What does it take to make a $500k blog ?

John Chow is a well known blogger in the “Make Money Online” niche, I am blessed to have him as a good friend and mentor. But not a lot of you know that John is a very simple and down to earth guy, he’ll go out of his way to help you. He does not look like the guy who makes half a million from his blog, but the fact is that John Chow makes a cool $40,000 a month blogging from home.

He is not very technical, he has no graphic, website design or any programming knowledge, he does not have a lot of experience building his own business. Yet his blog about making money online brings him over $40,000 a month.

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I just finished reading John’s new FREE ebook – Ultimate Blog Profit Model , where he completely walks you through everything he does. One thing I like about John is that he is completely transparent about exactly what techniques he uses and exactly what he does to make money.

When you download his FREE new ebook I want you to spend sometime in reading chapter 2 where he talk about “Building Relationship” with users, no one can teach you to build relationships with users better than John Chow, his blog has a readership of more than 90,000 loyal users who have subscribed to his feeds and a Twitter following of over 56,000.

The FREE ebook – Ultimate Blog Profit Model is packed with 60 pages of powerful content that will not only help you build a successful blog but will also give you the million dollar mindset that you need to build a successful blog. The book is a must for every internet marketer and blogger. When you download the FREE ebook you are automatically entered into an iPad contest, where a random winner will win an iPad. It’s the easiest way to get one 🙂

