The Blogworld this Week – 15 year old bloggers

There are lots bloggers who fascinate me especially a few of the 14 -15 year old bloggers. I am impressed with their attitude, focus and dedication to blogging. At 15 years they are impressive in their approach and have a business mind. 

The blogworld this week is dedicated to the 14 and 15 years old bloggers who have shown great character and sprite in the blogging world.There is a lot that all bloggers can learn from them.

Tushar Dhoot of writes about 5 reasons to subscribe to his RSS feed.

Melvin of poses a question to his readers if direct ad sponsorship is really worth it

Rajaie of just released the Vrooom theme.

Ganesh of wrote about Sunday Link Love and Updates.

What were you doing when you were 15 ? At 15 I was only interested in playing cricket and listening to Queen.  

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Tushar Dhoot October 19, 2008 - 6:27 pm
Thanks for the mention. A great part of making money on the internet is that it doesn't discriminate, so it's the one place where teenagers can compete on the same ground as adults. Tushar Dhoots last blog post..5 Reasons to Subscribe to My RSS Feed
ZK October 19, 2008 - 7:12 pm
Way to go Tushar ZKs last blog post..Awesome Thanksgiving Contest Giveaways
Ben - October 19, 2008 - 8:06 pm
Very interesting! It's great to see people that young getting into blogging, they will probably be killer bloggers in a couple of years ;) When I was that age blogging wasn't that big but I did a couple of things to make money online with what was available at the time ! Ben - frogstr.coms last blog post..SEO-Quake: website analysis in half a second
IntoXicator October 19, 2008 - 11:30 pm
A lot of youngsters are coming to this field in order to get independence and start earning money for them selves. We should try to motivate them, as much as we could IntoXicators last blog post..Mygazines Closed Down Due to Insufficient Funds
Rajaie AlKorani October 20, 2008 - 7:03 am
Thanks ZK! :) I always enjoy reading other blogs by young teens like me, very inspiring! Rajaie AlKoranis last blog post..Vrooom! Theme Released
CoolProducts October 20, 2008 - 10:37 am
@ 15 I was concerned about sports and girls! I do agree with others comments on how these young boys are very inspiring!
rummuser October 20, 2008 - 12:05 pm
For me, fifteen was fifty years ago! I had to finish school and start to make a living! I was however like other 15 year olds, horny, insecure and living from day to day. Things were very different then. rummusers last blog post..Declare Emergency In India - II
ZK October 20, 2008 - 4:32 pm
Hi Ben : The foundation to making money was laid at that time :) Hi Intoxicator : You are right , they need encouragement and this post is dedicated to them. Hi Rajaie : You deserve it Hi Cool Products : I was in the same shoes as you :) Hi Rammusers : Most of us were the same , it requires a slight edge to be different and thats what these 15 year old bloggers are all about... ZKs last blog post..Awesome Thanksgiving Contest Giveaways
Dennis Edell October 20, 2008 - 7:59 pm
Hmm, 1985 - yea I was computering somewhat but nothing like this! Blogging was still a dream dancing in someones head LOL Dennis Edells last blog post..Blog Revamp Update: Done - WOOHOO!
Norhafidz@Make Money Online October 20, 2008 - 8:25 pm
I was busy with school homeworks when I was 15 :/ Norhafidzs last blog post..Make Money Blogging - Is It Possible?
Adam October 21, 2008 - 10:32 am
I am not sure I trust all the bloggers that say they are 15. I mean most of the guys you listed above I read and comment on their sites, but some of the 15 years olds know way too much for their age. I mean my wife teaches 14 year olds and they are stupid. I just find it hard to believe that some of these so called 14/15 year olds have great grammar and a knowledge that tops mine. Adam Adams last blog post..Registration Is Open!
Ganesh October 22, 2008 - 5:10 am
