Home Laws of Success Good Morning Sunday: 7 Tips To Maximizing Your Blogging Output

Good Morning Sunday: 7 Tips To Maximizing Your Blogging Output

by amol238

Good Morning

The world has woken up to the desperate need for efficiency and efficacy. The one thing which the professionals from a wide gamut of fields have in common is the need to get the maximum output from the day. If you have been haunted by the same thought and feel your most vital time going to a complete waste, we suggest you walk through the below mentioned tips meant for the professionals to improve their creativity manifolds and get the maximum output from their days.

Determine the long term and the short term goals

In the business school, we read about the goals, missions and objectives, where the goals or the vision outlined the entire existence of the organizations, which were then broken down into a mission statement and subsequently into objectives – objectives being the key performance evaluators – marking what needs to be achieved and by when.

Similarly, as a creative web professionals, small business owners and bloggers, you cannot afford to miss out on this important business frontier. For the ease of understanding, let us just divide the entire concept into long term and short term goals. Where long term goals give you a sense of direction, motivate you, and remind you why you get into doing the business at the first place at all, the short term goals play an important road map – the check points along the way which ensures you end up being where you intended to be at the first place.

Optimize your mornings

We definitely are one of the many who find nights as the most productive time, and that’s about it. Determine your morning – the time zone where you are at the best of your creativity and productivity. Start your work day ritual with a little bit of meditation. Now, we certainly do not suggest you become an elusive radiating sage of the west, the point is simply to dedicate a few moments of the starting of your work day into contemplating how your day is going to be.

Leading the day without a sense of direction makes no sense – especially when we have got so much to do in life and in so little time. Each day, at the starting of your work, envision how your day is going to be like, what all you plan to achieve, and the kind of person you choose to be today. Yes, that is necessary – choose the personality you are going to wear today much like you choose your clothes for the morning.

Prioritize beyond limits

In the morning of your day, when you are deciding what you want to be, and what you need to achieve today, define your prioritize. Remember, you can neither control the past nor the future, but if you are at your best today, your tomorrow is going to joyous. Besides, there is joy in knowing that you have lived your today the best way you intended to. Thus, prioritize. Understand what is it that is going to give you the maximum and long lasting joy right now.

And of course this is subject to change. At times it is going to be organizing and throwing a beautiful birthday bash for your spouse or best friend, and at other times it would be completing a client’s project well before the assigned time frame. You are entitled to choose between the interpersonal and the professional factors, the point is to make that decision, follow it through, and to not repent on deciding to do it.

Get into a ritual

Our bodies have an innate and inexpressible ability to adapt to a particular setting. Once you start doing things at a particular time, your body adapts and your feel internally prepared for the kind of job at hand. Get into a routine, do not fight it but strive hard to achieve a routine where you have time for everyone or everything important in your life. And try to streamline your everyday work routine. Dedicating a given set of hours for work each day will allow you body to prepare for the same, even before you get down to your work station and start with the work.

Time yourself and try to improve it

Even if you are a completely creative professional who would not get down to work unless hit by a strong inspiration, you can still improve your speed by learning various tricks. Acquire the knowledge of all of the keyboard short cuts that you require, aim for smart work instead of hard work and try to identify various patterns that work for you. Once through, it will take you hardly a few minutes to finish an otherwise long and strenuous task.

Identify and avoid your distractions and addictions

It can be internet, the gaming app on your smart phone or tab which you has caught your fancy, an interpersonal conflict or a situation that you are dealing with. You need to avoid it. And figure out a way of doing it effectively. Cut out internet connection and put away your phone when you get down to work. The world and its entire multitude of affairs and temptations are still going to be there after 3-4 hours. And we all know that all that you really require for a productive day is 3-4 hours of unadulterated, focused and pristine work. That is when you get the maximum work done, and whatever follows is a mere act of polishing it up.

Similarly, avoid alcohol, cigarettes and smoking up while on they work. They drain you off your vitality and speed while on the work. If you so desire, do it when you take a leave, or are out holidaying, but strictly not between the work hours.

Don’t multitask, outsource instead

You have figures out your strengths and weaknesses – if not then do that before acting on anything else. And once you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, work on your strengths, and do not try to multitask beyond the realms of your capabilities. Outsource instead. There is enough work, and you improve your chances of getting more business once you get into the act of outsourcing and collaborating with others.


We are positive that these tips would work out for you. Share with us your experience and opinions about the same in the comments section below.

Have a Super Sunday and a Great week Ahead

Image Credit: Ramon Rosati

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floriefe may October 21, 2013 - 3:47 am

I definitely agree with Mike!
One of the key tips that I learned is to Prioritize and Determine short term and long term goal! I mean this is all applicable in people’s everyday lives.
Thank you for these wonderful tips and I am surely know, that this is very useful to all bloggers out there!
I found and “kingged” this on the Internet marketing social site Kingged.com

Hyptia October 21, 2013 - 6:42 am

Blogging is that kind of part where number of people are always ready to play with it because many people are thinking this easy task to do and in that they can make good money over there. So these are the tips which will help to improve your blogging efforts.

Andrew Weiers October 21, 2013 - 8:02 am

I would like to say all these tips really great and helpfull for me because before these tips and blog i was not aware how i can earn money with blog but know i should even try to do something in blog so thanks author for this beautiful blog.

Boxes Los Angeles October 23, 2013 - 8:24 am

I think we should have long term and short term goals. Long term goals should be kept in mind every time but short term goals are that are to be focused and should be achieved on time.

Ryan October 23, 2013 - 8:39 am

Outsourcing is a good one. I have only recently started thinking about doing this and then I came across this and seen you have also suggested it in your article. I will have to look into it more seems like a good approach.

Shashank Gour October 24, 2013 - 10:45 am

I have read tips like these several times but I never managed to apply them to my case.
On my blog I write photography tutorial and reviews which are around 1000 words each and sometimes more.
Since a tutorial is not a news, I have to carefully craft each statement. People appreciate my writing because it makes concepts easy to understand.
For these reasons I am not able to write a blog post in less than 2 ours, including finding images, SEO, tags and so on.
What average length were Darren’s 30 posts?
Do you think there is a way to shorten writing time for 1000+ words posts?

Arbaz Khan October 25, 2013 - 10:22 am

Outsourcing is indeed a really great thing that a person can do.
Almost all the time I find myself involved into so many things that I can’t concentrate or accomplish any one thing properly. Outsourcing some tasks will surely improve and maximize our blogging output.
Thanks for the great share 🙂

Sagar Nandwani October 27, 2013 - 11:43 am

Commenting is a simple and essential tool to increase your blog’s traffic. First, respond to comments left on your blog to show your readers that you value their opinions and draw them into a two-way conversation. This will increase reader loyalty.

August November 7, 2013 - 8:55 am

I like all you addressed especially getting into a ritual. If you have a good routine, you get accustomed to it and it can lead to success.

Thanks for sharing.

Keshav Mane November 22, 2013 - 8:24 am

a very nice article for beginners. I think this article will help people like me who joined this “world of blogging”.
thanks for such a nice article.


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