WordPress Affiliate Theme – Get 15 % off coupon code

My friend Nathan Whitehill from Unique Blog Designs (UBD), just launched his latest wordpress theme – The Affiliate Theme .

UBD has created customised theme for all top affiliate blogs, super affiliate bloggers John Chow, Shoemoney, Zac Johnson are using customised themes from UBD. UBD knows the affiliate market much better than anyone else online, this has helped them create a gem of a wordpress theme for affiliate marketers.

As the title suggests, its a dream theme for any Affilate Marketer. The Affiliate Theme is extremely for anyone to create a blog in a niche affiliate segment using the wordpress blogging platform. I was amazed when I saw the demo of this theme.

The first thing that stuck me after seeing the demo was the affiliate theme can be used very well for creating landing pages for a niche product. You blog with the The Affiliate Theme could be a used as landing page for your niche product. Landing pages work very well if you are selling niche products online.

The Affiliate Theme is a brilliant idea, I wonder why no one though of creating a theme exclusively for affiliate marketers. If you’ve been wanting to become an affiliate marketer but hesistated to because you did not know a thing about creating landing pages, then you should check out the affiliate theme. And if you are already an affiliate marketer then the affiliate theme adds one more tool to your arsenal.

Some of the features of the The Affiliate Theme include :

– Easy Customisation and set up :

The theme is easy to install and set up, from the above video you can check how easy it is to change the fonts and colours of you theme. Customisation is an integral part of any affiliate landing page as an affiliate markter one needs to keep testing what works and optimise the landing page accordingly. The Affiliate Theme comes with 6 effective multi post layouts, this will hlep you build landing pages, review sites or blogs much faster.

Branding your blog is an essentail element in marketing you blog when you have a theme that is easy to customise the over all branding experience becomes a lot more easier. If you’ve visited Super Affiliate blogs like John Chow, Shoemoney and Zac Johnson you’ll notice the emphasis on branding. All Super Affiliate blogs that have been designed by UBT are branded differently and have different branding identities.

The Affiliate Theme comes with 30 pre made headers and 30 pre designed backgrounds to have you choose the best option for your Affiliate blog and landing page

– Optimised for SEO and PPC techniques :

The Affiliate Theme has improved SEO ( search engine optimisation ) over the standard Wordpress theme. You write the headlines and page copy, the theme takes care of all the other on site page optimisation elements like header, alt, meta and title tag. This is an integral aspect of an optimised page for search engines and will help index your blog or landing page much faster. Onsite page optimisation will also help your blog get a better quality score.

– Testing and Optimisation :
The Affiliate Theme makes it easy to install Call to Action elements like a large Call to action butto , or the size of the product image, button colour, font size, title keywords. You dont hav eto call your designer everytime you want to change or customise the theme look and feel.

The Affiliate theme allows you to change all of this and more. You can easily install tracking codes without needing to hack your theme or change any scripting elements.

It’s hard to explain the customisation of the The Affiliate Theme in text, the best introduction you can have is this video that Nathan put together to introduce you to the Affiliate theme.

Affiliate Theme 2.0 from Highlighter on Vimeo.

Is the theme good for me ?

The theme is ideal for Affiliate Marketers who operate in a niche product. If you have a site on Pet food or dating it a great theme that will help you test different landing pages on your blog. You can easily set up affiliate links to send people to different dating sites and make money on sale or lead generation.

Some Affiliate Marketers make millions every year thro affiliate marketing, they dont own a single product but make a commssion on sale when they sent traffic to other sites. With The Affiliate Theme you can set up a number of pet food site or dating sites in a matter of moments just by clicking a few links in the admin area. You can maximise your conversions by testing different theme and layouts to see what works best.

Its an ideal theme for people who have an online business in any form of niche marketing and are not technically savvy with wordpres set up and theme customisation. The templates are great if you are an Affiliate Marketers having niche sites like car insurance, skin products, weight loss, pet care , dating , acai berry, home based business etc.

