Blogging Isn’t That Hard, Right ?

Blogging. A world of creation with words to tell a story, offer an opinion or to inform readers about something you want to share. But, you need to narrow down the niche that you are interested in writing about. This makes it easier to find topics. Usually. Sometimes writers block can stump you for a simple blog as easily as a 20-page report. Sometimes there is no writers block but a simple problem with not knowing what to write about that can cause the problem.

How do you choose a topic? The following four tips will help you make a decision.

Blog Idea One: Think of a topic you are passionate about. All blogs need constant content. The more fresh and unique the content the better for the blog as it will drive more traffic and bring more readers. If you love writing about Volkswagens, write about the LI VW dealer that sold you the Jetta you love.

If you love writing about crafts, write about the birdseed ornaments you made with your children. Whatever it is, write about it. Teach about it. Blog about it.

Blog Idea Two: Choose a topic that you would want to talk to other people about. Blogging is not just about writing your opinion. It is about communicating with your audience. It’s about a two-way street of conversation. If you have a topic interesting enough to leave a comment about, make sure that you respond to them. You should always work toward a creating a sense of community on your blog for you and your readers.

Blog Idea Three: Find a topic you can debate about. There are plenty of opinion in the world from every walk of life. As your blog continues to grow, the amount of people who visit will as well. Don’t be sensitive to those who may attack you. If you want to respond, do so in a tactful and respectful way. Enjoy and appreciate the healthy debate but keep your skin thick as you talk.

Blog Idea Four: Researching should be a fun thing to do. Find something you want to research about. If you choose a topic about technology or another quick changing industry, you have to research to keep up with the newest news. You should love reading about your topic as much as your readers. So enjoy searching for your topic and finding all of the updated information.

Any of those four tips should help you figure out what topic you want to write about. Whatever you do end up choosing, love it and enjoy it. Follow that and you will have a strong foundation to create a long-lasting blog.

Image Credit: Owen Brown.

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Tory November 29, 2011 - 6:09 pm
Good ideas Miscelleana! I would also add to write about a topic you have experience with. It's easy to draw ideas and inspiration from things you have personally experienced.
Kat November 30, 2011 - 1:05 am
Some great tips, thanks Miscelleana! I like the idea of focusing on a niche...however, what if your passion lies in many varying areas? I write about pop culture, weird news stories, poor journalism, rowing, shopping and various social things that crop up from conversations with friends and strangers. I quite like taking a more eclectic view to blogging, though I'm curious about whether this is in fact an effective thing to do...
sam @ goa carnival November 30, 2011 - 3:08 am
Hi, Nice and perfect list for how we can create a perfect blog post. From my point of view everyone have lots of ideas to write a blog but every body not achieve success in that so you mentioned very well how these some of the perfect ideas can help for us in blog post.
Kelli December 1, 2011 - 4:20 am
I can so relate! Thanks for the post!
Jeff Casmer December 1, 2011 - 3:11 pm
Debate is essential to the success of your blog. Not only will you engage your readers to offer their opinion, it will drive more traffic to your page and website as well as a "call to action". Thanks for sharing this tip!
Jasmine December 5, 2011 - 11:12 pm
Blogging is not that hard, but to maintain a great blog, it might not be too easy too! Haha... I am now managing a few blogs, sometimes will get writer's block and find it difficult to work on all of my blogs. :)
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