10 Content Ideas That Never Fail

For a website host or blogger, the most haunting fear is that of a blinking cursor. “What to write… what to write…,” it is quite difficult to come up with something new every time.

We’ve all been infected with writer’s block at some point. As a remedy, here are ten fail-proof ideas which keep the brain juices flowing.

1. Write every day.
Writing is more than just a habit or a profession – like lying. Notice how once you lie, you can’t really stop? Yes, the same way, if you’re constantly in touch with writing, you’ll never lose it.

2. Keep a Notepad.
Ideas strike at the most random of times – when you’re in the shower, waiting in the billing line. It’s handy to keep a notepad or at least a decent writing app on your mobile, to jot down those content ideas.

3. Role-exchange
If you followed your blog, what would you expect to read? Get into your readers shoes and write about what they want to read on your blog.

4. Read – A lot.
Avid readers make proficient writers. Just grab some magazines, newspapers, books -anything you can get your hands on and wait for content ideas to flood in.

5. Read Your Own Content.
Which articles have won more followers and comments than others? Yes, that’s what your readers like reading about.


6. Don’t just write it. DO it.

Actions speak louder than words.
Actions also help you to speak more words.
Have a food blog? – Cook, watch cooking shows.
Travel blog? – Take a walk, go somewhere new.

Have an internet marketing blog or a technology blog, go for a tech event or a product launch and cover it on your blog.

7. Go with the Flow.
Find what people are searching for – use resources like Google trends or Pinterest – and relate your genre to get content ideas.

8. Look at others’ blogs for “inspiration”
This one never fails. But do remember – don’t copy, get “inspired”

9. Get another POV
Just admit it; your brain has just failed you. It’s time to use someone else’s. Talk to friends or your cat!

10. Just ASK
Just open your heart out and ask your audience what they like. Hold an “I’ll answer everything” session. Open up to them, and they will open up new content ideas to you.

Share these ideas with your followers, got some more ideas share it here.

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Christy May 13, 2015 - 9:15 am
Great ideas shared, I guess most of the bloggers always fail finding creative ideas for their bogs and hence they ended up post articles frequently. Thanks
Martin Lindeskog May 16, 2015 - 7:43 pm
What is the acronym POV standing for? I like the second part of your advice: "Talk to friends or your cat!" I will be start doing more catblogging in the future... ;)
ZK May 20, 2015 - 3:26 pm
POV = Point of View :)
Daisy July 27, 2015 - 10:29 am
Amazing post. Writing a blog or article that will go viral needs a lot of concentration and research. You must at least know what people love reading.
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