6 Must Have Tools For Every Blogger

According to different reports, content marketing is evolving fast and blogs play a crucial role in measuring the success of most businesses. Bloggers today, aren’t just writers but online marketers who represent their businesses.

To become a professional blogger, it requires a wide exposure to different topics, technologies and tools to create sensational blogs that can enhance the marketing endeavors of any business.

If you’re aspiring to be a blogger but don’t know how to start with, this post will provide you with necessary tools to create a blog.

WordPress – For Easy Blog Setup
– First step is raising a blog site from where powerful content can be posted and shared among target audiences.

Of the different tools available for setting up a blog, WordPress is identified to be the most common and widely preferred one. The reason is simple. It is easy-to-use and takes no time to create a blog.

Even a novice with no technical skills can develop a mind-blowing blog quickly and effectively. On top of it, this platform provides the users with surplus themes, plugins and tips to develop blogs that can attract any kind of visitors across any part of the world.

Social Crawlytics – To Analyze Trending Topics
– The next step after setting up the blog is writing content. It is necessary to find out the trending topics online to create a compelling content that will produce abuzz in the market. A special tool that can be used for this purpose is Social Crawlytics.

This is a unique tool that can not only help you identify the most trending and influencing topics online but also provides the users with the competitors most shared content. This could be a real boost to any blogger as it provides them with handful of options to select from and write effectively.

Easelly – For Creating Visual Content
– As described earlier, content marketing is evolving fast and the recent sensation that has joined the bandwagon of new techniques is creating visual content.

It’s true that a blend of text and visual has the attractiveness to capture of the attention of any onlooker dramatically. Creating a visual content or inforgraphic in short can produce remarkable improvement in the enhancement of business exclusively.

A special that can be used to create visual content online is Easelly.

It is a simple and effective online portal that can help bloggers to try out different types of visual content from the wide range of infographic templates. This tool will help bloggers a great extent as it reduces the time to create new designs with pre-defined templates.

Shopify – For Setting Up E-Store on Blog
– Ecommerce is ruling the roost today and it is essential for a blogger to use the most exciting and intriguing tool to set up an e-store on the blog. The tool should be easy to use, install and affordable. A top-notch tool that can help bloggers with the above-said benefits is Shopify.

Easy Tweet Embed – For Users to Tweet Blogs Easily
-This is again a unique tool that can help multiply traffic to the blog in no time. Easy Tweet Embed helps visitors to share the content easily. It is easy to install and use as well. It has been proved that this tool has the ability to improve traffic by at least 25% with easy sharing tweets.

Clicky – To Track Live Analytics of Blog Traffic

– So far, we discussed upon how to set up blog, create visual content and sharing it among audience. Now, it is time to measure the success of the blog content and its outreach.

Implement Clicky on the blog and it’ll reveal the visitor interests and content that is trending on different channels.

Tracking the performance of posts and audience response will provide clear insights on improving the blogs with top-notch and fitting content.

I believe the information provided is useful to bloggers planning to set up a site on their own. If you’ve tried any of the tool mentioned above, share the experience in the comments section.

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1 comment

Izmoroz October 22, 2014 - 7:40 am
And this too... The free StayFocusd app (available on Chrome only) is a must-have for any online blogger or marketer. Stay Focusd lets you block out websites of your choice. You set how long you can spend on your blocked sites, and once you’ve used up that time, they’re inaccessible for the rest of the day.
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