We all deal with negative people in our lives. Everyday we come across people who tell us, “Hey, you’ll never be able to do this, you don’t have it in you.” These are people at work or your close friends or at times family member’s who give out negative vibes to defeat you.
In the below video Oprah shares advise on – How to deal with negative people in your live, how you can keep them at an arm’s length and not get intimidated by their negativeness.
Have a positive Sunday and a Super Week ahead 🙂
Share with us you’re experiences on dealing with negative people, how do you handle them ?
Image Credits: The Logo Women
Negative people are just unhappy people. We can’t actually tell whether the person is good or bad. It is more about happy and unhappy…. IMHO
Wow! great video . ZK thanks for sharing it dude. It is really inspiring.
Negative people are unhappy people, we cannot say whether a person is happy or unhappy.
the best way in dealing with negative people is to ignore them. optimists are alway different from pesimists:)
It’s great to be able to learn from you and Oprah today. Thanks ZK.
A more practical approach to managing with them is to start by understanding the reasons for their negativity.