Home Laws of Success Good Morning Sunday: Tony Robbins on the Secret to Getting Through Tough Times

Good Morning Sunday: Tony Robbins on the Secret to Getting Through Tough Times

by amol238

Tony Robbins

“Life is the dance between what you desire most and what you feel most” – Tony Robbins

All of us have challenges in our lives, everyday challenges that we face and a lot of times they over power us. Instead of fighting hard to over come the challenge we end up being defeated. We start to think negativity even before we decide to fight or battle the challenge. We let the challenge control us, instead of the us controlling the challenge or the challenging experience.

Yes, life is tough and will always be tough. But how is it that some of us battle challenges and overcome them, and a lot of us don’t even try to fight it. We quit or give up the fight as soon as we are faced with tough times.

We’ve got an awesome Tony Robbin’s video for you in today’s Good Morning Sunday Series. Tony takes you to the root of how some of us fight challenges and overcome them , while a majority of us accept defeat.

In the below video Tony Robbins shares that secret that helps you fight tough times…every time.

This is a super empowering video 46 minute video, here Tony shows you how you can harness the power of choices and make strong decisions to fight life’s toughest battles.

I hope this video helps you fight your daily challenges and over power them. Grab a cup of coffee and listen to this timeless classic by Tony Robbins.

Have a Super Sunday and an Awesome week ahead.

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Evert Furrey March 17, 2013 - 5:01 pm

Thank you. At age 83 have faced many a crisis, handled some well, some not. I have learned from age and pure experience that there is always a new problem just around the corner which must be faced honestly – at 23 or 83, and decisions made, action taken. The primary difference at 83 from youth is time, health and energy – you just have less of each, but facing facts, making decisions, and taking action still required. My wife and I face a problem now – decisions to be made. Your Sunday talk came as an accident (and my decision to watch the video) – with your reminder to face the truth, make decisions, take action was needed and welcomed!
Thank you again.
EVERT FURREY, Butner, NC Sunday, 3-17-2013

ZK March 20, 2013 - 3:39 am

Thanks Evert for sharing your valuable words of wisdom and experience on this blog, glad you liked the post πŸ™‚

Yasir Khan March 17, 2013 - 8:45 pm

I definitely agree with this sentence “β€œLife is the dance between what you desire most and what you feel most” because in order to succeed in life your must do the things that motivate and inspire you. It will help your drive for more and become a better person.

ZK March 26, 2013 - 4:46 am

Everyone needs a life of encouragement ..Tony is super in giving you that boost πŸ™‚

Jasmine March 18, 2013 - 10:27 pm

Great video, ZK.

I just had my cup of coffee this morning while gasping over Tony Robbins’ greatest secret!

Houston March 22, 2013 - 4:56 pm

Nice Share. I remember seeing Tony at a UPW seminar, 4-5 years ago and walking on hot coals. I left there a non-smoker and imo a better father.

Great Stuff!

ZK March 26, 2013 - 4:45 am

Must have been an awesome seminar, glad it helped you πŸ™‚


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