The Affiliate Theme starts at $97 for a single site license and $147 if you want to use it across multiple sites. If you are focusing around one authority blog then you only need a single license, but if you are a true affiliate marketer operating in many niches, you will need to purchase the multiple use license so that you can set up as many sites with theme as you like. If your blog is functioning well and you are comfortable making design and script changes by yourself , then you don’t need this blog

The Bonuses :
The team at UBD have put up a video resource library to show you how to use and set up the theme for maximising conversions. There is a knowledge base and support forum that will help you with any issues or question you may have about installation or set up .

Pre made templates are plugged into the theme, which you can select with a drop down box. The templates are great and desigend by the best in the business of affiliate marketing.

There are bonus interviews with expert affilaite marketers. You can listen to super affiliate bloggers like Yaro , John Chow , Shoemoney, Jonathan Volk talk about how they make thousands of dollars with affliate marketing. You also have lifetime upgrades to the theme which is a sweetner.

When you purchase the Affiliate Theme, you also get a Lifetime Access to the Affiliate Resource Center, that means all the video tutorials, exclusive affiliate podcasts and incredible support from the Affiliate Theme Developers’ Community.


Nathan also provided me with ONLY FIVE discount coupons for my blog readers. If you would like to purchase the Affiliate Theme, you can save an instant 15 % off the retail price. Use promo or coupon code:  coupon code 5535FD4B77
Download The Affiliate Marketing Theme

Thesis Theme Discount : Also Check Out Our Limited Time Offer: Get $ 30 Discount on the Thesis Theme

