7 Pinterest Marketing Tips to get more Visibility for Your Brand

Looking for a social media marketing strategy that increases the visibility of your brand online?

Well, there are many social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn that generate heavy traffic.

But Pinterest is one of the most cost-effective options for businesses.

Studies have found that, “nearly 70% of online consumers who visit Pinterest have been converted to customers.” Pinterest is the best visual marketing tool that leaves no stone left unturned.

Here are the top tips for marketing your brand on Pinterest.

1. Add Price Tags
Pinterest users expect to see more details about your product. It’s not enough if you just have a good image of your product.

You need to provide additional details like price, time and place of availability. Pinterest not only generates more referral traffic than other social media services combined, but also inspires a real time purchase.

Pinterest pins with great details like price tags receive more shares than those without.

2. Be Consistent
Add fresh content to your boards regularly. Updating content on a regular basis will increase the visibility of your brand.

3. Create Interesting Content

Pinterest is being flooded with literally thousands of pins every day. But how many of them are interesting? Well, only a few posts are engaging.

Your posts should stand out from the rest. The trick is to make them more interesting. You can offer some rewards to those who share your post.

4. Pin it for Later
Readers must be able to bookmark your content using your “Pin it for later” option for later reading. In addition to posting a link to your blog post, you should also use “Pin it for later” URL back to the pin in your Google+page.

5. Use Your Customers Email Box As A Pin Box

Add a few of your outstanding Pinterest pins to your customers’ email box. This is the best and effective approach to showcase all of your pinboards and products to your customer.

6. Pin Videos
Pinterest is not limited to images. You can actually add useful videos to your pinboards as well. Creating interesting and helpful videos can generate more traffic and build trust in visitors.

How to videos are more helpful to those hunting for ideas. If you own tools like this you can pin them on Pinterest for more views.

7. Use Other Social Media Services To Promote Your Brand

If you’ve followers on other social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, you can post your content on those platforms thereby generating traffic to your Pinterest account.

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andrea s June 25, 2015 - 12:12 pm
pinterest can be of great potential, especially for the promotion of products related to lifestyle
Juliet July 27, 2015 - 8:26 am
Awesome Post. Informative tips there to market your business on Pinterest. And i agree that it totally helps with increasing one's business visibility.
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