Blogging Secrets from John Chow

I enjoy networking with successful people in any profession. I believe success rubs success. Successful people give off a positive entrepreneurial energy that is contagious.

So when John Chow sent out an invite to join the Dot Com Pho in Toronto, I did not want to miss the chance. It is rare that you get a chance to spend quality time with someone who is a wealth creator and one of the top bloggers making close to USD $40,000 a month from blogging telling people how to make money blogging. Amazing .

How many of you had a chance to meet Bill Gates or had a chance to dine with Warren Buffet ? It just does not happen.

I was interested to learn a few blogging tips and to get a business mindset from John. John was very open to share lots of information about his blog, affiliate marketing and recent blog events.

I just had one question for John, How do I make my blog as successful as

John shared with me some of his blog secrets that made him successful. I share the same with you.

– Change your thinking : To become successful you need to change your thought process. Change your thinking from an employee to a business owner. We all get stuck with the 9 to 5 employee mentality which does not help while running a business. This is one of the most critical aspects of being an entrepreneur. “Change your thinking, change your bank balance”.

– Create a community : Focus on create unique content that will help your readers coming on your blog. Focus on creating communities with your users. Creating communities will increase readership and loyalty in the log run. Interact with your users at every level. An example of this is John Chow’s Dot Com Pho where his readers are invited to share ideas and interact.

– Go viral : Looks for online and offline ways to go viral. The traffic that comes from going viral will take your blog to another level. Use the power of social media like Digg, Twitter, Technorati to leverage the viral effect.

– Build a network : Build a network of other bloggers and interact with people all the time. Larger your network better the support for your initiatives from fellow bloggers and your network.

I thanked John for giving me entrepreneurial insights from his heart, I hope I can practice these to help me be a better blogger and a great entrepreneur.