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Manny March 18, 2009 - 2:41 pm
Wow, this is like a ready made business in a box...nothing much to do except make it live..great theme for Affiliate Marketers Mannys last blog post..Top navigation Horizontal Menu appears below the content when using Nice Menus with Zen layout - Drupal
Ann @ Work From Home March 19, 2009 - 3:27 pm
Lol, unfortunately there is a bit more involved. Anns last blog post..Freelance Work From Home - 16 Freelance Sites
Ben Pei@Make Money Online March 23, 2009 - 6:00 am
Yup. Top affiliate marketer within a few clicks away! Ben Peis last blog post..Can You Really Make Money Online With T3Leads?
GO2Fish March 18, 2009 - 2:43 pm
Very neat theme for affiliate marketing blogs, also simple to customise different call to actions button and affiliate links
Ricardo @ NurtureYourWealth March 18, 2009 - 3:30 pm
I would focus more using these templates for easy splash - lead capture - sales capture pages then themes for a blog, unless of course you make some custom graphic/css changes. UBD is exceptional quality though! Ricardos last blog post..NYW - Starting a Blog Contest!
clickktdotcom March 18, 2009 - 9:10 pm
That is great theme for wordpress. clickktdotcoms last blog post..Building Links To Successful Tips
Nancy@solar panels March 18, 2009 - 9:17 pm
These themes for affiliate marketers are fantastic!I am really interested in their interview with those affliate blog gurus.
clear credit card debt March 19, 2009 - 12:07 am
Very good post. I really like this post. This post provided me detailed information about the affiliate theme. Thanks for the post................
pet medication March 19, 2009 - 12:13 am
Very neat theme and fruitful one for affiliate marketing blogs, also simple to customize one.keep it up with such a wonderful post. pet medications last blog post..Could Using Frontline on Cat Cause Their Skin to Itch?
clear credit card debt March 19, 2009 - 2:38 am
Very good post. I really like this post. This post provided me detailed information about the affiliate theme. Thanks for the post................ BTW I love your blog!
First $100 March 19, 2009 - 4:29 am
Affiliate Theme seems like a nice theme. thanks for the share.
jons Gifts shop March 19, 2009 - 11:05 am
i would like to start an affiliate, but the problem i faceing now is : 1. Select my theme first or decide what product i will promote first? 2. Finish my web page design first or get a merchant and google ads while my web page is still in progress? 3. How many merchant i need to find? which site is good for affiliate? is CJ and Forex-Affiliate good? jons Gifts shops last blog post..Tips to choose the perfect gift for any occasion
Ann @ Work From Home March 19, 2009 - 3:26 pm
The absolute first thing you need to do is find the niche or subject of your website, do some good keyword research, write lots of content, then find products to promote around that, CJ has lots of merchants, almost everyone you can imagine, they are a complete Affiliate Network. Anns last blog post..Freelance Work From Home - 16 Freelance Sites
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog March 21, 2009 - 9:32 pm
a ) Do a keyword research to select a niche product b ) Check if the product has an affiliate program on clickbank, cj or more niche b ) Create landing page to promote and sell your product. c ) Use PPC to get traffic on your landing page You can also blog about your niche product ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
Ben Pei@Make Money Online March 23, 2009 - 6:01 am
Definitely you gotta select your product first before your know what theme suits you! Ben Peis last blog post..Can You Really Make Money Online With T3Leads?
Debt consolidation March 19, 2009 - 1:48 pm
Excellent theme, especially for bloggers who are keen to earn money from their blog
Ann @ Work From Home March 19, 2009 - 3:24 pm
I checked out this theme just yesterday, it's a good one, a little pricey for my wallet, but I think it may be well worth it. Anns last blog post..Freelance Work From Home - 16 Freelance Sites
Sea Pines Rentals March 20, 2009 - 12:24 am
This is like a ready made business.That is great theme for wordpress.Very good post.Very neat theme and fruitful one. Sea Pines Rentalss last blog post..Amber Le Bon Sizzles in Myla Swimwear
Hypnosis Manchester March 20, 2009 - 2:08 am
Whole webmaster community is talking about this and now you are also. What is so special thing about this theme ... I would love to check this one but before that I want to know some review from other people who is not into website business like me :)
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog March 20, 2009 - 9:03 am
I wonder how anyone not related to affiliate marketing or internet business be able to recommend the value of this theme or any other internet product ? Its like me recommending which stock to buy :) ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
