Blog Blazers – Thoughts of 40 Top Bloggers packed in one awesome book

I just received one of the most awesome Blogging Books in my mailbox this morning – Blog Blazers. A book that interviews Top 40 Bloggers on how to create successful blogs. It’s not a comprehensive guide to blogging, it’s much more impactful and goes a step further into exploring the thought process or the mind set of 40 successful bloggers.

The book is written by Stephane Grenier, founder of Stephen has spent considerable amount of time in putting together this book which lives up to it’s expectation.

The book features interviews with high profile bloggers (Seth Godin,Aaron Wall, Yaro Starak and Anita Campbell to name a few). I love the format of the book, power packed with 200 pages but when you start to read it’s very easy to absorb the content.

Responses by bloggers to question mentioned below are worth reading :

– What makes a blog successful ?
– How long did it take you to become a successful blogger ?
– Which blogs do you read daily ?
– Which blogs do you recommend for new bloggers ?

Stephen has asked the same set of questions ( 24 questions ) to all 40 bloggers, each interview is one chapter of the book.

What happens when you ask the same questions to 40 bloggers, you get 40 different power packed replies. That to me is the value and greatness of this book. One of the tried and tested formula for success is to follow successful people, understand the mind set of successful people.

The featured bloggers are experts in a wide array of fields: entrepreneurship, technology, internet marketing, small business etc. I was especially glad to see my favourite bloggers Yaro Starak and Aaron Wall, featured in the book.

No matter what your area of expertise is, there are plenty of actionable tips that you can take away from each of the 40 bloggers. Depending on your blog niche or your expertise you can pay attention to bloggers within your niche.

As this blog operates in the Internet Marketing and SEO niche, I paid special attention to Yaro and Aaron for obvious reasons. I also particularly liked the tips shared by Anita Campbell in this book.

One common success principle for all bloggers was how little money they spend to market their blogs and depending on the power of networking with other bloggers or reaching out to other bloggers and writing great content.

Another valuable takeaway is learning what Top Bloggers regularly read to keep them abreast and on top of current trends, innovations and products relating to their niche.

I recommend that you read Blog Blazers not once but a few times to absorb what the top bloggers are telling you and mark out all the tips that resonate with you. If you get just one good tip per blogger, you will have forty power packed focussed tips to improve your blogging.

You can buy the ebook or the hardcopy of the book. I highly recommend you to buy the hardcopy of Blog Blazers as it has a better impact and you can mark out tips that resonate with you.

I would like to thank Steph for his dedication in putting together this book and for sending me a copy of this wonderful book.

