For those who missed my post on the Thesis Theme Contest , I am giving away Two Thesis Themes to the Winner of the Thesis Theme Contest, the contest ends 17 th August 2009 at 12 pm (EST)
All you need to do is subscribe to my ebook “10 Point Website Optimisation Tips” and leave a comment on this post.
The Rock Solid Wordpress Thesis Theme (single license) worth $87 per theme will be given to two winners who subscribe to the ebook before 12 pm (EST ) on 17 th August 2009
To win The Thesis Wordpress Theme all you need to do is subscribe to the “10 Point Website Optimisation Tips ” ebook & confirm your subscription.
Upon confirmation you’ll receive the download links to the ebook in the email, once you’ve downloaded the ebook please leave a comment on this post about the ebook. The two winners will be chosen on a random basis.
Amazing content in the ebook…downloaded, hoping to win the thesis theme
.-= Web Developer´s last blog ..Thesis Theme Promo Contest ends in the next 48 hours =-.
Hey ZK
I really enjoyed the short report that you gave here. It gave some interesting facts I did not know about optimizing my websites.
You should do more report because they are always so indepth.
Thanks Bruno :), I am glad you liked it
Hope that I win.
.-= Ridiculous blogger@earn money online´s last blog ..Wordpress 2.8.4 now available =-.
Yup I am all signed up and ready to go! If I win, that’s great! But either way I will still stay a loyal follower =D
Till then,
Thanks , this mean a lot to me 🙂
I’m all signed up and good to go! I’ve never won anything in these online competitions, but that doesn’t mean I am not going to participate! Good luck everyone!
Its a dark secret lets watch who win this content. Best of luck to all.
I signed up and download the report without intention to win, as I think it will be a very competitive contest. Concerning your Free report, I found it quite interesting indeed. There are some valuable information inside it. I didn’t expect the report would be like this before I download it. I thought it would be like other free report. You made a good work on it! Well, I hope I’ll won a Thesis theme, but even if I don’t, that’s ok. Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say…. good luck everyone!
.-= Benjamin Cip´s last blog ..Number 1 Way To Make Money Online Review =-.
Fortunately I already know one winner 🙂 Wonder who’s the other one?
.-= Ajith´s last blog ..Your Blog Commenting Strategy can backfire! =-.
You already know the winner ? Is it an already scheduled winner contest? lol well then there are no reason to expect winning a thesis theme from here..
.-= Benjamin Cip´s last blog ..Number 1 Way To Make Money Online Review =-.
Hi Ajith,
Who is the winner ? Please let me also know 🙂
.-= ZK@Web Marketing Blog´s last blog ..Thesis Theme Promo Contest ends in the next 48 hours =-.
I think still i have some hours to take part in this promo contest. Let’s try out!
did you get in.
.-= paul´s last blog ..Shane Victorino Beer Video =-.
Hey ZK, When will you tell the results?
.-= Benjamin Cip´s last blog ..Ninja Affiliate Plugin Review =-.
The contest is still open , I have nt announced any winners yet , contest ends 17 th August 2009 at 12 pm (EST) …the winers will be annnounced once the contest is over ….I ll anounce the winners on 18 th August 2009
.-= ZK@Web Marketing Blog´s last blog ..Thesis Theme Promo Contest ends in the next 48 hours =-.
The result have been come out. Just read the new post.
ill check it out
.-= paul´s last blog ..Shane Victorino Beer Video =-.
Hey, that deadline is today! This is something that I am definitely considering, especially since you get an e-book as part of the package deal. Not too shabby!
We can’t wait more for result pls tell us.
.-= DotComSecrets Review´s last blog ..Frank Kern’s Mass Control 2.0 Review =-.
Today is the deadline, and I’m really looking forward to see who are the winners. Hope I can win a Thesis theme! Thanks for this great contest ZK!
.-= Benjamin Cip´s last blog ..Charisma Is King, Not Your Content! =-.
The winners had been drawn Benjamin, check it out! 🙂
Congrats to the winners too, I hope I’ll be the next contest winner. 😀
.-= Lee Ka Hoong´s last blog ..The Next Generation Google Search Engine : Google Caffeine =-.
Hey waiting for the winners to get announced , Best of luck to all the participants
.-= jon @ car wheels´s last blog ..7-20 bently =-.
It gave some interesting facts I did not know about optimizing my websites.
.-= DotComSecrets Review´s last blog ..Frank Kern’s Mass Control 2.0 Review =-.
I’m really looking forward to see who are the winners. Hope I can win a Thesis theme! Thanks for this great contest ZK!
God when will i be the winner. Anyway wanna give my good wishes to all the participants. Awaiting to see the winner. Thanks for sharing with me a great contest..
I’ll get in the next contest
.-= earn money writing´s last blog ..Welcome to How-to’s =-.
I am definitely entering the next one.
.-= paul´s last blog ..Shane Victorino Beer Video =-.
It gave some interesting facts I did not know about optimizing my websites.
You should do more report because they are always so indepth.
.-= psychics´s last blog ..Are there any Exclusions? =-.
Hope I can win a Thesis theme! Thanks for this great contest ZK!
Comments are closed.