Home Laws of Success First Law Of Success – Find Your Yoda

First Law Of Success – Find Your Yoda

by amol238

Laws of Success

No matter what your chosen profession in life, you would be remiss to shoot for the stars without having some one around to tell you that you could reach them. Even more important is having some one who can show you how.

Can you imagine how different events would have played out in Star Wars had Luke never sought Yoda’s help? What if he had blindly marched on, “never his mind on where he was going”? He probably would have just given up and gone back home, farming moisture in the middle of a desert.

We’re all packed with the same potential as Luke Skywalker, but we, too, need that guiding wisdom to carry us from our own desolate rocks to the farthest ends of the universe. If you want to experience your own grand adventure, you had better get a Yoda.


What Makes A Person A Yoda?

Almost any one can be the Yoda to your Luke Skywalker. That being said, there are some key traits a person must possess in order to help you pull off the impossible. When looking for your Yoda, consider the following:

  • Is this person invested in you? If not yet, could they be?
  • Is this person an enabler? If so, he/she will not make a very good Yoda.
  • Does this person possess wisdom you do not (yet)?
  • Does this person make you a better you?

Depending upon the answers to the above questions, you may have yourself a Yoda. This person needs to be invested in guiding you, cannot let you indulge in habits/behaviors that hinder your progress, and they had better know something you do not as of yet. After all, what good is a Yoda that doesn’t care if you succeed, let’s you get away with giving up, and knows all of the same things you do?


Who Can Be A Yoda?

I’ve already said that almost any one can be your Yoda, but that implies that there will be exceptions. When picking your Yoda, you might find you’ll have better luck if you search in these crowds:

  • Family members
  • Significant others
  • Professors/Mentors

I’ve left out “friends”, simply because they’re on the same journey you are. They, too, need Yoda’s right now, and as such they can’t fill that position for you. Plus, being your friends, it’s highly likely you might share some of the same inefficiencies that have been hindering your progress.

The three groups I listed are your best bet, as they’re the most likely candidates to meet the requirements for being Yodas in the first place. The safest bet is to start your search by looking for a Yoda in the form of a Professor/Mentor, as they’re likely very wise in the ways of your given aspiration.

If you are a blogger, then your Yoda can be one of the A list bloggers you aspire to be. Yaro Starak and John Chow have been guiding forces of success for ZK’s Blog.


The important thing, no matter in what form your Yoda arrives, is to never give up. If you want to succeed, you cannot quit. After all, a wise man once said “Do, or do not. There is no try”. I think it was Jar Jar Binks.


This is a guest post by Adan Costa, check the guideline to guest post here

Image Credit: Savyoney Eitan

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kyle September 26, 2011 - 1:53 am

I already find my yoda so what’s next? do I need to find my Dart Vader? Lol well anyway from your post I learned that I’m on the right track.

Gadgets Advisor September 30, 2011 - 12:54 pm

ur family member are better yoda for u…nice share

Brye Bishop October 4, 2011 - 9:50 am

Hey Adamc
Yeah like what you have to say, Does this person make you a better you?
cool… I know only a few people who I can say do…
One who changed my health by introducing me to green juicing and a better lifestyle and my whole outlook is more positve… maybe I can be a Yoda?


kelli October 8, 2011 - 2:49 am

My grandmother is my yoda 🙂


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