Download John Chow’s new FREE ebook – Ultimate Blog Profit Model

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Laptop Cases June 7, 2010 - 3:47 pm
Yes John Chow is one of the true great blogging success stories. There are a handful of well known bloggers and Chow is right at the top of the list. So it can certainly help to read some advice from a blogger who has had such great success.
cheap ghd June 8, 2010 - 7:08 pm
I really don't know what's this website for?
Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online June 10, 2010 - 4:14 am
John is one of the successful bloggers who make millions from blogging and he is the one who inspirates me to start my first blog too. You may visit his blog for some days and see what you can learn from him.
Colleen June 7, 2010 - 6:37 pm
"...John is a very simple and down to earth guy..." Very true. I do not know John personally like you do, but I've watched enough video to know he's a nice guy. I remember the video he did on the internet life, or something like that, and was taking his child for a walk. Very simple and down to earth! :)
Blogging Assets June 12, 2010 - 7:06 pm
Yer, the Internet lifestyle post was really funny. I remember seeing a parody on that post, was hilarious.
Financial Freedom June 7, 2010 - 8:26 pm
His blog even became stronger when Google slapped him with a penalty. John's ideas are so revolutionary and it is a big help to beginning bloggers like me.
Diana Zubiri June 7, 2010 - 8:29 pm
As an Asian like me, I am proud of John Chow for his success in the online world. Keep it up John!
Joseph Archibald June 7, 2010 - 11:53 pm
Interesting account ZK, thanks for sharing! I'm kinda wondering to myself - because you are close to him and you are mates, can you give us a little more insight about him and about you both as mates, without intruding on your personal life, I mean? I think it would be fascinating to learn about John from your viewpoint, if you would care to share. What do you reckon to that ZK? Many thanks in advance for any consideration! Kind regards Joseph
Web Design June 8, 2010 - 2:54 am
We both love John Chow's blog, in fact he led me to your blog ZK! The man is a legend, and I really like his attitude and approach to business and blogging, just like I do yours! Keep on spreading the lurve, man ;-)
ZK June 8, 2010 - 4:16 am
Thanks :) blessed and honored to have readers like you commenting and visiting this blog :)
Art June 8, 2010 - 7:58 am
I read this ebook and i never read an ebook like this !
Tasarım June 8, 2010 - 12:08 pm
I really admire John Chow. I actually read his e-book and got some insightful tips! He himself is one of the best blogging success stories that's for sure :)
David June 8, 2010 - 12:47 pm
Never been a big John Chow fan. His entire website about how to make money is to tell other people how to make money. And their strategy is supposed to telling other people how to make money. And so on. Somewhere along the way, the concept of actually passing along useful content is lost, I feel. He's just a guy with a personal blog who got extraordinarily lucky and never taught me much on his website about SEO. When I needed to actually learn SEO, I always read Grizzly (he has since retired from blogging, but used to rank #1 for 'make money online'). I'm sure someone will come along and tell me I'm just jealous of his success. Let me tell you-I'm even less of a fan of fans, so leave me alone. :)
Tasarım June 8, 2010 - 12:52 pm
Haha David! You're right that he's a really, extremely lucky guy. I'm not really a "fan" of his but come on, who wouldn't want to be in that guys shoes :D
Laptop Cases June 8, 2010 - 2:47 pm
I definitely agree. He did get very lucky. And now people are supposed to respect everything the guy says? There are many successful bloggers who's opinion I trust more. The only thing I've learned from John Chow is that anyone can get lucky and become successful online.
Joseph Archibald June 8, 2010 - 6:56 pm
Hi guys and girls, when you say he was "lucky" what does this mean? Does one not create their own luck to a large extent? Give me some of that "luck" any day! I gotta admire anyone with this capability of gaining so much luck.
Anne Marie June 8, 2010 - 7:45 pm
As a publicist I know how important it is to build relationships, not just with your visitors but with the media as well. Relationships and the trust that is built with it, are the real momentum in any online business.
Julius June 8, 2010 - 7:47 pm
very interesting. I didn't know that John Chow wasn't much into technical stuff. But this proves that non-technical people can also profit a lot from this niche. I'm seriously considering getting his ebook.
Episode June 9, 2010 - 11:45 am
Quite a chunk of that money is coming from all the information products and stuff he is pushing to help people replicate his success even though it's pretty impossible. Most bloggers will in fact fail.
Mike G. June 9, 2010 - 5:44 pm
I blog all the time, but rarely read other people's blog. A few months ago, I came across ProBlogger.net and it led me to JohnChow.com and now, this website. John makes mad money from blogging, but I don't think it's typical for the bloggers to earn that level of income. John inspired me to start my own blogging website.
ZK June 10, 2010 - 12:15 am
Congrats, the first step is making a decision to start a blog :) everything else will follow
Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online June 12, 2010 - 11:10 pm
That's tough to have another mmo niche blog, but it's interesting to go if you don't mind how much you could earn from the blog alone. Problogger and Johnchow was the one who inspirated me to start my first blog. No doubt, I've learnt quite a lot from them. Great blog you have there Mike. :) Regards, Lee
Matthew June 10, 2010 - 6:22 am
Hey I'm also a bit fan. He inspired to keep at it no matter how hard it seems at first. Good on you John!
Joseph Archibald June 10, 2010 - 7:06 am
Matthew, that in itself would be enough for me to admire and aspire to be like anyone, more than the amount of money they were making! The ability to inspire you when you were on the verge of giving up is a great quality indeed! Thanks for sharing! Joseph
Peter Jay June 10, 2010 - 10:32 am
Yeah.. Me too a Chow's small fan (because drowning in thousand others) Lol.. I get much benefit while read both of he's eBook. It's completely change my mind about blogging world. P/s I like Joseph Archibald suggestion. How bout you ZK? :)
Internet Marketing Course June 11, 2010 - 10:46 am
I spend a lot of time on JohnChow.com and although I have yet to meet John personally, he definitely does look like the kind of guy who would go out of his way to help. Congrats to him on reaching that level – his blog is an inspiration to many of us!
Mathew Day June 16, 2010 - 3:40 pm
The Ultimate Blog Profit Model really helped to inspire and motivate me to achieve success with blogging. It was really cool JC was giving this ebook away for free. :)
Fazal Mayar @ Make Money Online February 15, 2011 - 8:17 pm
hehe, I think we all know John Chow by now. I also don't have much programming skills but I try to maintain my blog the best way possible.
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