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Web Talk@ freeware tricks November 6, 2008 - 10:29 am
Going viral is my crucial point. Stumbleupon and Digg are two excellent tools. The issue is that people are rather picky when it comes to showing you some love and bookmark your posts. Interesting the new mentality blogger has to get in order to win this Internet bet. I had never thought about it. Thanks for the tip! Web Talks last blog post..How to learn foreign languages online
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 6, 2008 - 11:48 am
Hi Web Talk : Welcome to the community , after speaking to John , I ve decided that I will be concentrating more of viral initiatives for my blog and leveraging the power of Web 2.0 ZKs last blog post..6 Reasons to Join Twitter
Suzanne Franco ~ Next Blogging Idol? November 6, 2008 - 12:58 pm
Hi ZK ~ I enjoyed the insight from John ... all great ideas. I really try hard to create community on my blog and it really takes time to build that following who also get to "know" each other. I'm getting much better at building a network with other bloggers ... in fact, "Nice to meet you!" *SmiLes* Suzanne Suzanne Franco ~ Next Blogging Idol?s last blog post..The Power of Networking on the Internet … My 5 Minutes of Fame!
BloggingBanks November 6, 2008 - 1:01 pm
Creating a blog network and interacting with fellow bloggers is an important thing to do.
John @ Maryland Real Estate November 6, 2008 - 1:06 pm
Going viral is easier said than done however when it works there is nothing quite like it. It takes some practice to which you get the hang of it it is one of the absolute best skill sets you can master. Johns last blog post..Baltimore Real Estate
Ben Tremblay November 6, 2008 - 3:30 pm
It's very nice you had the chance to meet John Chow ;) I also agree with all the tips there, especially changing your mindset! It is so important to see your blog as a business and not only as a pass time. Ben Tremblays last blog post..frupdates: Some updates from the frog
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 6, 2008 - 3:49 pm
Hi Suzanne : Thanks for visiting my blog, building relationships take time and effort but its the best in the long run for our business. Hi Blogging Banks : You are absolutely right on this. Hi John : I am still learning the social media aspect, any tips would be beneficial. Hi Ben : Always a pleasure having you comment :) mindset is something that is not easy to change overnight but as a business owner its imparative to shift to a business mindset from an employee mindset. Lots to learn from John on this. ZKs last blog post..Blogging Secrets from John Chow
Web talk@ free tricks November 6, 2008 - 3:51 pm
"Going viral is easier said than done" that quite correct. Listen, people while surfing just trust well established blogs and dont want even touch your blog, no matter if you are on mybloglog, technorati and so on. it is very hard. i just go viral by chance. usually it happens with Stumbleupon, and when it happens i get 3000 unique visitors a day. I know of certain blog which are stumbled every weeks and they get millions of people. For me it is just a dream. the truth is that there is a lot of competition in the Internet and no matter what you do, big blogs always take the bigger slice. solution? few. In the end what really matter is Google and how much "juice" gives you... Web talks last blog post..How to prevent files from being recovered from your computer
Sohail November 6, 2008 - 5:40 pm
Those are some great tips. I liked going viral the most. We can think of many things to go viral and i will be thinking and doing those things. John chow is a top man :)
Robertas November 7, 2008 - 7:48 am
I read John's e-book. It's very simple according to Blogging to the bank v3.0 or Johncow free guide. But I believe that it has the way on which everyone can make their life blogging much easier. I started my blog and believe that applying these techniques will guarantee traffic and, therefore, profit. Robertass last blog post..Drive Blog Traffic for Free from Article Services
Dennis Edell November 7, 2008 - 10:23 am
Building the community is what it's all about. After that, the viral should take care of itself. :) Dennis Edells last blog post..8 Effective Viral Marketing Techniques
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 7, 2008 - 10:25 am
Hi Web Talk : I agree with you that its not an overnight effort, but if it can be strategically addressed it will take the traffic figure to a all time high. The tough part would be to maintain the same flow of traffic from web 2.0 sites. Thanks for commenting and adding vaue to the post :) Hi Sohail : Welcome to the community and thanks for commenting, all my efforts are to go viral for my blog :) Hi Robertas : I have great respect for John as a blogger, his book is simple to follow. Thanks for commenting :) ZKs last blog post..Blogging Secrets from John Chow
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 7, 2008 - 10:28 am
Hi Dennis : Well said :), Larger the community, greater the interaction , faster the growth :) ZKs last blog post..Blogging Secrets from John Chow
Yan@Blog for Beginners November 7, 2008 - 1:28 pm
Great insight from one of the most successful bloggers on the planet. I think changing your mindset is the mother of all insights. Everything starts from your mind. You become what you think all day long..... Thanks for sharing them with us. The one that I'm yet to grasp is the concept of viral marketing. Yan Yans last blog post..How To: Remove Ads from Categories
SEO Services November 7, 2008 - 3:09 pm
Great insight for sure. To go with what Yan had said, positive thinking really does help. For anyone that has not read The Secret, I would highly suggest that book to read, as it really expands upon the positive thinking concept.
Gyutae Park November 7, 2008 - 3:18 pm
Hey ZK, It's awesome that you got to meet John at his dot com pho event. I've met him before as well and he's a great guy. I'm sure you learned a lot and that it was an inspiring encounter. Good luck with your blogging and thanks for your comments on Winning the Web! Gyutae Parks last blog post..What I Learned From Running the Ranksense SEO Launch Contest
