Market your blogs with Firepow Blogging Software

As blogs and blogging become more popular , how to monetize traffic from a log or a web site becomes an even more important aspects. Every week we get new tools and new plugins that are being developed.

In this review I am going to talk of Andrew Hansen’s Firepow Blogging Software , its a very flexible application and a very powerful tool to help you create , maintain and drive traffic to your blog. One of the basics of a successful blog is simplicity in customising and how effective you can use and integrate various different plugings to drive traffic and revenue.

Firepow Blogging Software is based  on the wordpress platform and allows the user to fully customised and functioning wordpress blogs in a few clicks. If you ve used Wordpress before you ll know that one of the best things about it is the ability to integrate third party plugins. The best 50 plugins from around the web have been integrated and programmed into the software so as to be automatically installed when your blog is created. 

Have 50 plugins automatically integrated into your blog itself is an amazing feature and its even better when you dont have to fiddel with the code to install the same on your blog.  

The “Create” part of the software lets your create a complete customised Wordpress theme from scratch by yourself without having any prior knowledge of creating and designing Wordpress themes, with more functionality that the free Wordpress theme available online.

Firepow Blogging Software creates a site management tab where all your blogs can be managed from one place, an SEO tracking tool to monitor the search rankings of all your sites, and a task manager
that tells you what needs to be done to maintain your blog/s and when.

You also have the ability to make your post content better, easily being able to add relevant images, videos, or trackbacks (automatically building backlinks to your site) to your posts… and even that’s leaving alot out.

The ability to monitor your blogs success, like being able to split test the results of different posts, monitor your traffic through in depth reporting (utilizing Google analytics), monitoring your search spider activity, the popularity of your posts, the terms people are searching on your site, and more still.

I can assure even with everything you’ve read here, I haven’t even really touched the surface of what’s going on inside this thing called Firepow – and I havent even got to the promotional tools.

If you are serious about monetizing traffic and making money from your blogs give Firepow Blogging Software very serious look. You dont want to miss this one.

I hope you’ve found the information here valuable, and don’t hesitate to leave your
comments on Firepow Blogging Software here to share with others.

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search engine optimization May 15, 2009 - 1:25 pm
i'm glad i'm the first to comment on this post but aside from that nice review of the firepow blogging sofware i've never actually heard of this until now is this still effective search engine optimizations last blog post..Review Of The Email Messenger “Mostly Known” As AWEBER
Rapid Application Development June 18, 2009 - 1:40 am
Can anyone recommend a blogging software of script? Easy to use, other than Wordpress? I want to do a blog for my family and my hubby wants to do one for work that he can also earn money from google adsense... .-= Rapid Application Development´s last blog ..Hello world! =-.
Rodney@Taguchi Split Test June 20, 2009 - 12:07 pm
Sounds like an interesting WP add-on. Could you maybe do a side to side comparison with Jeff Johnson's similar plugin. There are so many plugins, it is hard to know which one to choose.
increase traffic June 26, 2009 - 9:49 am
this one is better than Johnson's
kitchen taps September 8, 2009 - 5:07 am
Blogging is more popular nowadays and this is one kind of great blogging software the one should use for markting blogs.

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