If you want to be a great marketer, you first need to be a super seller. If you have great selling skills and techniques you can sell anything to anyone. Thankfully selling is not rocket science, its a skill that can be learnt.
My buddy Shoemoney just released a FREE PDF report titled “Weapons of Marketing Blueprint” that shows 10 Sneaky Sales Techniques that work, these techniques will help you understand the psychology behind customers buying your products.
Shoemoney has sold over $10,000,000 ( Yes that’s 10 million ) worth of products and affiliate offers online. Alongwith the FREE PDF, he has also created an amazing video that explains some of his best and sneakiest sales tactics, in the video he covers each of the major weapons of marketing that can be used to sell products and then walks you through how he has used them online to make a lot of money.
Click here if the above video does not open.
Some I think will really surprise you what works. The walk through examples in the video are very recent on why some products sell well while other fail. How does Apple create a latent demand for its products months before launching it and many more real product examples. The video has tons of useful cases and examples of how you can use simple psychological techniques that sell products every time.
Also, make sure you download the PDF Cheat Sheet, print it out and pin it on your soft board. The 10 sales techniques explained in the cheat sheet will guarantee help you sell any product online or offline. Once you read the PDF you can even sell Ice to Eskimos and shampoos to bald men, its that powerful. The video is must for every marketer and sales person irrespective of what they sell.