This came as a surprise to me and a lot of other web marketers and online players. Amazon has acquired Zappos for $807 million in Amazon stock and $ 40 million in cash and restricted stock. Zappos has been one of the most respected and fastest growing ecommerce business in recent years.
Zappos started off as a footwear store but gradually moved to being an online retailer. Zappos is a great case study for marketers on “how to build a customer focused company.”
Below is a video by Jeff Bezos on how he started Amazon 15 years back from his home, the company’s obsession in being customer focused and the deal with Zappo. It’s a very brief, honest and impactful speech by one of the most powerful web entrepreneurs.
Oh boy another big sales of websites … they have build the faith of their customer and now sold to amazon.
Simply amazing.
.-= On Sale Steve Jobs´s last blog ..want to buy rapidsshare accounts =-.
nice vedio thanks for sharing..
.-= amit@Web promotion uk´s last blog ..Ethical SEO Factors =-.
Interesting looks like amazon taken a bright step
That is a pretty huge deal!
Not only huge but they are trying to expand there network ..
Its a good deal …
That’s a top website sale. Zappos has been a very successful online presence and deserves such valuation. And I can see more money in the unification of the two. Thanks for the news.
.-= Vic of BusinessAccent´s last blog ..The faithful and powerful businessman =-.
Indeed, Zappos is a great case study for all web marketers
.-= Web Marketing Blog´s last blog ..Amazon acquires online retailer Zappos for $850 million =-.
It’s definitely worth a lot, I’m sure this deal went through a lot of negotiations first before it was finalized. Being a respected presence in the online community, other companies can really use Zappos as a good example of excellent and dedicated customer focus. Thanks!
Nice video! It is really interesting to know this news and make conclusions from it.
.-= game-girl´s last blog ..В фильме Бюро снимутся Мэтт Дэймон и Эмили Блант =-.
this is a nice topic related good info.thanks for sharing this nice post and blog…
.-= Rapid Application Development´s last blog ..Hello world! =-.
Not only huge but they are trying to expand there network.Its a good deal …
Incredible – I didn’t see this coming, however it was probably a great acquisition. He has a lot of simple yet powerful advice. Great post
It seems really unbelievable. Zappos in really the big fame and amazon itself, so this would be a great deal.
Good deal i would say and it will surely help to get more benefit further.
Thanks for sharing with me. I love to read every post on this great blog..
I wonder how this will affect their ceo tony. It seems like he is there to stay.
.-= paul´s last blog ..Drake falls on stage – Video =-.
Yes, Tony will still head Zappos as their CEO but I think he will move from Zappos in a few months to start another venture soon
.-= ZK@Web Marketing Blog´s last blog ..Learn Affiliate Marketing with Affiliate Classroom =-.
its a good take up amazon is really awesome and its expanding rapidly.. I heard Amazon is targeting another big retail company is that true?
Zappers has been a very successful online presence and deserves such valuation. And I can see more money in the unification of the two. Thanks for the news.
Greatings, Onload of page my antivirus put alert, check pls.
Dang, that’s a big price tag. Pretty cool video as well.
very nice post.It is very informative post. great resource for earn the money.
Thanks for sharing with me. I love to read every post on this great blog..
I always find it interesting that when companies buy other companies they give them a share in stocks as a way of payment. Personally I would rather get cash than the stocks, hehe.
Till then,
I agree with what Jeff said. We should focus on customer. They will not tell us what they want. So it is our duty to find it out.
.-= Ruri@Free article submission´s last blog ..Popular Casual Wear Selections For 2009 =-.
Amazon is just going from strength top strength. Funny, if they were to have started today the name that is their brand would’ve most propably been rejected for a lack of relevant keywords. Makes one think, doesn’t it?
I am reading these posts for getting the inspiration from such successful peoples. They have set really a great example against peoples.
Its a good information to share and amazon has done a great job.It is really important to focus on the customer
Zappos is yet another great acquisition fit for Amazon.
Very informative blog. Being a respected presence in the online community, other companies can really use Zappos as a good example of excellent and dedicated customer focus.
This is a good topic related good info. its a good take up amazon is really awesome and its expanding rapidly..
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