Who Should you Follow on Twitter ?

If you are new to Twitter, you ll probably be lost trying to figure who you should follow? If you have been on Twitter for sometime, you may want to expand your network?

But who should you follow :
– How do you find influencers beyond your network ?
– How do you know which of your followers you should be following ?

Mr Tweet is an amazing app that helps you discover who you should be following among your network of Twitter followers and Twitter influencers beyond your network.

To get started simply add the @mrtweet bot to your Twitter list and it will send a direct message with a link to your Twitter report. Check out the Twitter message it sent me using my own Twitter account

By adding @mrtweet bot I learn’t that I had some very interesting followers I needed to follow back, I got an analysis and report of the influencers beyond my network that Mr Tweet recommended I follow – not only their names, websites and locations but also information on the average daily tweets, if they responded to people they did not follow and so on.

Add @mrtweet to reach beyond your network. Follow me on Twitter

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Have you verified your account with Twitter ?

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Taris J December 9, 2008 - 11:32 pm
I'm personally not a big twitter fan, but I do see it's appeal. It's a shame that the magpie for twitter has come out. I wrote an article about it on my blog - essentially just spam advertising for twitter - not cool if you ask me Taris Js last blog post..Blog Contests and How they Work for YOU!
ZK@Internet Marketing blog December 10, 2008 - 7:31 am
Thanks for your valuable comments :) Twitter is an amazing tool, if you know how to maximize it. Mr. Tweet bot has nothing to do with advertising, it a service to expand your existing twitter network and gain visibility for your site
Michael Henry December 19, 2008 - 5:07 pm
Every major communication tool heads south once the bots come out to play and by the time the system has a chance to weed them out, the tool is useless. Michael Henrys last blog post..Where I’m at: Free Flu Shot Clinic
Desmond - DesmondBlog.com December 10, 2008 - 12:29 pm
I am interested in starting to do marketing through twitter. any ideas where to start? :neutral:
ZK@Internet Marketing blog December 10, 2008 - 1:41 pm
Register for a Twitter account and then click on "Follow me " in the above post, You can start sending Tweets or blog link to your followers once you are registered and have a following. I ll follow you once you Follow me ( or once you add me ) to your account. Its a very simple process and very addictive. Let me know once you have a Twitter account and I can help you . ZKs last blog post..Who Should you Follow on Twitter ?
Dennis Edell December 11, 2008 - 7:55 am
Nice ZK, I'll check it out when I start tweeting in the new year. :) Dennis Edells last blog post..Only 5 Days Left To Sponsor The *Best Blog Review* Blog Contest!
Frank@ Freeware trick December 11, 2008 - 8:56 am
I am rather skeptical as far as social networks are concerned! I think that they dont work well for bloggers but maybe this is just an opinion of mine. I think that bloggers would be better of if they perform SEO and leave their "fingerprints" in the Internet. Social networks just give you a lot of bouncers: people who just see your home page and bounce away.. Franks last blog post..How to tweak Windows Vista and XP registry easily
ZK@Internet Marketing blog December 11, 2008 - 9:08 am
There are advantages to social networking and website or blogs that know the power of social networking sites have used it very well to their advantage whether it's to get traffic, increase subscriptions or revenues. Twitter is not the stumble upon or the digg kind of site when users will come and bounce off. Its a tool that will help you build and grow a dedicated audience or following that will increase repeat usage of your site and build your credibility as a domain expert. It's one of the better social marketing tools we have on the internet today and I highly recommend it to webmasters and blog owner who are serious about their blogs and want to take it to the next level. Thanks for visiting the blog and commenting :) ZKs last blog post..Who Should you Follow on Twitter ?
diggalive@Affiliate Strategies December 11, 2008 - 1:08 pm
I'll have to try this app out. I read a post on how you went from 0 followers to like 107 in one month or something! Thought that was sick, so I added a follow me on twitter to my blog, lets see how it turns out ,so .. don't forget to Follow Me! :) diggalives last blog post..4 Clicks to the Offer Page with 2 Conversions
ZK@Internet Marketing blog December 11, 2008 - 3:02 pm
Welcome to Twitter , I am following you. Hope you can use it to build your online identity and blog :) Thanks for following me ZKs last blog post..Who Should you Follow on Twitter ?
Shanker Bakshi December 12, 2008 - 1:56 am
I'm following you ZK Shanker Bakshis last blog post..Google is Dead Here is Another Unexploited Goldmine
Shanker Bakshi December 12, 2008 - 1:55 am
Mr Tweet - cool Idea, thanks for sharing - let give a try to Mr. Tweet.
Gerald Weber December 13, 2008 - 5:29 pm
I am now following Mr. Tweet. We will see how it works out. Thanks for the info. Gerald Webers last blog post..It May Almost Be 2009, But Duplicate Content Still Isn’t a Good Thing
Ben Tremblay December 15, 2008 - 10:16 am
Added mrtweet a week ago...Still waiting for the dm message...! Thought it was an automated system, but looks manual to me hehe Ben Tremblays last blog post..Right, contest is over: did you win?
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog December 15, 2008 - 10:38 am
Hi Ben , They have been experiencing technical issues keeping up with new users. It may take a while but its worth the wait. ZKs last blog post..Thinkdigit.com : A good resouce to build backlinks
Arfan December 15, 2008 - 11:03 pm
Interesting first time heard of Mr.tweet reading about it right now will give it a try. Thanks Arfans last blog post..Congratulations Randy Gill From Calgary
Salwa December 16, 2008 - 8:05 pm
I’ll have to try this app out. We will see how it works out. thanks for sharing Salwas last blog post..Banishing Blogging Myths
Jonathan Muller @ How to Blog December 17, 2008 - 3:38 pm
Wow thanks for sharing this. I hadn't heard of it yet, man 25,000 followers, I guess it's pretty popular. I'm always looking for new people to connect to feel free to add me anyone. @mastersofseo Jonathan Mullers last blog post..Blog Review: EduBook.com
Enkay Blog December 23, 2008 - 9:53 am
I've read about Mr. Tweet once before and I think after your explanation on how to use it, I'm going to give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion! Enkay Blogs last blog post..Still Looking For Tips
MarbleHost.com February 18, 2009 - 12:51 am
Hi, Thanks for the info great article on twitter, I now know who to follow
data recovery freeware July 17, 2009 - 4:54 pm
It's looks excellent. It will reduce my work to promote my blog. I'll try it, thanks a lot. .-= data recovery freeware´s last blog ..Power Data Recovery Freeware =-.

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