10 Key Content Strategy Tips for Successful Blogging

If you are new to internet marketing, or you are looking to revamp your SEO strategy, content marketing is a great system to get behind. The reasons for content marketing are extremely valid; fuel your search visibility , enhance social sharing, and get greater consumer interaction. High quality content helps to align customer needs with the brand you are marketing. 

As long as your content is relevant there is no reason not to intentionally push it out onto the web.  The process for doing so can be a fine balance of several things and is subject to change with the evolution of the internet marketing world.

Ten key content strategies that will help you achieve more success with your blog are as follows:

1. Find out what is the most useful content for your customers in the different phases of the buying cycle. Once you know, get to work generating this type of content and getting it up on your site.

2. Develop a keyword glossary by researching what your customers tend to search for. Use these terms accordingly and intentionally throughout your content so that you can rank for them in the search engines.

3. Create an editorial plan for the kind of content you should have by researching existing content on similar sites and targeting the keywords in use there. This is your competition, but it is also your target market.

4. Find resources for how you will generate the new content. This can be through freelance writers , or you may want to hire someone on as a part of your team depending on how often you will be creating new content for your brand. Be sure that whoever you choose to write your content has good grammar and a mind for what you are attempting with your content.

5. Develop a process for creating, promoting, and optimizing your content . This may involve some trial and error so be patient, but be diligent.

6. Find a way to track your efforts so that you can guage the success of different strategies as you try them out. A lot of SEO is patience with trial and error.

7. Implement a feedback mechanism for your writers to reinforce the content goals and styles you are after. This way you can make sure that you stay on the right track.

8. Keep refining your editorial strategy by studying what is successful and what isn’t. Keep what works, and get rid of what doesn’t. It really is as simple as that.

9. Test, refine, and repeat. This is what will keep you ranking in the search engines. The internet marketing world is constantly changing and new strategies are created almost every day. Find what works and eliminate what doesn’t, even if it worked a short while before. Be open to the transient behavior of the internet.

10. Continue to learn and develop best practices. Read literature about how to do it, research it, and attend workshops and conferences whenever you can. In the internet marketing and SEO world it pays to be pro-active about your efforts.

These are just a basic outline for how to build out your internet marketing strategy.  Content marketing is an excellent way to reach your customers. You can put content on a blog, directly on your site, or even through guest posting; it is up to you. The internet is the focal point of many businesses today, so making sure that you have an internet marketing strategy that works is essential for the scale of your success.

This is a guest post by Jenni Sunde, you can check out the guidelines to guest post here.

Image Credit: Zeldman

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Jake July 21, 2011 - 7:53 pm
Great list of tips... I love the last one, a willingness to continue to learn. Anyone who thinks that they have it all figured out, will fail.
Scrap Traders Mumbai July 23, 2011 - 1:53 pm
Content management is the key way of success for a blogger.The blog or website with good content will go with good rankings in the search engines..
Andrew July 24, 2011 - 5:35 am
Hi Jenni! Very useful blogging tips, content is the king and we must know how to work with it right.. Thanks!
Carl Matty October 30, 2011 - 4:49 am
Thumbs-up with your comment Andrew. Yes, you are definitely right . Content is the king and we must know how to deal in making it safe and right.
White Label SEO July 25, 2011 - 4:02 am
Quality content and relevant keyword targeting still have the utmost importance in white label seo strategy.
Kavya Hari July 26, 2011 - 3:13 am
High quality content is one of the great directions to reach customers quickly. And, those strategy are looking too good in it.
seo July 26, 2011 - 3:13 am
Now a days many peoples are doing blogging but very few get success in it because they cant follow the corrects steps and thus this tips are very useful for those people, thanks for sharing.
Amrish Singh July 26, 2011 - 8:16 am
Writing unique and most useful content to you blog may give you successful blogging career
Amrish Singh July 26, 2011 - 8:17 am
Their is several blogger but all don't got success because of useful blog post Writing unique and most useful content to you blog may give you successful blogging career
kiosk July 29, 2011 - 1:40 am
Writing unique is a key to reach success and quality content definitely mesmerize the reader
Melbourne real estate November 10, 2011 - 4:38 am
Developing a keyword glossary can be of great help. By researching on keywords one can get ideas to write fresh contents and concentrate on the most searched keywords. This post will definitely benefit new bloggers.
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