Arfan November 7, 2008 - 5:51 pm
I wonder how many Bloggers we got in Toronto that would want to meet up
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 7, 2008 - 6:57 pm
Hi Yan : I am figuring the viral aspect of blogging, the learning curve should be fun. Thanks for commenting Hi Gyutae : Nice to see a Big Blogger comment here, I have lots to learn about blogging from you and John. Thanks for visiting :) Hi Arfan : We had a turn out of about 20 bloggers when Yaro & John had a combined meet up and about 10 bloggers at John's Dot Com Pho. The blogging community is strong in Toronto. ZKs last blog post..Blogging Secrets from John Chow
Mitch November 7, 2008 - 9:21 pm
He gave you some very good tips, and those are the types of things I'm working on now. I believe I've established my first community, but I'm looking to continue adding to the community and helping it grow as I can. Great post.
Dfunda November 8, 2008 - 2:02 am
interacting bloggers will help building relationship, community and share ideas Dfundas last blog post..Blog Income Report - October 2008
Collin - Feed Flare November 8, 2008 - 8:02 am
Ya when I spent two weeks with John on TAC it was fun. For me I was more interested in learning about who he is then how I can make more money though. John on a personal level is a great guy. Collin - Feed Flares last blog post..1000 Dollar Build a Niche Store Contest by Pepperjam Network
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 8, 2008 - 11:23 am
Hi Mitch : Welcome to the community and I am glad you liked the post. Hi Dfunda : Thanks for commenting and interacting on my blog. Hi Collin : It must have been a great experience meeting and interacting with John. I wish you all the best for your blog. Hope to see you here often ZKs last blog post..Blogging Secrets from John Chow
Hugo Santos November 8, 2008 - 12:33 pm
a day to remember im sure :) im not a big fan of jownchow but i admire his earnings. lol "Build a network"- i agree wit him 200%, extremely important. Hugo Santoss last blog post..October Top commentators
Önder November 9, 2008 - 2:03 pm
He is one of the king of the bloggers. Önders last blog post..Gece dışarıya damlı mı gitmeli, yoksa damsız mı gitmeli?
daiLyFeed November 9, 2008 - 5:04 pm
thanks for the tips.. great list of information! daiLyFeeds last blog post..Joe Calzaghe VS Roy Jones Jr.
Adam - Creadiv November 10, 2008 - 10:54 am
Please tell me that John did not give you the advice to "go viral". It isn't something that you can just do. That would be like saying in order to be successful you should "get more visitors" and "make money" Still very cool that you got to meet John though. There are a few people I would like to meet and pick at their brains for a while. Adam Adam - Creadivs last blog post..There is No Such Thing As A Bad Visitor
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 10, 2008 - 12:00 pm
Hi Hugo : All of us want to make what John makes :), thanks for commenting Hi Onder : Thanks for your comment. Hi DailyFeed : Thank you for visiting the blog and commenting. Hi Adam : Good to see you here :), When he said "Go Viral " , it ment that we shoudl be thinking about Viral activities for our blogs. I need to do a lot of work here :) ZKs last blog post..Blogging Secrets from John Chow
Site Flipping Simon November 14, 2008 - 5:00 am
Everyone can taking something away from John Chow - I mean, the man makes $40k a month from his blog. I think the most important aspect about his blog is the personal touch he puts on it. Site Flipping Simons last blog post..The Website Flipping Dilemma
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 14, 2008 - 4:32 pm
Hi Simon : We all have lots to learn from him :) ZKs last blog post..6 Tips for Improving site conversion during recession
Michael Henry November 14, 2008 - 7:43 pm
John Chow's free e-book is the most informative e-book I've read on the subject of monetization. He's knows his stuff. Michael Henrys last blog post..Launching a blog, Planning Stage
digga live November 14, 2008 - 8:45 pm
Great pic !! , Thanks for the quality article :)
AverageGal November 15, 2008 - 9:34 am
Great point; if you have the opportunity to rub shoulders with someone great - take it! Thanks for sharing John's lessons! AverageGals last blog post..Frozen Fingers Syndrome?
David Jason Parrish November 15, 2008 - 12:51 pm
Wow I LOVE JOHN CHOW!!! Great post as usual.
Matt November 29, 2008 - 9:06 am
I can definitely appreciate the value of changing your thinking. I think that the employee mentality is one of the biggest hurdles that people have to get over. There is enormous social pressure put on people from a young age to think of themselves as working for someone else, being a paid servant. When you make that leap to decide that you will be your own boss, that's the start. But then, it's a very difficult task from then on, because you have to figure what works, what doesn't. It's quite challenging. Which is why it's a good idea to not give up your day job straightaway. You've got to test the waters for a while, gain confidence, then give up gradually, I think.
Linkbait Goddess January 30, 2009 - 7:02 am
I think John Chow is not exerting any more effort. With all the money he's getting, he's just not putting more quality contents on his site. He's just blabbing about believing in yourself and all that nonsense when he should tell people more what to actually do to succeed, the marketing tactics to use and how to gain more traffic the right way. In fact, your site's contents are far more outstanding than his. Honestly. I see that you put more time in writing your contents. That's how blogging should be.
ZK@Internet Marketing blog January 30, 2009 - 9:40 am
John is one of the nicest guys I ve meet and has a huge loyal following, I have just started to blog and still have a long way go. I am glad you like the posts on my blog :) ZKs last blog post..Tips to create a Squidoo lens and rank high on Google
kitchen taps March 28, 2009 - 6:09 am
Great Tips. I am very much impressed.
Vick@Electric Adjustable Beds April 16, 2009 - 4:51 pm
Thanks for the tips, and I really agree with the "change your thinking" part. It's very true if you want to succeed.

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