Thanks for the mention ZK! I first got the inspiration to blog after reading Carl Ocab's blog. He first started blogging when he was 13. The way his wrote his posts was so professional. I received an inspiration and I started my first blog I love blogging and how it can be a way to talk all you want. :) Ganeshs last blog post..Blog About What You Love and You Will Succeed
Ben Pei October 22, 2008 - 12:31 pm
Some readings there.. Thanks for the links Ben Peis last blog post..A Great Idea To Blogging Is No Longer Enough
Brendon October 23, 2008 - 10:20 am
@Adam, just because your wife teaches stupid 14 year olds doesn't mean that every 14 year old is stupid. Stupidity is a matter of opinion - Einstein didn't know how to tie shoe laces, but it doesn't make him stupid. Sure, many 14 year olds have bad grammar and poor knowledge, but I don't think this is the issue - I think it is more a case of dedication, attitude and desire (motivation) towards blogging. I started blogging when I was 15. Within a few months, I was able to generate about $70-100 a month through advertising. Although this wasn't much, it gave a great feeling of control (in a "business sense") and drove me to work even harder towards blogging. -Brendon. Brendons last blog post..You, Yourself and Your Brand
ZK October 23, 2008 - 2:03 pm
Hi Dennis : I think we missed out as there was no internet at that time Hi Norahfidz : I hated school :) Hi Adam : I think there is a lot to learn from the 14-15 year old and I am happy to know that people at 14 -15 take blogging and their passion seriously ..way to go guys :) Hi Ganesh : I also love to read Carl Ocarb's blog , his blog business is big. Hi Ben : Hope you enjoyed reading Hi Brendon : Thanks for the visit and you comment , I have a lot to learn from you $ 70 - 100 a day is amazing ZKs last blog post..Position 2 on Google in 2 days
atiq@make money online October 23, 2008 - 4:35 pm
So right, never had concept even if you can do something online and internet was just supposed to provide infotainment or for making calls. The core interest was playing games and study text books. I myself interacted with a 16 years who knew lot of stuff to make some living online and he actually was making to buy a laptop and maintaining his studies. atiqs last blog post..High Search Engine Ranking with 3 way link building & no link exchange - An emerging seo service review
Eric October 28, 2008 - 5:40 pm
at 15, i didn't know what the internet was. kudos to today's teenage bloggers! Erics last blog post..Easily increase traffic to you site FREE!
ZK October 28, 2008 - 7:13 pm
Hi Atiq : I was in the same boat as you at 15 , watching movies and playing Nintendo :) Hi Eric : Internet was never there when I was 15 :) ZKs last blog post..Ultimate Blogging Theme - Download Now
Gigs October 29, 2008 - 8:20 pm
At his young age, he knows how to blog and later he will know how to earn money. Gigss last blog post..$350,000 For World’s Most Expensive Abaya
AverageGal October 29, 2008 - 10:05 pm
Kudos to the young entrepreneurs! What a very impressive start! AverageGals last blog post..Why I don’t Sleep: Blogging for Money isn’t Rocket Science!
Erik Z@Modern Muscle Cars November 3, 2008 - 10:06 pm
Blogging is a great way to help kids become smarter! I mean, it helps them develop their writing skills, help them think faster, and their reading skills. I'm going to try and get my niece to participate in blogging soon as she turns fourteen.
Önder November 9, 2008 - 2:06 pm
they will be the blogmasters. Önders last blog post..Gece dışarıya damlı mı gitmeli, yoksa damsız mı gitmeli?
Jonathan Muller @ How to Blog December 17, 2008 - 3:32 pm
Well I don't know about you guys, but I was running a multi million dollar company. Lol ok that was a joke, actually I was blogging, but then I took a break, and now I'm back at 16, but for some reason I just can't repeat my success when I was 15... Jonathan Mullers last blog post..Blog Review:
kitchen taps March 28, 2009 - 6:09 am
Young bloggers have their own panache really! Nice to see them making their indelible mark.

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