Win this Mega Contest

My blogger mate Shanker Bakshi is holding a Mega Contest on his blog. This is the third successful contest that he is running on his blog. This time its much bigger and more power packed. The mega contest has tons of prizes for the winner , worth more than $ 500 alongwith more than 15,000 Entrecard credits. The winner gets great exposure on more than 25 blogs ( I am sure this number will go higher as the contest get more exposure )

This is a much needed exposure for any blog and will get you tons of traffic overnight just by entering the mega contest. The prizes include Entrecard credits, 125 x 125 Ad blocks , 468 x 60 Ad banners, Text Link ads , Blogroll links, Blog Reviews and much more. Contest runs through the month of August.

If you are not participating you are missing out a great visibility opportunity for your blog across various sites. Check out Shanker Bakshi’s mega contest.

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I Thank You All


Ben from SEO Horror August 7, 2008 - 9:02 pm
Hey this is great and I also found out you are offering a 125x125 spot on your blog, good idea! I was just wondering...Isn't Shanker tag line "The miscellaneous ramblings of a dot com guru" too similar to John Chow's tag line "The miscellaneous ramblings of a dot com mogul"? Just a thought... ;)
Crime Scene Cleanup September 15, 2008 - 10:38 pm
I don\'t normally leave comments, but your post really got me thinking! Thanks for this!

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