Ann @ Work From Home March 20, 2009 - 1:48 pm
LOL, very true ZK! Anns last blog post..Freelance Work From Home - 16 Freelance Sites
Beach House Rentals March 20, 2009 - 3:44 am
Amazing themes! i keen to use this as soon as possible.
Elcorin March 20, 2009 - 4:46 am
Hi, Thanks for the Affilate theme review . I like to read your blog everyday . Have a nice day Elcorin
Funny Jokes March 20, 2009 - 4:06 pm
This is a very nice theme. Seems a bit expensive to me though, so I'll probably stick to designing them myself. Funny Jokess last blog post..Weekly Recap - 03/16/2009 - 03/20/2009
ZK@Internat Marketing Blog March 22, 2009 - 5:17 pm
The best investment you make is in your health and your business :) ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
Randy@Baseball Tickets March 20, 2009 - 4:38 pm
I never really thought about an affiliate marketer theme. It's one of those things where I assumed it had already been done. Good stuff! Randys last blog post..Major League Baseball - Keeping Track
Brad Callen March 20, 2009 - 11:37 pm
most important think in this type of theme is we can customize it easily and also can edit it as requirement.
Funny Jokes March 22, 2009 - 1:46 pm
Customization in themes, especially ones like this is very important. I agree with you. Funny Jokess last blog post..Weekly Recap - 03/16/2009 - 03/20/2009
ZK@Internat Marketing Blog March 22, 2009 - 5:19 pm
This is a great theme to customise your blog and landing pages for all your affiliate campaigns. ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
Ann @ Work From Home March 22, 2009 - 11:57 pm
That is so true, with all we have to do, there is nothing better than having easy editing in themes!!
nutrisytem March 20, 2009 - 11:38 pm
Another no-brainer, but so many companies overlook this. It shows your readers that you are actually paying attention to their comments, and want to hear what they have to say. And the more comments a post has, the more likely readers are to check out the comments.
ZK@Internat Marketing Blog March 21, 2009 - 6:22 pm
You are absolutely right on this, its important for a company or blogger to interact with his audience on every post. It adds interactivity and exchange of views on the blog and build a great relationship with the readers :) ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
Buy Flowers Online March 21, 2009 - 4:15 am
I am truly loving these wordpress themes, especially the all white one that really looks corporate. you’re the man for giving it for free.I hope you get large Google checks,all the best..
ZK@Internat Marketing Blog March 21, 2009 - 6:19 pm
Unfortunately I don't own the theme :) , else it would be a free wordpress affiliate theme for affiliate marketers :) ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
Online TV December 14, 2009 - 10:31 pm
I like it but I don't think I'm ready to shell out the full price (deal ended already). It would be great as a free theme..however. .-= Online TV´s last blog ..Temporary Outage =-.
Buy Flowers Online March 21, 2009 - 6:04 am
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ZK@Internat Marketing Blog March 21, 2009 - 6:16 pm
That would be an informative post, let us know when you have it live on your blog . Would love to read it :) ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
cheap neckties March 21, 2009 - 7:59 am
Very good theme and its my fav color & it has a professional look which is much more appreciated. Thanks alot for sharing wit us
Ruchi March 21, 2009 - 12:58 pm
Hi, Really nice article. I would like to visit your site regularly. Lots of things to learn for new bloggers :) Ruchis last blog post..Know your Cholesterol !
lawsen March 21, 2009 - 9:27 pm
ive been reading about this new wordpress affiliate theme all night. looks really impressive
Tania March 22, 2009 - 1:56 am
Greatings, webtrafficroi.com - da best. Keep it going! Thank you Tania
Don@Long Beach Island March 22, 2009 - 6:01 pm
Thank you for this review. There are a few things that make me a bit wary of this kind of theme product. First is what you had to say about SEO... "You write the headlines and page copy, the theme takes care of all the other on site page optimisation elements like header, alt, meta and title tag. This is an integral aspect of an optimised page for search engines and will help index your blog or landing page much faster. Onsite page optimisation will also help your blog get a better quality score." That sort of sounds impressive but once you think about it a little I'm not sure this is such a good thing. I guess if you do not know about SEO and this theme is able to handle things like this itself, that could be better than ignoring having some SEO stuff built in. Yet if you know a little bit about SEO it sounds a little scary to read that a theme will automatically take