5 Effective Ways Not to Lose Focus While Blogging

Blogging is not solely a fun-filled hobby that it used to be a few years back, for now it has transformed into a viable business opportunity for many which has made surviving as a blogger all the more difficult.

With so much to do in order to ensure growth for our blogs, it is imperative that we plugging away at each of your goals without slacking off. However this is easier said than done and most of us struggle to maintain the right amount of focus to complete our blogging related tasks.

So let’s take a look at some of the most effective ways not to lose focus while blogging:

1. Be clear about your goal

More often than not, we as bloggers are strained for time as we have a lot of things to do and multi-tasking seems to be the only viable option. However in the midst of this chaos we often forget about our main goal(s) and instead spend unnecessary time in doing things that might not be as important.

This often leads to a loss of focus and it’s only when the time has gone by that we tend to realize this. To avoid this, right before you start working on your blogging related tasks, write down your main goal that you want to achieve on that particular day.

2. Declutter your workspace

It might come as a surprise to some of you, but your workspace affects your productivity to a great extent. Speaking from personal experience, whenever my workspace is stuffed up with things that may not be required immediately, I tend to slack off and my productivity goes for a toss.

On the other hand, a clean workspace with no unnecessary stuff makes me want to finish off my tasks, without shifting my attention to anything else. While I can’t vouch for the fact that the same might be the case with you, you should try to keep your workspace as organized as possible since a clean desk definitely does wonders to your output.

3. Remove distractions

While everyone knows that distractions are the main reason we are not able to achieve most of what we want to, the annoying fact is that very few of us actually do something to weed out distractions of different kinds from our lives.

If you too are guilty of allowing distractions to get the better of you, you need to devise a plan to eliminate it from your life starting right now! The best way to do this is by removing anything that might catch your attention from your workspace. Since as bloggers we all tend to get lost in the world of social media, you can use a simple yet effective tool called StayFocusd to block websites that you access the most temporarily.

4. Set a time limit

This one has worked like a charm for me in the last few years and allowed me to achieve most of my blogging goals. While in the initial days, I used to struggle maintaining the adequate focus while writing articles for my blog and other blogging related activities, ever since I decided to set a strict time limit for finishing each activity, my productivity has increased manifolds.

I would advise you to start doing the same and you would yourself notice the difference in no time. However make sure you don’t become too ambitious and set too small a time limit as by doing this you would only be setting yourself up for failure.

5. Take a break

If the above idea works for you, then you might want to finish off your work without taking any sort of break. However if you have too much to do, then it’s imperative that you take a small break after finishing off each activity as it will refresh your mind and get your creative juices flowing again.

The best way to go about it is by allowing yourself to relax for ten to fifteen minutes and unwind in the meanwhile by going outside and spending some time in the fresh air.

Image Credit: Mdales

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Quality Seo Services November 5, 2012 - 7:35 pm
I definitely agree with this sentence "Be clear about your goal" because if you have the strong determination and will to succeed its pretty sure that you'll be able to achieve it. It only takes time and effort.
Nick Stamoulis November 6, 2012 - 10:35 am
I really like your suggestion to organize your workspace. I myself find that if I am losing focus or are stressing about what to write about, I clean my desk. Getting up and organizing items and taking a walk to take the trash out really helps to clear your head and gives you a clean work area to start creating in!
ZK November 6, 2012 - 12:45 pm
I need to be a lot more focussed on blogging :) ....bloggers need to be a lot more disciplined
Jasmine November 6, 2012 - 9:05 pm
ZK, I wonder what would normally distract you while you are blogging? Is it YouTube, Facebook, ... or perhaps the TV? Just curious. :)
Jasmine November 6, 2012 - 9:04 pm
It is really important to stay focused while you are blogging... actually this is true for all types of jobs too! If you are distracted, you can't be productive, right?
Cheap VPS & Dedicated Host UK November 7, 2012 - 7:22 am
I think most people who initially get “into” web blogging do it for the SEO traffic but after awhile that sole motivation can not sustain quality blogging.
Alicia November 8, 2012 - 12:50 pm
It is important to stay focused while you are blogging. Thanks for your tips!
puneet November 8, 2012 - 1:02 pm
Nice tips buddy , i m literally struggling a lot in giving time to blogging , as i m a law student i have to study hard and giving time to blog is just like going to the other direction of my aim
Sarvesh November 8, 2012 - 2:04 pm
Hi, Well focus and consistent is the main thing which we need to main at our blogging journey to gain some growth and success too. First of all we need read motivational posts to get inspired. thanks for the inspiring post.
How to get published November 10, 2012 - 1:39 am
Thank you for the great info it's really true that we have to focus on our goal while blogging.
Paul Akpomukai November 10, 2012 - 11:22 am
Setting a goal is very important, however letting your creativity flow might be of a greater essence especially in the beginning when you are trying to define your goal(s).
angelina dom November 12, 2012 - 12:03 am
i'll go with this point "Declutter your workspace" this is most important in my opinion we must follow this point. As it is very necessary to clear your desktop before you start work so you can give full attention to you work.
shan@method2earn.com November 12, 2012 - 12:54 pm
Hey bro Thanks for sharing this.I really like your suggestion to arrange your space. i actually realize that if i'm losing focus or square measure stressing concerning what to write down concerning, I clean my table. obtaining up and organizing things and taking a walk to require the trash out very helps to clear your head and provides you a clean work space to start out making in
Eddie Gear November 13, 2012 - 6:09 am
Distractions is one of the major ways of losing concentration of your blogging activities. Often bloggers are found wandering the web instead of writing a blog post or doing something productive. Staying focused is very important.
johnny November 16, 2012 - 11:36 am
the best way to stay focused is to stop all the distractions and make sure you have peace and quite for you not to get sidetracked. I like to lock myself away from the family that seems to work alright
Felicia January 18, 2013 - 1:52 am
Hi Harshit, Sometimes when I am in the midst of writing an article, I tend to get swayed on other articles I find in the Net which are related to what I am writing, to the point that sometimes I stopped writing for a moment and was reading on and on with the articles I found. I agree that there are many distractions in blogging, even in every task we do, we tend to get distracted if given the chance. I will check out the tool StayFocusd and see how it goes. I actually have some self restraint. While it is a good idea to set a time limit, in my case, I do not think I can do this. Sure, I set some time for tasks I need to do, but it would only be an estimate. When I write an article, I make sure that I get all my information correct and I try to write it in a way that would interest my readers. I take all the time I need to write them up until they are done. But of course, that’s how I do it. Everyone is different.
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