to anybody looking for a cheap and reliable Joomla-friendly web host. I especially like the site’s segregation of the Joomla web hosts available into different sections based on different needs, something that other web hosting review web sites seem to be lacking.

If you’re looking to sign up to a Joomla-enabled web hosting service, Joomla Hosting Reviews is the place to look.

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Gary David | Build Your List Fast July 27, 2010 - 2:33 am
Thanks for the review. Will check the site. I'm looking for other hosting services aside from the one that I'm currently using. Good thing I saw this review about Joomla! Kind regards, Gary
Dany Event Planning July 27, 2010 - 2:44 am
Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. From what I see, Joomla is a convenient and efficient way to maintain web content online.
evan schulte August 3, 2010 - 2:12 pm
What exactly does joomla do. I am a newbie and trying to grasp everything. Why should I use it?
Rosejanne Camoro May 1, 2011 - 3:16 am
Joomla is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) and application framework that powers 2.7% of the entire web. With a vibrant volunteer community, user-friendly features and plenty of power, Joomla is perfect for your site!
Kunnu Singh September 7, 2010 - 10:50 am
Good info, but i have own Dedicated Server so I no need of this :)
treadmills December 6, 2010 - 3:52 pm
I use Joomla for a few my sites and it's not bad. But I prefer more flexible Drupal.
Aadarshini January 6, 2011 - 2:42 am
I have about 4 domains hosted on, for last 1 year. I recommend them to everyone! Fast customer service than Joomla Web Hosting
Sam @ Bread Coupons January 24, 2011 - 7:12 pm
Would you recommend Joomla over Host Gator?
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