care of some things that I'm not so sure are left to some automatic way of handling things. The other part about this that worries me is the recommendations from a few very well known affiliate marketers. My opinion is those folks do not do anything for the heck of it. It could be savy marketing perhaps, to get these folks involved for whatever it is kind of deal they worked out with them, or it could also yet another way for those affiliate pros to make more money off the back of yet another product to sell to new folks. I guess what I am getting is wondering if this really a good theme or if it is just an Ok theme that is being cleverly marketed to look "Great!" Just my two cents. I am checking the theme out so I am glad that you presented all this info about it here. Dons last blog post..The LBI Unithon
ZK@Internat Marketing Blog March 22, 2009 - 6:31 pm
Hi Don, This is a very simple theme to customise and implement. The affiliate theme will take care of the onsite page optimisation elements even if you are a newbie to wordpress or SEO. Check the video and you ll see how easy it is to customise landing pages and set up your blog. A theme plays an important role in making a blog successful. This is a great theme if you are an affiliate marketer or want to get into affiliate marketing to promote affiliate products. This is also a great theme if you blog about a niche product. ZKs last blog post..Wordpress Affiliate Theme for Affiliate Marketers
boxing equipment March 22, 2009 - 11:27 pm
Want to try a larger call-to-action button? How about changing the size of the product image? Button color? Font-size? Keywords in the title? Don’t worry about going back to Photoshop or hacking code to change any of that - Affiliate Theme allows you to change all of this and more! We wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to build dynamic sites that require no skill to modify.
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog March 27, 2009 - 6:36 pm
Thanks, this is a brilliant testimonial for the Affiliate marketing theme :) ZKs last blog post..Build Search Engine Optimisation results through blogs
Screen Printing March 22, 2009 - 11:54 pm
Excellent theme! I have not used this theme but from today i will use the same theme. Very good and economic theme theme for the users who want to earn money from blogs.
make your own t shirts March 23, 2009 - 12:05 am
It is really a great theme for Affiliate Marketers.Very fruitful theme for affiliate marketing blogs.keep doing your job well.
boxing gloves March 23, 2009 - 12:06 am
hey dear very nice theme it is. i liked this very much. its presentation is very great. thanks for posting this theme. i'll definitely use this theme for my next blog..............
boxing gloves March 23, 2009 - 12:09 am
very nice theme. i liked this theme. i'll also use this theme for my next blog....
Polo Shirts March 23, 2009 - 12:53 am
Excellent theme! Interesting post with interesting information. It helps the visitors who want to earn money from blogs. This is a very simple theme to customize and implement. Thanks..........
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Oceanfront March 23, 2009 - 1:38 am
Really good article. I would like to visit your site regularly. Lots of things to learn for visitors. Excellent theme! This is a very simple theme to customize and implement. Thanks for it......
http://www.oibo.org/maxblogger-stories.html#comment-1623 March 23, 2009 - 2:25 am
Good article with lot of informative information. I would like to visit your site regularly. Lots of things to learn for visitors. Excellent theme! This is a very simple theme to customize and implement. Thanks for the post........
Sea Pines Rentals March 23, 2009 - 2:34 am
Nice article with lot of informative information. I would like to visit your site regularly. Lots of things to learn for visitors. Excellent theme! This is a very simple theme to customize and implement. Very neat theme and fruitful one for affiliate marketing blogs, also simple to customize one. Thanks for the post……..
car pictures March 23, 2009 - 2:58 am
Hi ZK, Your post is really very nice. I am really impressed.............
boxing equipment March 23, 2009 - 3:05 am
i think its great post and a great theme as well...... i always like new themes to use...... i'll use this one too.
Ben Pei@Make Money Online March 23, 2009 - 5:58 am
Have checked it out.. It really helps you build up your own affiliate page very easily. Good theme I recommend! Ben Peis last blog post..Can You Really Make Money Online With T3Leads?
Nike Air Max March 23, 2009 - 1:22 pm
Zk the theme is awesome and its looks very simple and very professional Thanks for helping me
Marcin@Tech News March 23, 2009 - 10:28 pm
That theme can work really well, just change it a little to make it different from all sites which will be using it and it should be pretty neat blog.
