Home Laws of Success Good Morning Sunday: The Secret to Happiness and Better Life

Good Morning Sunday: The Secret to Happiness and Better Life

by amol238


Do you need to be successful to be happy or do you need to be happy to be successful?

Shawn Achor, has a super job – I would love to trade places with him 🙂 He is teaches happiness to people for a living. As CEO of Good Think Inc. he is responsible to spread the H vitamin…The Happiness Vitamin.

How cool is that for a living

In the below Ted Talk he revels the secret to Happy Living. His secret is based on his experiences with people and scientific research.

Have a look at the video, let me know your thoughts ? What does it take to be happy?

Have a Happy Sunday and a Happy Weekend 🙂

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1 comment

Victoria July 22, 2014 - 11:08 am

I think that being successful not guarantees being happy, but it does works vice versa. Meaning that yu need to ahve a job you loveor at leasr earning for living should not take the most part of your time for being happy. But many people forget that just being more and more succeful in business or job doesn;t make them happy – you need some balance between family, entertainment and work (even loved one) to be hapy


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