Home Laws of Success Three simple practices to manage time effectively

Three simple practices to manage time effectively

by amol238

“Very few people have enough time and yet almost everyone has all the time in the world.”

What is time management & why is time management important: Your simple practice to effective time management.

Time management is a range of skills, tools and technique used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals. Successful use of time planning technique and working method make it possible to save between 10 and 20 percent of our time everyday. This saving makes time spare for the really important things.

But what happen is, majority of people out there are very bad in handling their time. Thus, they feel overwhelm and never reach their goals and objective.

How to manage time effectively

Why is time management important ?

Every successful person has one thing in common; they have utilized the 24 hours in a day to the maximum by setting their priority tasks. In other words, their know their priority.

Because, time is the most valuable resources we have. It’s finite, scarce commodity and cannot be bought.

Do you know how much is one hour in your life worth to your?
Most people don’t. And…you need to find out how much.

How to handle time management ?

Like the other skills in life, time management also a skill which can be develop.

By handling your time effectively, you’ll:
– consistently and systematically attain your goal
– reduce your stress.
– gain more leisure time

Below are three simple practices you can use that will tremendously help you to see your goal clearly, reduce your stress and have more time to enjoy life.

a) Set you goal / objective

b) Plan your task and milestone you need to accomplish. (daily , weekly, monthly)

c) Set your priorities (daily)

There are free and expensive tools available out there for you to use in order to manage your time effectively.

or you can do the below mentioned things which have work well for me. I got this idea from Lead The Field by Earl Nightingale and it’s the only thing I practice.

It only requires a pen and a piece of paper.

1) Before you sleep, write on a piece of paper the six most important things you have to do.

2) Then number them in the order of their importance.

3) The next morning, go to work on item number one and stay with it until it’s successfully completed.

4) Then move onto number two, and so on.

5) When you’ve finished with all six, get another piece of paper, and repeat the process.

6) Try this for the next seven days

The idea is, working on one task at a time until it’s successfully completed before going on to the next. This helps me a lot in managing my daily task. It’s really reduce my stress and worries.

I know where am I going and I know what is my next most logical steps I need to do to get to my goal. And you need too.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a pen and a lot of paper. You need to define you goal and starts to planning for your future right now.

Remember, a successful life is nothing more than a lot of successful days put together and.. it’s going to take so many days to reach your goal.

This is a guest post by Faizarul Madznan, the editor and founder of Public Speaking Career; a public speaking and presentation skills website. His FREE Money Mouth Ebook newsletter shares tons of great strategies from eliminating your public speaking anxiety, delivering a persuasive presentation and how to market yourself offline and online through public speaking. Click here to grab your FREE ebook . Contact us if you want to guest post on this blog. Photo credit : Gvillagracia

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Profit Addiction May 29, 2010 - 8:53 am

Great post. I think more people need to understand how to break down their workday to be most productive.

I always find when I am organized, I am also more productive.

Thanks ZK!
.-= Profit Addiction´s last blog ..Is Affiliate Marketing Too Crowded? =-.

Domain search May 29, 2010 - 10:39 am

Indeed, the time goes far and we need to mangae it in the right way if we don’t want to lose time because it is very precious. I have a lot of papers on my desktop and i write evertything i must do tomorrow or during the week. I also planify all my others tasks in my shedule and i even write all my ideas in post its.

dpromstudio May 29, 2010 - 6:38 pm

Great share. I loved it.

Faizarul Madznan@public speaking career May 30, 2010 - 1:07 am

Thank for the feedback. Profit addiction & domainserach: Yes. I was very overwhelm before i know about this practice. Then, after few month practicing it, thing went very smooth and see my goal clearer. dpromstudion: thanks…
.-= Faizarul Madznan@public speaking career´s last blog ..Leverage Your Publicity Into Professional Speaking Profits =-.

Omega 3 Supplements May 31, 2010 - 6:28 pm

Thanks for sharing the tips. If there is one thing I need more of, it is time. I think these should help a ton!

custom-web-design June 1, 2010 - 5:57 am

Time is money, and it really proves its worth if managed and utilized properly. Thanks for sharing some great thoughts…

Colleen June 1, 2010 - 6:40 am

I think (c) is very important. I do this daily by posting on an erasable white board that stares at me each time I enter my office. It’s so easy to get side-tracked.
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..Memorial Day Events Around the Mid Columbia =-.

Julius June 1, 2010 - 7:24 pm

Those are good tips. I’d like to add that we should set a number of hours for each task. Beside each item, we can write an estimated number of hours or minutes in which we should complete the task.
We should also avoid distractions that can stop us from doing our daily tasks. Too much email and social networks are two of the most common “time sucks” for me, and I’m glad to say that I managed to lessen my use of these things during work.
.-= Julius´s last blog ..A Workbook to Help You Make Your Site More Accessible =-.

Episode June 3, 2010 - 2:22 pm

Is there a firefox plugin that tells you how lazy you are every time you visit sites like YouTube? Some excellent tips there. Setting short and long term goals is very important indeed.
.-= Episode´s last blog ..American Dad Season4 Episode 3: One Little Word =-.

Tasarım June 8, 2010 - 11:01 am

Nice article and thanks ZK. I often find myself in some predicament because of my bad time management. Guess i never learn lol

Mathew Day June 11, 2010 - 7:13 am

Time management is one of my weaknesses. I need to start putting some of these tips into practice, good post.

Adrian July 13, 2010 - 2:43 pm

I think the expression ‘time management’ should be removed altogether – as should ‘to do lists’, and replaced with ‘time appreciation’ and ‘results’.

It’s 2010 and we have some fantastic technology to enable us to speed things up. Only problem is, most of our are getting really stressed out because we’re doing so much, we don’t have any time to fit it all in.

In order to remain sane, we need to prioritise the things we choice to spend time on i.e. quality, and also make sure we are working towards our own results (goals, pursuits etc.) – not just trying to tick off a to-do list, which often includes many things for others.

Here’s a great article on how to boost productivity whilst keeping sane: http://www.healthyboffin.com/use-google-to-keep-up-on-top-of-the-news-stay-focussed-and-boost-productivit/ and some great further resources: http://www.healthyboffin.com/health/


Frans August 17, 2010 - 9:22 am

Time management tips are great. I sometimes get too much distracted, looking at forums, social networking site’s etc and time passes on. I’ll start using some of these tips. Thanks.

Jon July 19, 2011 - 3:42 am

The problem of time management is a serious one. It is important for people to understand how to allocate their resources. Time, of course, is a very important resource and should be treated as such.

Melbourne real estate November 4, 2011 - 5:42 am

Time waits for none and each moment spent will never come back again. We’re all running out of time but still, most of us are not managing time wisely. Managing our time doesn’t mean only about work. When we say we’ve managed our time properly it means we’re satisfied at work, at home, with friends and with ourselves.


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