Seaward August 17, 2009 - 1:08 am
I think its nice suggestion of changing the title.
Villa Holidays March 24, 2009 - 2:10 am
It really helps you build up your own affiliate page very easily. i think its great post and a great theme as well…… i’ll use this one too..... Thanks......
serviced apartments liverpool March 24, 2009 - 3:54 am
It is very simple to customize different call .That is actually a great theme for wordpress.Very good post.This post provided me detailed information about the affiliate theme. serviced apartments liverpools last blog post..Serviced City Pads | The Home Feel Factor In Liverpool Serviced Pads
Brass Sheet March 24, 2009 - 5:24 am
Thanks for theme you have provided. It's interesting. I like it.....
Michael Dunlop March 24, 2009 - 10:20 am
Great theme :) Will definitly be using it and promoting it to my readers. Thanks for the cool write up man! Michael Dunlops last blog post..Hongkiat Lim Interview - Quitting Your Day Job To Become a Problogger
Womens Clothing March 25, 2009 - 4:46 am
very nice theme……… please keep posting such kind Of themes. I will definitely use this theme. It is very simple to customize different call.This post provided me detailed information about the affiliate theme. Thanks....
Data Recovery March 25, 2009 - 7:59 pm
it has a professional look which is much more appreciated. Thanks alot for sharing wit us
kitchen taps March 26, 2009 - 6:51 am
Theme is attractive and it is good that one can get own affilate page from this as it provides easily.
steve@Debt Settlement March 26, 2009 - 3:13 pm
Wow great theme thanks a bunch gonna put this on some new blogs
SEO India March 28, 2009 - 5:44 am
Amazing Affiliate theme for Affiliate marketers, if you are an affiliate marketer this will help in making the best of your conversions.
Mondera coupon codes March 28, 2009 - 8:22 am
Thanks for sharing this interesting article. I like the affiliate theme. Mondera coupon codess last blog post..SZ39H
Blogging for Bucks March 28, 2009 - 10:37 pm
You have a wonderful blog with some really good tips. You would benefit greatly from my recent backlink building program (not trying to spam honestly, just think you would truly like it). I am curious about a couple things thing however, don't you worry that if to many people get the same theme it would just become another cliche? Also why pay for a template when one could get point click template creation software so at they would have an original theme? Not trying to bash on any business or anything of the sort, just curious why someone would pay for this.... Are the extra fixes they do really worth that much? Blogging for Buckss last blog post..Blog Hosting
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog April 5, 2009 - 3:15 pm
The beauty is that its a customisable theme, you can have different pages for your sites while the backend is the same. Also one important factor is that its from Unique Blog Designs, they have great credibility and expertise in building customised wordpress blog designs. Unique Blog Designs has designed theme for all top affiliate bloggers ie. johnchow.com, shoemoney.com, zacjohnson.com and more. Why would anyone doubt or question their expertise on the Affiliate theme. No software template can match the Affiliate theme and the backing of an expert team. ZKs last blog post..Why website hosting location is important for search engine position
game-girl April 2, 2009 - 3:19 am
The theme can be helpful for bloggers,it is very simple and good-looking.I find the post very interesting and full of things I didn't know about.Thank you for your great experience and enlightening work. game-girls last blog post..Эмили Браунинг снимется в картине Запрещенный прием
reiquenor April 3, 2009 - 7:30 pm
Great site this webtrafficroi.com and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor :)
Easy Wizard April 5, 2009 - 1:46 am
Hi just wondering does the multisite version enable removal of the footer link?
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog April 5, 2009 - 3:06 pm
Yes, you can find that option in the Affiliate Theme options panel under " Footer Options " ZKs last blog post..Why website hosting location is important for search engine position
sonyelip April 11, 2009 - 7:11 am
Hi, this is sonyelip, Very neat theme for affiliate marketing blogs, also simple to customize different call to actions button and affiliate links
Affiliate Program May 12, 2009 - 1:26 pm
This is a great wordpress blog theme for affiliate marketers Affiliate Program
IdoppyToghype May 20, 2009 - 5:45 pm
Interesting post i will visit once again,,
nicole May 21, 2009 - 10:49 pm
good website
KeHoeff May 28, 2009 - 2:46 pm
hey this is a very interesting wordpress affiliate marketing theme
wapnil_009 May 29, 2009 - 3:48 am
I love coupon codes for wordpress theme...this looks like a great theme for affilaite marketing