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chuckiesd January 22, 2009 - 1:05 am
Thanks by sharing an info. It really wonderfull for hearing the experience from pro blogger. I will get it one. chuckiesds last blog post..Alert!! Conficker Worm infects 9 million PCs
coolwebdeveloper@web development,online marketing January 22, 2009 - 10:15 am
Looks like this book is a must buy. Thanks for sharing the info. coolwebdevelopers last blog post..Microsoft layoff 5000 of there worldwide workforce
social bookmarking demon May 11, 2009 - 5:25 am
wow this seems to be one of those other awesome ebooks that can be very beneficial as well as interesting. Most of the names mentioned already in your post makes me excited so I will certainly download this ebooks thanks for bringing it to my attention. social bookmarking demons last blog post..Review Of The Email Messenger “Mostly Known” As AWEBER
Steph January 22, 2009 - 10:46 am
Thank you very much for the great book review! It's awesome to hear you were able to benefit from the book so much. Here's to an awesome 2009! Stephs last blog post..Interview with Sam Berns founder of
ZK@Internet Marketing blog January 28, 2009 - 9:46 am
Thanks Steph for sending the copy of the book and giving me an opportunity to share it with my readers ZKs last blog post..Professional Web Template Designs from Template Kingdom
Susan Payton, The Marketing Eggspert January 23, 2009 - 10:00 am
I won this book on Small Business Trends. It's a great compilation of advice from some great bloggers. I got a lot out of it. Susan Payton, The Marketing Eggsperts last blog post..US Postal Service Gets A+ for Direct Mail Campaign
social bookmarking demon May 11, 2009 - 5:33 am
Really I must get myself a copy since you did say a lot of great things and the things I want to hear. I am a big fan of seth godin, yaro,and darren rowse so It's now time for me to buy this wonderful ebook. social bookmarking demons last blog post..Review Of The Email Messenger “Mostly Known” As AWEBER
Andrei January 24, 2009 - 12:47 am
really worth the read, packed with information, wonderful reading
scoliosis information January 25, 2009 - 3:50 am
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ZK@Internet Marketing Blog January 25, 2009 - 7:22 pm
Thanks I am glad you like the blog posts ZKs last blog post..Professional Web Template Designs from Template Kingdom
Charles@Las Vegas Real Estate January 25, 2009 - 2:33 pm
Fan of Aaron and Seth. I've just ordered it from Charless last blog post..Looking at the Las Vegas Real Estate Market
Leo February 5, 2009 - 1:00 pm
Geesh...add this to my long list of recommended reads....I am currently reading Malcolm Gladwell's "outliers" book right now. Leos last blog post..Take Back Your Life…How to Get More Traffic to your Site With Just One Post a Week..
Jhangora February 8, 2009 - 3:52 am
Sounds like a great book. Would try and lay my hands on it. Thanx for sharing. Jhangoras last blog post..Why Is The Night Sky Dark? Olbers' Paradox
Eric @ Top 40 Songs February 9, 2009 - 1:29 am
Always appreciate your reviews. Nice job as always.
Funny Jokes February 16, 2009 - 12:49 am
This book sounds pretty good. I'm not really a big reader, but I think I'll give this one a shot since it's on a topic of interest of mine. Thanks for the review. Funny Jokess last blog post..Weekly Recap - 02/09/2009 - 02/13/2009
Michael Henry February 19, 2009 - 10:15 pm
Its a book about a bunch of geeks. There are other successful bloggers out there that write about things other than being a blogger. Take Tucker Max, for example.
Matt @ Selling Gold Scrap March 9, 2009 - 7:28 pm
darn good book's amazing where the comment links and web surfing take me...thanks for the post.
Avon Blake March 18, 2009 - 6:50 am
What you neglected to say is that the book is full of interviews with people who do one thing - they make money by telling other people how much money they make. Nothing but a book full of interviews with sub affiliate marketing scammers. Sorry, but the book is waste of time. Avon Blakes last blog post..No turning back
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog March 18, 2009 - 7:36 am
Hi Avon , The book has nothing to do with telling people how to make money, its about how you can have a midset to make money online. Its about the right mind set. ZKs last blog post..Twitter Blog Blazers Contest Winners
Rick @ Small Business VoIP April 8, 2009 - 6:52 pm
I wonder if blogging will become a victim of its own success or die from over saturation. The line between opinion and fact has definitely been blurred. It's messy and dynamic, but so is democracy. We're a society of immediate gratification for our material fulfillment or edification. We've seen the consequences in our current economic plight. Writing is often a struggle and it should be. There has to be a sense of respect for the crafting words into ideas; I'm afraid blogging without self-restraint may trivialize public discourse. Thomas Paine once said "That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly."
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kitchen taps July 10, 2009 - 3:17 am
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Annie @ No Fax Payday Loans July 13, 2009 - 10:35 pm
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kitti@payday loans January 16, 2010 - 4:53 am
The above four questions is very important for making successful a blog. I think to become a successful blogger one should update regularly with different different unique post. I always prefer to read those blog where I will get something new. It’s a great post to read and for knowlwdge.
Nasif January 31, 2010 - 12:33 pm
Great book. Looking forward to read the book.. .-= Nasif´s last blog ..Review Of Link3 Fiber To Home Broadband In Bangladesh =-.
Revizyon ile Organize Matbaacılık Brnckvvtmllttrhaberi February 19, 2010 - 5:01 am
It seems as a great book. Surely, this book will be useful for getting stated new online business.
Lida February 27, 2010 - 2:45 am
Good on your log .-= Lida´s last blog ..Kilo Vermek İçin Bir Yolmu Arıyorsunuz Çözüm Lida =-.
Quick Loans March 3, 2010 - 9:21 am
It does appear to be a great book - nice work.
Bob March 15, 2010 - 9:25 am
The problem with books about things that exist on the Internet is that they can be out of date by the time the printer has finished printing them. It is like that saying "you cannot step into the same river twice" -still could be good to get some insight into the subject deeper a 500 word blogpost, which is most of what has been written on this topic. .-= Bob´s last blog ..Formula One season starts =-.

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