Twitter replaces Favourites with Likes

Twitter’s doing a Facebook :), its made a fundamental change to the product’s emotional icon. The favorite star icon that was Twitters symbol for users to click on their tweets has been officially killed. The “like” icon with a hear has replaced the star.

While it’s not a major change in the function I would say that it’s a major change in the way twitter connects with users emotionally. Facebook’s like icon has become synonymous to social media so why not leverage it.

“You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite.” said Akarshan Kumar, product manager -Twitter on its blog. “We want to make Twitter easier and more rewarding to use, and we know that at times the star could be confusing, especially to newcomers.” Rightly so the star never meant anything nor did it have any emotional appeal and everything I like may not be my favorite.

I’ve used the favourite icon as a bookmark, I have bookmarked tweets that I like and those that I would want to read at a later time. My guess is people have used the favourite icon in a similar way – to bookmark it and maybe read it later. Twitter also sens a notification to users in your list if you favourite a tweet and that helps get the tweet get more reach amongst your followers.

The like and heart have become the social currency of the web with facebook, instagram and tumblr using the same on their sites. Twitter has been rather late in the day to add it to its product, non the less its a good move to be more “likeable” in the social space – with users and investors 🙂

The like icon has been universally rolled out across all markets on Android and Apple OS for all versions. The favourite has also been replaced with the like icon on Vine. I wonder if they’ve been think of adding dislike button too, just like facebook.

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