John Beck Property Vault May 30, 2009 - 12:04 am
Fantastic post on Internet marketing. I am running a blog on internet Marketing. So this post will help me expand my blog. Thanks
Charles Goldie June 26, 2009 - 12:05 am
Is this a wordpress theme it looks good, I have a self hosted wordpress blog but never seen a theme like this before. Good work
sarmientorodel@Zackmo Helpdesk June 26, 2009 - 3:41 am
"On the GO" is always good option. This is good, I know joomla! got it too. Thanks for a good share.
Razoze June 27, 2009 - 12:42 pm
Very nice theme. Perharps I will try it .-= Razoze´s last blog ..Need Those Sales? Exploit the Search Engines This Way First =-.
Affiliate marketing blog July 1, 2009 - 10:01 am
Very nice theme. Thanks for the coupon. .-= Affiliate marketing blog´s last blog ..How does affiliate marketing work? =-.
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currencyDiofs July 17, 2009 - 4:08 pm
Awesome promo code and information you have here. Thanks for sharing.
Dirnov July 18, 2009 - 2:21 am
I have already seen it somethere... Dirnov
matt@niche profit classroom review July 21, 2009 - 7:13 pm
I like the look of this WP theme for affiliates, I have seen similar products offered on the Warrior forum, but this looks more professional. Thanks for the info.
freak@affiliate marketing review July 24, 2009 - 1:29 pm
nice information here...i would love to try...but i better focus on website...no need for rushing...;-)
Affiliate Jump August 5, 2009 - 1:46 am
I've used Affiliate Theme, and I think it's great for "quick and dirty" affiliate sites. For relationship building blogs, I prefer FlexxTheme and Thesis. It all depends on your objectives. If Affiliate Theme suits your objectives, the coupon cetainly makes this theme more attractive. Thanks for posting this! Lee, Blogger's Workshop .-= Affiliate Jump´s last blog ..Affiliate Opportunity – Mike Filsaime’s Affiliate Jump =-.
Jeremey@Acai Berry August 8, 2009 - 1:01 pm
I've been thinking of getting this theme. I've definitely seen it around.
Seaward August 17, 2009 - 1:06 am
You always provide different wordpress themes for the blogger and that is reliable also like it. Thanks.
John@Acai Berry September 8, 2009 - 10:56 am
Those are some great affiliate themes...very useful.
john beck September 11, 2009 - 12:23 am
Great Offer Man! i will must recommend my customers to get themes from there!
Mike@efusjon September 13, 2009 - 2:00 pm
A nice looking template that will come in handy. thanks for the resource.
Make Money Online Blogging September 14, 2009 - 11:43 am
Cool, this is perfect!, my blogger blog comment form dosent even work, I think it should be the time I change themes once and for all, thanks alot for the discount! .-= Make Money Online Blogging´s last blog ..My Blog gets a Makeover! =-.
Ricky@ Retail Industry in India September 22, 2009 - 3:51 am
Would you be having link "cloaking" built into this affiliate template of yours? .-= Ricky@ Retail Industry in India´s last blog ..Retail Industry in India =-.
ZK September 23, 2009 - 8:38 pm
Yes, you can cloak your affiliate links
Johnstrollers September 26, 2009 - 1:54 am
It is a brilliant idea, I wonder why no one though of creating a theme exclusively for affiliate marketers.
Ana @ Plus Size Cat Costume September 29, 2009 - 7:49 am
With themes like this I get particularly impressed when they can be cosumized and when they are build with SEO in mind - I'll definitely be taking a closer look at this one... .-= Ana @ Plus Size Cat Costume´s last blog ..Black Cat Halloween Costume =-.
Resveratrol October 4, 2009 - 1:08 pm
If Affiliate Theme suits your objectives, the coupon cetainly makes this theme more attractive. Thanks for posting this!
candy @ Acai Force Max October 8, 2009 - 12:29 am
This is a great theme. I have seen it in action and its really good. If you need a new theme I would suggest you grab that coupon and get it.
GlenStef October 26, 2009 - 6:33 am
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monika@Marketing Company October 30, 2009 - 11:22 pm
thanks for posting these best affiliate marketing themes seems very useful.i was searching for theses finally i got them thanks to you.keep sharing.i will use them.
Karl@SEO Company October 31, 2009 - 4:02 am
The Affiliate Theme is a great out-of-the-box solution for people that want to get started quickly without having to spend lots of time playing around with a themes code.
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Jason @ Apartments Liverpool December 7, 2009 - 10:58 am
Been looking for something exactly like this! I'd actually forgotten I was searching for an Affiliate theme before I saw this post. Thanks for sharing the code :)
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wow that is very nice .-= free beats´s last blog ..Jurassic 5 – Quality Control =-.
Amanda December 10, 2009 - 10:51 pm
