Meet Tah Riq Amaw, a multi talented artist who found himself “stuck” in a foreign land. Having a 3-D Animation degree, a $23,000 a year income and student debt.
Feeling trapped and hopeless about life…Until he met someone who changed his life or rather changed his belief forever.
How powerful can your mind be when directed ?
How many times have you taken the leap of faith and made it happen. This is a very inspirational Ted Talk.
I’ve seen it about 10 times already.
Have a Super Sunday and a Great Week Ahead 🙂
Very inspiring story. Sometimes we need someone that can help change our mindset.
Greta post!
Ted shared with us a very inspiring and motivational talk (in this video). This post should be shared and read by others who wanted to be successful in their business or in the track that they are in.
Well, I must say that every one of us can meet someone that can change our life. If, only if we will permit them to be our lead. If we are open minded and if we are willing to know new things that could help us in a long run.
I found this post shared on Kingged.com, the Internet marketing content aggregator site, and I “kingged” it and left this comment.
We all need that push. This is a very nice story.
Thanks for sharing.
Interesting post! Tah Riq Amaw is a great and multi talented guy and i’m really shocked to see his earnings.
Thanks for sharing this inspiring and insightful talk. Faith leads to the power of endurance and hope. Real faith leads to everlasting happiness.