Microsoft finally got Yahoo to surrender control of Internet’s second most popular search engine. But I am very curious to know what you think, who gained in the Microsoft – Yahoo deal ?
Thats a tough one:))Google was the winner here 🙂
I would have to say that Microsoft is the winner for now, but let’s see how they pull ahead in the race. Haven’t they been doing pretty well up until this point?
Yes after years, a solid attempt is being made to provide some real competition against Google. Hm, I cannot really make a valid guess just yet but I would say that Microsoft is the winner for now. Yahoo did not take the money up front, they are going to take most of the revenue for the next 5 years. It would have been better if they got the money up front. To add, Google also has a year to prepare for this 😉
Till then,
I agree with you, The battle is going to be intense in the coming months…
I think inspite of Yahoo and Microsoft making such attempts…Google will still rise and shine…
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This is really good. With the 2 giants competing, we the users are the most to benefit from all of these. It means a race for better quality service, faster browsing experience, etc.
You are right i am very much concern with you. We all will be benefited with it.
.-= Kit Homes´s last blog ..Are there any Exclusions? =-.
Sorry for the double post, but I just want to add that the fifth year will turn out to be the most interesting year for these giants because by this time, both would have given out the best they can do.
With two giants banging heads and causing all forms of commotion, do you think a surprise third competitor will arise out of this?
Great news! So now Google has competition, I’m going to see how they fight in the coming days. Perhaps it’s the good time for Google to improve in term of their system or development of other free tool. 😀
This shows that Google is not always be the King in World Wide Web? lol!
Microsoft is becoming a beast.
I would say 3 entities have gained from this deal.
Firstly, it is a good move for Microsoft to attract more advertisers. Secondly, Yahoo will get a good share of revenue without managing the search engine. Thirdly, webmasters who have good ranking in bing.com can get more traffic.
Google is surely the king in the Online Search Industry and Microsoft in Software Industry (Operating Systems). Both are contending in each other’s arena, let us wait and see who wins…
They both will be beneficial with this deal. They can fight with Google now.
Now visitor has many choice for that.
According to my point of view is a starting of war against Google. Lets watch what happened.
.-= Kit Homes´s last blog ..Are there any Exclusions? =-.
Microsoft has something up there sleeve for the long run.
Both are the empires.All the empires are not good any times.
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Both are the empires.All the empires are not good any times.
Well, it already is clear that the two companies are following one single aim and that is catching Google but it seems they are still some miles behind in terms of offering professional search technologies and also the financial incentives.
For instance, thousands of webmasters and site owners are already earning money via the AdSense system but Yahoo even after several years has its YPN still in beta format.
Well, they need to work a lot because Google is still leading the search engine world and they both have only one aim after cooperating with each other and that is just catching the main competitor which is Google.
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Google won! :- 0
Less competition and innovation because their are no longer two massive innovative entities to compete against – just one that has 2 platforms.
I think they must work very hard and very long for getting good output against G because Google is still good innovator.
I think, if both works together then they can compete with google, otherwise google will still remain on its No1 position. Thanks for such a nice informative post..
From a financial standpoint it makes sense to both parties. But the reality is that it is not a good idea for us as the consumer. By the way don’t they already have MSN? Isn’t MSN about the same as Yahoo.
MSN is being supplanted by Bing, which incidentally I’m using more and more. Analytics stats are also showing more & more visitors to my websites from Bing generated traffic.
Microsoft already have a long story want to join with Yahoo. At the first time they try to buy Yahoo but fail. Now They integrate the search feature. Well at least Google have strong competitor now.
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Their competition can bring more profits to the clients,better terms and conditions.
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I feel that ultimately the consumer is gaining here, as the offering of Bing is already proving to be quite special, and incorporating Yahoo’s knowledge and expertise into this can only lead to a better experience fpor the end user.
its beneficial for both parties, as Yahoo! need some high tech professionals and Microsoft need some partner to defeat Google
I’m actually glad to see some better competition for Google on the search engine front. I’d say that Microsoft really came out the winner as they can finally start to compete (at least somewhat) in the search engine arena.
I think Microsoft, cause Yahoo is a brand name already well established and Microsoft doesn’t have to spend on its marketing much. I wonder why would Yahoo close in to that deal though.
I think this is Microsofts attempt at trying to compete with Google search engine, nice try!
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