Home Laws of Success Good Morning Sunday: How to Become Powerful

Good Morning Sunday: How to Become Powerful

by amol238

“Our bodies change our minds” – Amy Cuddy

Body Language is a very powerful way of communication and interaction. Social scientists have spent a long time studying how our body behavior affects our personality.

What is your body language communicating to other and how do they perceive what you are trying to communicate when you handshake or give a wink.

“Power poses can really change your mind in a meaningful way” – Amy Cuddy

Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “body language” can impact your personality and confidence. How you can influence others by making correct gestures and power poses. How you can feel powerful and confident even when you are not confident of yourself.

Amy Cuddy’s research on body language reveals how to change other people’s perceptions by simply changing your body positions.

“Your body language shapes who you are” – Amy Cuddy

This TED talk by social psychologist Amy Cuddy has over 500,000 views and has been watched by people worldwide. She explain how body language doesn’t just govern how other people think and feel about us, but also how we think and feel about ourselves.

Interesting how powerful people exhibit body behavior and how you can learn to be powerful or showcase powerful behavior and confidence before an important interview or an appointment or on a date.

Try out the two minute, five power poses than help you exhibit power and high leadership skills. I am sure the video will help you feel and become more powerful.

Have a Super Sunday and a powerful week ahead.

image Credit: pulp secret

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Alicia October 14, 2012 - 2:00 pm

Good video, ZK. Let’s become more powerful!

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Amit Shaw October 16, 2012 - 11:03 pm

Hello ZK,

Body language is definitely a strong demonstrator of attitude. Along with it, your actions and behavior also speak volumes about you and your capabilities. The pros and cons are different in different situations.

Felicia October 17, 2012 - 7:09 am

Body language, there are some of it that are easy to understand, yet there are many others that are rather complex and sometimes we tend to exhibit some body languages that we do not realize it ourselves. Thanks for sharing!

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