What is the single best secret to creating wealth ?
According to legendary Internet Marketer John Reese its duplication, how many times can you duplicate yourself once, twice, thrice or more.
Your income is directly related to the number of time you can duplicate yourself.
Which is true consider this example, as a single person you only have 24 hours in a day, your maximum income is based on the number of hours you work in this case 24 hours ( assuming you work for all 24 hours in a day ).
Now what happens when you duplicate yourself, your actual output is 24 x 2 = 48 hours, if you duplicate yourself three times then you have 24 x 3 = 72 hours
Twice the Output = Twice the Income ( hypothetically )
Thrice the Output = Thrice the Income ( hypothetically )
In the above example you’ve worked for only 24 hours but your output is three time more at 72 hours since you have duplicated yourself thrice. Hence, you income is three times more than what it would be when you work by yourself for 24 hours.
Now, what happens when you duplicate yourself 10 times or 20 times, your guess is as good as mine.
The simple formula of duplication is a close guarded secret responsible for making BIG money online.
John Reese explains this concept in great detail in the below video and proves it that the art of duplication is the number one most important skill to make money online, if you can master it then you can get exponentiation growth in your business.
This FREE video is the first of an entire series and reveals the “$2 Per Hour” Power Formula for success
Click here if the above video does not open
In this series you’re going to learn
– How to turn 5 hours worth of effort into over 100 hours of results using this simple trick.
– The magical “not-an-iPad” device that turns ideas into auto-pilot cash flow.
– How the wildly successful “Blue Man Group” revolutionized the entertainment industry with this unheard of strategy.
– Why brainstorming new ideas is where all the money gets made and how to spend your time mostly doing that.
– Dissecting the “Big Six” online money-making models to show you how the right system can maximize income potential.
– And much, much more!