The biggest thinker and the most respected scientist, Albert Einstein said that,”The only real valuable thing is intuition”.
But that is not what they thought us in school, what we learn’t was how to be logical and use methodology to solve problems.
Here is an awesome clip to inspire you and help you listen to that inner voice – Your intuition
“The only real valuable thing is intuition”. – Albert Einstein
Relax, Breath and Listen to that Inner voice called Intuition. Everyone has it few choose to use it.
Have a Super Sunday and share this with your network, lets all use our inner voices to make decisions.
Image Credit:The Lotus Thrives Anyway
Fantastic Video and explanation,
We miss such scientist now a days because the past has given us more than now.
Thanks to them….
Intuition is one of my best ways to know if I am told the truth or not. I remember it also helped me a lot in my college days during exams, when I dont really know what to do, I just follow what my intuition says and it is 95% accurate.
Awesome here is what Steve Jobs said, “follow your heart and intuition, everything else is secondary.”
This is that kind of thing which can be change ourself totally in positive way and which will be better for our life where we can do that kind of things which we can’t imagine.
I always follow this thing as i strongly believe in it. The inner voice from you always helps you to know some things before they may take action or you can resolve the things if you are good at your intuition.
I would always advice people to go with their gut feeling. Our intuitive instinct is a “skill” evolved from earlier survival and adaptation instincts. When our instincts tell us not to go with something it may be that it could be potentially harmful to us.
There are times our intuition will help us get through to any of the things we do each day. Many of us cannot explain why, but somehow we feel it and act upon it. In the end, it pretty much saves us from possible danger.
its really true.,when u follow ur intiution den impossible thng also attract toword us