How to Sell Ice to Eskimos

If you want to be a great marketer, you first need to be a super seller. If you have great selling skills and techniques you can sell anything to anyone. Thankfully selling is not rocket science, its a skill that can be learnt.

My buddy Shoemoney just released a FREE PDF report titled “Weapons of Marketing Blueprint” that shows 10 Sneaky Sales Techniques that work, these techniques will help you understand the psychology behind customers buying your products.

Shoemoney has sold over $10,000,000 ( Yes that’s 10 million ) worth of products and affiliate offers online. Alongwith the FREE PDF, he has also created an amazing video that explains some of his best and sneakiest sales tactics, in the video he covers each of the major weapons of marketing that can be used to sell products and then walks you through how he has used them online to make a lot of money.

Click here if the above video does not open.

Some I think will really surprise you what works. The walk through examples in the video are very recent on why some products sell well while other fail. How does Apple create a latent demand for its products months before launching it and many more real product examples. The video has tons of useful cases and examples of how you can use simple psychological techniques that sell products every time.

Check out the FREE video here

Also, make sure you download the PDF Cheat Sheet, print it out and pin it on your soft board. The 10 sales techniques explained in the cheat sheet will guarantee help you sell any product online or offline. Once you read the PDF you can even sell Ice to Eskimos and shampoos to bald men, its that powerful. The video is must for every marketer and sales person irrespective of what they sell.

Check out the FREE video here

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Bidet July 14, 2010 - 4:12 pm
This is a great product he is offering for free. Thanks for sharing this video with us. Shoemoney is one of the best at selling products and its great that he is giving us some tips for free.
ZK July 15, 2010 - 12:29 am
Shoemoney spent a lot of time selling various products , he now uses his past expertise to sell products online. No doubt he is the best internet marketer to teach you "how to sell online" and make money. Check out the below links, if you have missed my earlier series on Shoemoney. Shoemoney : Going from Zero to Hero - Shoemoney's FREE Internet Marketing Course - Shoemoney System Trial Offer $4.95 - Hope you enjoy the series :)
Uzi July 14, 2010 - 4:59 pm
Thanks for sharing this video, will help us understanding the customer minds.
ZK July 15, 2010 - 12:30 am
I am glad you liked the video..The series has 3 more FREE videos which Shoemoney will release in the next few days :)
Web Tasarim | John Alden July 14, 2010 - 6:21 pm
Thanks for the video ZK. I've watched the video and it actually opened my eyes how we were being manipulated by some tactics :P But the scarcity part is very true. We see it everywhere...
Dany Event Planning July 14, 2010 - 9:37 pm
I used to think the comment about "selling ice to Eskimos" was about lying to people and selling them things they didn't need. It's like the similar statement of "selling sand to Saudis". Both seem dishonest on the surface, but if you consider what most honest, hard working companies do it's really just repackaging things that already exist with more benefits. Selling microchips (repackaged sand) to Saudis is in fact beneficial. If you built a refrigeration unit that came with locks to keep bears out then you would in essence be selling ice to Eskimos, but ice with a very direct benefit.
ZK July 15, 2010 - 12:33 am
I like the phrase "Selling sand to Saudis" never heard that phrase before :) I want to use it in one of my blog posts ..I promise to give you credit for it :)
Web Design Los Angeles July 14, 2010 - 11:04 pm
Good marketing is really important to get good sales. Marketing is not just selling its how we sell. According to target audience you can use different attitude and technique for marketing.
Colleen July 15, 2010 - 9:37 am
I'll watch the video ZK. I'm not ready to make any kinda purchase, but these videos (even when there is a pitch) always has something to takeaway.
SEO: July 15, 2010 - 10:45 am
It's funny how hard it is to sell to marketing people - that comment was the perfect example.
ZK July 15, 2010 - 10:45 am
There is nothing to purchase here :) just some great takeaways like you mentioned
evan schulte July 15, 2010 - 4:29 pm
Shoe knows his stuff. He is worth giving a listen to but he doesn't exactly give away any "secrets"
Laptop Briefcases July 15, 2010 - 4:47 pm
It seems that whenever I make a comment about shoemoney on this blog it gets blocked. I realize that you have to moderate this blog, but by blocking any negative comments you lose a lot of credibility. I get that you're his buddy and you're promoting his program, but why block free speech?
Plumber Sydney July 15, 2010 - 4:48 pm
Awesome share - i've always enjoyed Shoemoney's stuff. Thanks :)
Mathew Day July 22, 2010 - 3:52 pm
Shoemoney probably could sell ice to eskimos. :) He truly is an inspirational person and one of the most successful internet marketers who started with just about nothing.
Surfer Boi July 24, 2010 - 10:16 pm
Great article coming from what sounds like a successful marketer thanks for posting this
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