What will you do if you get laid off today ? Do you have a Plan B for survival, majority of us don’t ?
More than 65,000 advertising professionals lost their jobs last year,not a lot of them had Plan B.
Lemonade is an inspirational movie about 16 advertising professional who when laid off last year went ahead and made a living perusing their hobbies and interests.
They looked at unemployment as an opportunity, they took the worst economy and turned it into the best situation of their lives.
Lemonade is a film that inspires you to listen to that little voice that asks “What if ?”
Isn’t that inspiring! To see all the different dreams that were not being pursued because they were stuck in what they were doing. I think sometimes we just need that little push (or in this case a massive shove) to make use realise that life is short and we need to follow our passions!
.-= Tom@Free Squeeze Pages´s last blog ..The Aweber Code….And Why You Need To Promote It! =-.
Your right ..life is short , follow your passion 🙂 …try to build a part time business working full time, when you don’t have a full time job the part time business can help pay the bills…and who know the part time business someday make be a full time business 🙂
man , your post and your video made me think 🙂 thanks , it’s true that life is not always giving us good things , but we have to know how to make good things from bad things
.-= anissa´s last blog ..CeLeTalk : Google Nexus One , The Good and The Bad Things =-.
The scary thing is that there are only a handful of happy tales amongst mass layoffs like this. A lot of people have had to make radical lifestyle changes, and settle for much less than they were accustomed to making.
your post and your video made me think..
This is truly inspirational! They have come out of the rat race there everybody is sitting in. Cool people with a real story to tell.
.-= link building services´s last blog ..Buy .edu Backlinks: How to Get .edu Backlinks from .edu Web Sites =-.
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