7 Tips and Tricks to Convert Your Blog into a Lead Generation Machine

“Your blog content should always be aimed toward bringing readers close to a sale.” – Annaliese Henwood

Do you agree that your business blog have an end goal in mind? If yes, then you would also agree with the above saying by Annaliese Henwood.

According to a Focus Research, 39% of b2b marketers in North America find blog posts to be valuable marketing content. HubSpot reports also estimate that marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to enjoy positive ROI.

Here, we’ve listed 7 useful tips to transform your blog into a lead generation machine.

Blog – An Extension of Main Website
In most cases, a visitor’s first experience with your business might happen through a blog page. So, make your blog as an extension of your business website because all inbound links to blog page juice up the search mojo of your main site.

Don’t forget Your Target Audience
Creating off-topics or contents that are irrelevant to your target audience puts your business down. Crafting targeted and relevant contents directed to the right audience directly contributes to your business goals. Also, the content you create should either solve your customer’s problems or share your resources but don’t shill.

Short and Punchy
Let your blog posts be concise and focusing on a single idea to attract your customer’s attention. Respect your readers’ busy schedule and use short paragraphs and bullet points.

Killer Headline
Often, your blog posts title becomes your webpage title, so titles do matter. Creating an intriguing headline, or title attracts more audience and entices people to click it.

Social Shares
Optimizing your blog post for social shares is a better way to reach more audience in a short span of time. Add social share buttons on the bottom and side bar of your post to encourage a quick tweet or share news on Google plus.

Right Post, Right Place, Right Time
You are having blog article that follows lead generation best practices but if you are not promoting it effectively, then your hard work will all go in vain. For example, if your target audience isn’t on LinkedIn or Pinterest, don’t waste resources there. Also, if he uses social media channels only on weekends or evenings, make sure you’re scheduling your promotions for that time.

Call to Actions
Embed companion calls to action to give an opportunity to your customers to learn more about the offer or related piece of content.

Hope, these tips help you to create a blog that magically drives your business to success.

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