Problogger ebooks at 50% discount until Jan 1 2014

If you’re serious a about building a blog in 2014, then you need to get started now. It takes about six months to build a decent blog and get traffic, some bloggers have done it in less than three months. Your success depends on how much work you put into blogging.

Darren (aka Problogger) has made it easy for you by offering a 50% discount on all his ebooks until 1 Jan 2014, Problogger has provided awesome blogging tips since 2004, his ebooks have been downloaded by more than 20,000 bloggers.

I recommend you get the Problogger set of downloaded ebook at a 50% discount. It’s a solid blueprint to build a successful blog in 2014

The following books are at a 50% discount:

– 31 Days to Build a Better Blog (was $29.99, now $14.99)
– Problogger’s guide to First Week Blogging (was $19.99, now $9.99)
– Problogger’s guide to blogging for your Business (was $49.99, now $24.99)
– Blogwise – How to do more with less (was $19.99, now $9.99)
– Copywriting scorecard for Bloggers (was $29.99, now $14.99)
– The Bloggers Guide to Online Marketing (was $49.99, now $24.99)

Until Jan 1, you can buy all six ebooks for $75 instead of the normal price $200

Happy Blogging and Happy Holidays

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Saqib Razzaq December 29, 2013 - 10:23 pm
What is wrong with ProBlogger team?? OMG!! All books at 50% discount? I'm running right now to find my credit card and grab them....
Sunday December 30, 2013 - 7:12 am
In the blogging world today, its always an excitement to get offers from Problogger. This current offer is awesome. Its an opportunity for for newbie bloggers to do more with less! Thanks for sharing this offer, I would recommend it for friends. I have shared this post in - the content syndication and social bookmarking website for Internet marketers and bloggers where this post was found. Sunday - contributor
ZK January 1, 2014 - 9:16 pm
Thanks for the share :)
Aktar January 2, 2014 - 9:18 am
Ohh!! I was a bit late, I missed this exciting offer....
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