At The Hall of Presidents, Orlando Florida
Good Morning America
I wish all my US readers and subscribers Happy 4 th of July 🙂 , US Independence day falls 3 days after Canada Day ( which falls on 1st July). I am sure lot of you would have taken the weekend off and carried that barbecue & beer cans with you.
I’ve pulled out a quick chart from my Google Analytics and it shows that US represents 36.56 % of my visits and Canada at 8.19 %. The majority of my readers and subscribers are based in the Northern Hemisphere of the globe
Have a great and safe weekend.
Happy 4 th of July 🙂
I thought you went to US after first of July 😛
Thanks, Happy 4th of July to everyone in the US
Happy Independence Day to all Americans… Enjoy the fireworks from wherever you are
Happy 4th of July to you too ZK. I’m a little surprised Americans only account for 36% of your traffic. I guess I thought it would be a little more. Plus, it appears you are doing a great job in bringing traffic from all sorts of countries. Nice!
Considering ZK lives in Canada, I am not surprised. An international blog like this would only naturally get more international visitors compared to American visitors. Blogging and making money online appeals to people worldwide.
i forgot it was 4th, jeje, yeah
Im always curious why Indians are almost always at the top of each and every blogger’s analytics stat. lols.
Happy 4th to all Americans out there. Enjoy your holiday.
God bless you all!
Thanks! I had a great forth and as usual ate BBQ ribs and all the fixin’s. The fireworks were awesome its always a fun time.
Thanks ZK! Had an awesome day with the family, pretty fun to see the geographical stats for your website! 🙂
Till then,
Thanks – Been a long time reader of your blogs and been following you on Twitter recently. Have a safe 4th today!
Good to see you have got Australia there in the list!
I’m surprised that your Canadian readership isn’t bigger – go US I guess.
I think its really surprising that you are getting good amount of visitors from US and next from India. These stats decribe the valus of your blog and they are good to see.
I missed Canada Day this year but I was in the States for the 4th. I love fireworks. I was lucky enough to be at Disney World and they were amazing.