7 cardinal rules to create a successful blog

So you started a blog in all joy and eagerness but you haven’t received the popularity you expected to – well, you’re not alone.

It is so easy to create a blog, these days in just few minutes, but keeping it a success is a lot more than following a blog setup wizard.

If you’re planning on starting blog, or already have one but it’s on the fritz, here are 7 cardinal rules to create a successful blog:

1. Find your “Creative Genie”

Take a notepad, jot down your interests. What do you love to write about? – Cooking, technology perhaps? If you consider blog writing to be work, it will be just that – work. But if it’s something you love to do, you would WANT to do it.

2. Get to the Point
While choosing the blog topic, balance the scale of General to Specific.
For example:
Cooking – Huh? Too general!
Cooking chocolate based desserts – Too specific!
Cooking made easy for kids – a distinct niche with potential.

3. Generate Fresh Content – Every Week
Keep readers coming back for more with fresh content and unique blog posts, so update your blog frequently. Nothing kills a blog faster than once-a-year updates.

4. Looks do Matter

It doesn’t matter if your content is good, it should also look good. Keep your blog page neat, clean and professional. Use catchy headings and sub-headings, bold and capitals, colors and shades. An image here and there won’t hurt either.

5. Join the Blogging Society

You have a blog; you are enunciated into the crazy world of bloggers. So milk it to its fullest. Make a blog-roll with other blogs you recommend, converse with your readers through comments.

Keep it alive!

6. Market Yourself

No one will read your blog if they don’t know of its existence. Exploit the current social media scenario – ask your friends to spread the word!

With appropriate SEO, make your blog Google friendly.

7. Be YOU!

Ultimately, it all boils down to just how YOU – your blog is. Only that can make you stand out from the masses. So don’t hesitate to throw in the flavor of being your best and express your unique thoughts and knowledge through your blog.

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Akash June 6, 2015 - 3:44 pm
Nice one man, loved it..you have written the right things,,,but i thing is missing and that should be no. 8 is LUCK...without it you cant do anything.
MDShahid June 9, 2015 - 8:51 am
Hi ZK, Informative points for new blog creators. Do some social media activities for your new blog. It's reach more people very easy.
Disty June 12, 2015 - 2:37 am
I didn't do the 3, 5, and 6 points that's why my writing have not yet known by public yet. Thanks a lot for share it! :D
Violet July 27, 2015 - 9:18 am
Awesome tips! Great Post. Writing a blog or article that will go viral needs a lot of concentration and research. You must at least know what people love reading.
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