Home Laws of Success Code Bytes: Conversations with Internet Entrepreneurs

Code Bytes: Conversations with Internet Entrepreneurs

by amol238

Code Bytes

My Blogger Buddy – Donny Gamble released a new book titled “Code Bytes – Conversations With Internet Entrepreneurs”. Donny Co-authored the book with Tommie Powers.

It’s a book that has interviews of 63 Top Bloggers and I am blessed and honored to be a part of this elite list.

Code Bytes – Conversations With Internet Entrepreneurs features interviews with Top A List Bloggers and Internet Entrepreneurs including John Chow, Chris Brogan, Timothy Sykes, Yaro Starak, Chris Pirillo, Aaron Wall , Jason Falls, Neil Patel, Liz Strauss, Jim Kukral, Jeremy Schoemaker, Rand Fishkin, Joe Pulizzi, Shawn Collins, Zac Johnson, ZK ( that’s me ) 🙂 and many more.

These are some of the most successful bloggers and internet entrepreneurs who have made millions of dollars online. Donny makes them spills the beans on how each one of them made it big. The title Code Bytes is apt to the book – it gives insights into how these internet entrepreneurs and bloggers have cracked the code to financial freedom. What makes them a success ? What inspires them to keep blogging ? How do they get the big ideas to make money online ?

If you are looking for inspiration from successful bloggers and internet entrepreneurs to make money online or ideas for your next big online launch, this is a good read.

Donny takes you inside the minds of 63 World’s Most Successful Bloggers and Internet Entrepreneurs and ensures that you take away many nuggets of wisdom and awesome tips to help you make your online venture a success.

Code Bytes – Conversations with Internet Entrepreneurs is a 334 page book that you can download instantly or buy it from Amazon.com . A part of the proceeds go to scholarships that are designed to help aspiring Internet Entrepreneurs start their online business.

Code Bytes – Instant Digital Download | Code Bytes at Amazon.com

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Web Developer April 15, 2011 - 5:55 am

Congrats on being a part of the A blogger list 🙂

Sam @ Weekend Getaways April 15, 2011 - 8:31 am

Thanks for shown the picture i was known some of them but now I’ll known all of them very well . They are the real stars in bloggers .

Alex April 15, 2011 - 6:40 pm

Congrats ZK,

You have some interesting company with well known bloggers and entrepreneurs, way to go.

Oh, what do you mean you can download it instantly or buy it from amazon, do you guys offer some complementary free copies ? 🙂

ZK April 16, 2011 - 3:15 am

Thanks Alex 🙂

I don’t have a free copy, but if you are interested I can speak to Donny for a discount 🙂

John | Affiliate Marketing April 16, 2011 - 9:01 pm

I read the first bit and love it so far, it something that’s really helped motivate me even further.

Kavya Hari April 19, 2011 - 2:45 am

I have to buy it from Amazon.com to read that book. Thanks a lot for mentioning great book name on here 🙂

ary April 23, 2011 - 5:16 am

All open discussions or interview is always good, what I don’t like they never tell the essence of online Entrepreneur , unless you buy their products or join their group.Maybe doing charity is good, make your soul felt more than just pitching.

ZK April 25, 2011 - 2:30 pm

Understanding the mindset is more important, once you get into the mind of successful bloggers….you’ll start to make money 🙂

Albertina@internetbusinessstrategies.org June 8, 2011 - 12:04 am

Wow. Congrats ZK and congrats to all the Top Bloggers. I will surely buy Code Bytes – Conversations With Internet Entrepreneurs. 🙂

Vanguard August 16, 2011 - 10:49 pm

Great book, I purchased this book a while ago and loved it..


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