Wow that program sounds amazing! its a little pricey for me but if i had the money id love to try it out! .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Wild One Bed In A Bag Comforter – Hot Pink =-.
Darvin @ Organic Food Coupons January 1, 2010 - 8:48 pm
Cool. I didn't even know that coupons for themes even existed. I'm still fairly new to blogging, and I've been using free themes until I statred to make a little more money, because the "non-free" variety of themes can be fairly expensive, but ith a coupon, I can convert a little sooner. Thanks! .-= Darvin @ Organic Food Coupons´s last blog ..NoFollow Free Blog, Comment, Keyword Luv and Top Commenter =-.
siirimiz.com January 26, 2010 - 8:14 am
I like the look of this WP theme for affiliates, I have seen similar products offered on the Warrior forum, but this looks more professional. Thanks for the info. .-= siirimiz.com´s last blog ..İkbal Gürpınar Şiirleri (korkmuyorum seni sevmekten,hayırsız evlat,seviyorum de,Gittin gideli Efendim) =-.
Limitsiz January 28, 2010 - 6:10 am
Thanks.Good Job.I will use it
Ruben@AutoShipping February 7, 2010 - 11:32 pm
Unique Blog Designs are everywhere , I see their work on top bloggers websites.
tom@long term home care February 10, 2010 - 5:57 pm
This is the best looking affiliate theme I've seen. Thanks. .-= tom@long term home care´s last blog ..Do Follow Blog, Comment Luv Keyword Luv =-.
Meg @ Delivered Flowers March 2, 2010 - 3:13 am
Thanks this looks like a good theme for affiliate use. I am always looking for things to make my life easier even though i know there is a lot of work attached to affiliate marketing
Heidi Passey March 10, 2010 - 8:31 pm
I haven't see this theme before. It's time I look at getting a good theme for my blog. When I first started I wanted to just get it going and found one I like the look of, but I need more flexibility. .-= Heidi Passey´s last blog ..7 Simple Website Traffic Promotion Methods =-.
Amega Global March 17, 2010 - 11:21 pm
Thanks for the tip about the coupon codes... will definitely check it out!
Jane March 22, 2010 - 2:07 pm
I would like to buy this theme.It look like a good one .-= Jane´s last blog ..Bowtrol Colon Cleanse Testimonial #6.mp4 =-.
Venapro March 23, 2010 - 12:22 pm
Has anyone used this?I`m interested in getting one
install storm door March 24, 2010 - 5:56 am
This is an awesome new way to build interactive and powerful mini-sites using WordPress that are optimized to convert your visitors into customers or subscribers.
migraine causes April 16, 2010 - 6:46 pm
Thanks for the promo code, I will see the theme and if i need it i will purchase it.
residual income affiliate April 18, 2010 - 6:10 am
Thanks for this information on this theme. It is clear that this theme is great for internet and affiliate marketers. .-= residual income affiliate´s last blog ..How Home Based Internet Businesses Give You The Money You Need. =-.
Kennedy April 24, 2010 - 6:47 am
Thanks for the promo code. Really your posts rock man.
affiliatetopsecret May 2, 2010 - 11:07 am
Great share ! Just added new useful tips into my head :) thx
landing page guru May 4, 2010 - 1:29 am
That was a very good read. Thank you very much for sharing and I will definitely check back for more.
Venapro May 5, 2010 - 3:01 pm
The promo code is great. That would come in handy for sure. Thanks buddy. .-= Venapro´s last blog ..My Personal Venapro Experience =-.
Life Coaching May 14, 2010 - 3:29 am
That's a pretty good offer - there are so many of these themes now, this one looks really customisable and is on my list to consider. Thanks for the discount offer too.
swiss watch July 22, 2010 - 12:06 am
I love this theme! I will consider this when i get a chance to build my newest project
Iphone 4 Jailbreak August 25, 2010 - 7:40 am
is this offer still there ?
CPA Instruments August 29, 2010 - 9:56 pm
Cool Looking Themes. Im also interested.
Hemorrhoids Remedy Blog September 4, 2010 - 1:14 pm
I've been looking for a good affiliate theme. Thanks for the coupon code!
Flash Templates Photography September 18, 2010 - 4:09 am
Thanks, very useful
web hosting coupons September 28, 2010 - 11:19 am
Thanks for the coupon!
Elan@watch broadcast tv September 28, 2010 - 7:03 pm
Always love coupons... they have some nice themes, so this is especially a nice share, thanks!
Linda October 2, 2010 - 9:42 am
Affiliate theme looks like great! Well, I need this theme for my future project. Actually I am wordpress lover and I was searching for a theme where I can create a landing page. Thanks for sharing.
Free Voip Calls October 2, 2010 - 12:36 pm
Seems that a lot of people have liked this theme.. :)
arnold November 23, 2010 - 11:36 pm
thanks a billion, ZK! i just bought ubd's aff theme using your coupon. i searched for the coupon pages after pages on google and they were all expired. yours is the savior. wide smile, arnold.

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