Twitter Launches Analytic Feature For All Users

Twitter has opened its analytical platform to all users, the same was earlier available to only advertisers and partners. All you need to do is login to your account, click on the Analytic tab in your dashboard at the top of the page.

Your Twitter Analytics account will display the timeline activity and performance of your recent tweets.

The Timeline activity shows a graph on the base of mentions, follows, and un-follows that you’ve got in the last month. The following image shows how the Timeline activity looks.

The information is well organized and so that you can analysis the trend for your activity. It shows your last 30 days tweets alongwith the ones that have been re tweeted, number of favorites and replies received. You can also download this report in a CSV file format.

Below is the image of analysis of twitter followers according to their location, gender, interests, and growth chart.

I love the platform, it’s a neat way to show users how their tweets have performed, they should have opened access to this platform for users much earlier. With the help of data, I now know the kind of tweets I need to focus on, to increase my followers.

What are you thoughts on the platform ? Have you used it ?

Image Credit:Niall Kennedy

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Rew June 14, 2013 - 5:50 pm
Finally official Twitter Analytics for the masses. About time! Its a cool little feature, but it seems a bit lacking. I'd really like to see an impressions column like Facebook's "X people saw this post." To give me an percentage idea. I'd also like to see if my followers came from a profile or button, but we can't have everything right?
Christopher @ Live Call Answering Australia June 15, 2013 - 1:04 pm
Indeed, this is an excellent analytics platform and currently available so everyone can review the performance of the tweets for free.
ZK June 16, 2013 - 1:24 am
It's also a good tool to measure your influence on twitter...based on the tool you can choose to advertise your products or services via the platform
Health Blog June 16, 2013 - 9:45 pm
good tool from twitter for all user...
Abel Wike June 17, 2013 - 3:21 am
Hi everyone. Thank you for bringing your lack of access to our attention. Twitter started a self-service platform for all users advertising in the US. Today's modernize way users can now control the platform to track the reputation and presentation of their tweets.
Rick Miles June 18, 2013 - 11:19 am
Looking forward to testing out the functionality of these over the next little while. Not a fan of some of Twitter's more recent updates, generally, though.
design with css June 23, 2013 - 6:17 am
Now we can add website to twitter and it will track our website traffic too.
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