How To Implement An Awesome Website Design For Under $87

If you have a business website or blog that represents your business or personal brand, a strong design is highly desirable. A well designed blog or site can communicate a high level of professionalism and build confidence and trust from potential customers. Furthermore a well designed site will have a better chance of being shared through social media and can make it easier to earn links. Few people want to share or link to a site that has terrible design, because it can reflect poorly upon them. While many businesses pay thousands of dollars for a web designer to build their site it doesn’t have to be expensive at all. This article explains how you can set up an elegant business site or blog for under $87.


Most everyone has heard about Wordpress, one of the leading tools for starting a blog. However, a lot of people don’t know that Wordpress is also a website platform that powers thousands of websites that you would never suspect are using Wordpress. has a showcase of popular sites that use Wordpress like Lafayette CollegeTechCrunch, and Atlantic Southeast Airlines. The default theme for Wordpress is pretty plain, but you can install third party themes that look like a site that costs thousands.

Thesis Theme for Wordpress

Thesis Theme is one of the best resources for implementing an awesome blog, all top bloggers and online publishers use the Thesis Theme for Wordpress. The theme is highly customizable and works like a charm on being persuasive with its design. The Thesis Wordpress themes has two options: Personal Option or a single blog user license with cost you $87 and Developer’s License or the multiple blog license will cost you $164. Both the licenses come with life time updates and a 30 day money back guarantee. Thesis Theme has an amazing support community in the form of members only access forum. This blog runs on the thesis theme, you can see the value that the theme brings to the blog.

ThesisDiscounts will give you mega bonuses of $477 with the purchase of the Thesis Theme.

Installation of the Theme

Installing the theme may be a challenging step if you haven’t had experience with this in the past. You will need a domain name and a hosting account if you don’t already have one. The domain name registration is about $10 from GoDaddy or Netfirms. A hosting account is typically under $100 per year. You can also get a FREE domain name alongwith webhosting for a year with BlueHost for $6.95 per month.

Fortunately many hosting accounts have software that can install Wordpress for you in a couple minutes. Then you just have to upload your theme. Typically the best way to do this is using FTP to upload the theme files into the “theme” file folder on your hosted server. You can also find tutorials online that will help you through the process like this one.

Read the documentation

The Thesis Wordpress Theme comes with documentation that explains how to set up unique features of your theme such as a slideshow or adding your logo to the header or showing thumbnail images on your homepage. The Thesis Theme is customizable the way you set up your site’s slideshow or logo may vary from theme to theme and it’s not always intuitive so it can be helpful to read the documentation. If you still can’t figure out how to get something to work, you can access the members only Thesis Theme forum support community for help.

That’s it! You just saved thousands of dollars by setting up a professional quality website design yourself and have accelerated your path to profits.

Image Credits: CyberAxe

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Site O Rific - affordable websites August 30, 2010 - 12:55 pm
I use the Thesis theme for one of my online businesses - It's great, but I think Wordpress is way over hyped for business use. My other websites perform better, are easier to upgrade/ maintain and do not have the security/ spam risks that Wordpress does. I used Rapid Weaver for them.
aroopam August 30, 2010 - 2:28 pm
thesis theme is really awesome..always one of my choices
Dan lew August 31, 2010 - 8:14 am
It is not expensive to get a site if you know what you are doing and if you can do it yourself you will get it done cheaper! Just install Wordpress and get a nice theme, usually there will be always something you want to customize though sooner or later but this an be done as you grow!
Social Bookmarking Service August 31, 2010 - 8:29 am
There is no doubt that Thesis is one of the best theme. Highly flexible and can easily represent your taste and style.
Sagar Rai August 31, 2010 - 9:37 am
I think a beautiful site can be build in cheaper rates if you can afford a domain and a host. The free wp themes are good ones now a days.
Social Bookmarking Service August 31, 2010 - 11:42 am
Free wordpress theme will not give you reputation. To represent yourself as a brand you need your own kind of design. You are a designer and I am sure you agree to it.
Online Property Lab August 31, 2010 - 9:46 am
Verging on being a control freak and having taught myself how to program websites in .net, I actually build all of my dynamic websites from scratch. It gives me huge flexibility and stops me having any hacking concerns. But yes, for non-programmers, it's very easily to set up a nice site very cheaply these days. There is no excuse for having static, cheap looking websites any more.
Jeff Caceres August 31, 2010 - 1:15 pm
Hello! I've never heard of this Wordpress theme before, but thanks for the heads up! When I saw the demo of this theme, it really looks simple but professional for business blogs. Jeff
smart metering September 1, 2010 - 1:20 am
It can be possible if you have an idea how to manage and how to afford. But wordpress i think is not suitable to make an awesone design. Thesis theme i would like to use and i m thinking to apply it.
Car Rental September 1, 2010 - 3:11 am
Free wordpress templates are awesome and there are so many of them. You don't even need $87.
Property Marbella September 1, 2010 - 6:26 am
Hi Justin Yes, you are so correct in your post. It doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars for a normal and professional web site or a blog. Thesis Theme from WP is cheap and more then the most of people and companies need.
Colleen@Kennewick Homes September 1, 2010 - 8:14 am
Amen for Thesis, eh! We have the developers version and use it on several sites. I am amazed at the power bloggers around our communities that use it as well. Certainly a testimony to it's ease of use and effectiveness.
Pacquiao vs Margarito September 1, 2010 - 8:35 am
Hahaha. $87 is just so nice... This price is AMAZING.... I also think the Thesis Theme is a good theme. This is also the one used by Matt Cutts, one of the Head of the Google Webmasters Team. I know it's easy to use because I've tried one. I highly recommend Thesis if you have enough money...
Vinyl Banners September 1, 2010 - 9:19 am
I have worked with Wordpress in the past, and I see no reason if I were to launch another site not to use them again.
Aluminum Cases September 1, 2010 - 2:56 pm
Normally I get my themes custom designed and programmed. I will have to try using thesis theme on one of my other sites. It does sound like it is one of the better themes available.
make cash on the internet September 1, 2010 - 8:16 pm
I think wordpress has changed the way people approach web design. Its kind of like websites for the masses. While in the past I have enjoyed many of the free wordpress themes, I must say that lately I prefer some of the premium wordpress themes simply because of the support they offer. I cant always find the answer to my problem on a forum or from a FAQ. I'm also not as technically advanced as some so when I come across a problem I can't figure out its good to know that there are people that can help me out before I make the problem worse.
Aluminum Cases September 2, 2010 - 1:30 pm
Yes, many people are now opting for the wordpress platform over designing and programming a website from scratch. It is now super easy to setup a blog or website with prebuilt templates and plugins. It can be a mistake to choose a free theme though. It can reflect poorly upon your site and hurt your sales/traffic.
Software Development Company September 2, 2010 - 11:39 pm
Wordpress is really good platform for blogger and websites. Thesis wordpress themes are really good.
Cheap Voip Calls September 8, 2010 - 12:26 pm
I have pretty simple template installed on my blog. Thesis theme looks good to have. Heard Matt Cutts also have same theme.
marcus ollison October 19, 2010 - 1:00 am
I think I have a simple word press template. But I was asked by a few people if I custome designed it. It is a pretty cool template though. mark
Ayden @ People Behind Websites March 4, 2011 - 6:17 pm
Incredible how easy it is to build a high quality website these days. Cheers Justin
Tri Cities Real Estate April 7, 2011 - 10:58 am
There really is a lot that can be done with these wordpress sites. Even some web designers will offer to set up such a site for a business at the owners request and then all they have to do is maintain it and add content, which cuts down on designer maintenance costs.
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