Home Twitter Marketing 5 Tips to Increase Your Traffic with Twitter

5 Tips to Increase Your Traffic with Twitter

by amol238

twitter tips

I’ve had an addicting fascination to twitter for a long time; particularly starting when CNN would scroll tweets live across the bottom of the TV leading up to the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. During the time since signing up I have used the service to find content, people of interest, promote content and drive traffic to websites. Here are five tips to drive more traffic to your site from twitter that have worked for me; before we get started you must have your website URL listed in your bio for any of the tips to work.

Tip 1: Follow new people

You may already do this but make a concentrated effort to follow the movers & shakers in your industry. Take it a step further and follow the biggest fans of content for your niche. You get an e-mail every time you get a new follower that shows the user’s picture, bio & website link. You really need a fully fleshed out profile with picture, interesting bio and website link for this tactic to be effective.

Tip 2: Use Favorites

People take notice when you add their tweet to your favorites; it is a way of saying “hey, you are awesome!” This makes them more likely to check out your profile and click on the link to your website. This is also one of the most unused aspects of twitter so I think it gives the perception that you are a power user. You don’t want to over use the favorites button because then it loses the “you’re special” impact.

Tip 3: Send Direct Messages to New Followers

Whenever someone you followed follows you back; immediately send them a direct message thanking them. This will send them an e-mail or if using their phone a text message! Both you and the other person must be following each other to send a direct message. Occasionally someone important will follow you first such as an editor of a magazine or blog in your niche. I recommend following back & sending a direct reply ASAP when that happens. You could send an @reply to publicly thank them; but there is no e-mail or text message notice about replies. Now if you do NOT want to follow the person back, then send an @reply thanking them.

Tip 4: Tweet Past Content

You probably have content published from before you joined twitter and even if you don’t you will get new followers who have not seen your content from the past. You need to be very careful about doing this in a way that does not come across as spam. Once or twice a week is the max I recommend tweeting out content from your archives. If you ever get flak from your followers about doing this scale back the frequency.

Tip 5: Participate in Event #hashtags

You can find event hashtags for meet ups, tweet ups, and webinars so whenever you see an event with a designated hashtag – participate. It is a good idea to monitor the hashtag feed and interact with others on twitter at the event to get the maximum impact. They may not look at your site immediately but you will likely get new followers. At live events you can usually meet in person which is the best kind of networking even when you don’t get a site visitor out of it. Once the event ends follow up with participants by retweeting, replying or direct messaging them on twitter. You are more likely to get a visit to your site once the frenzy of the event passes.

There you have it; five twitter tips to increase traffic to your website or blog. Share additional tips in the comments below so we can all have more fun on twitter.

This is a guest post by Mark Simon, check out the guidelines if you want to guest post here.

Image Credit: silvertje

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Kate Kutny March 30, 2011 - 9:03 pm

Zk, these are awesome suggestions on how to increase traffic using twitter. I have a twitter account, so I will be using these tips you gave. Oh and another way to increase traffic is to ask people to Retweet your tweets. And to retweet there’s as well. When you retweet other people’s stuff, they are more likely to do the same for you because you were kind enough to help them out 🙂 So if you want people to help you, help them first!

Maria Pavel March 30, 2011 - 10:25 pm

Yeah, you have here another Twitter addict. When i first ran over Twitter you could see me online all day long playing with it.
Some of those methods i already use, but the rest look interesting too.
I’ll give them a try and see where it gets me.

Jamie Fairbairn March 31, 2011 - 6:42 am

A lot of good tips in this post. I would also add that it’s a good idea to tweet your new content more than once. People may be following hundreds or thousands of others and be in different time zones to you so it’s worthwhile tweeting the same content a few times and changing the descriptive text in your post so it’s not a straight repeat.

Anna March 31, 2011 - 7:36 am

For example, I find Facebook Integration also very usefull: you can share your tweets with your Facebook friends by simply selecting a checkbox near the Tweetdeck tweet box.

james March 31, 2011 - 11:38 am

I really need to get back into Twitter. After reading this post, I probably will. I do love how it integrates with Facebook, Linkedin, wordpress, etc.

Sam @ Weekend Getaways March 31, 2011 - 9:01 am

Twitter is a great platform to attract huge traffic but you need to use it intelligentely.

John Rampton April 1, 2011 - 10:29 am

I totally agree with you on this. Using it wrong can have a pretty negative effect as well!

Delena Silverfox March 31, 2011 - 9:53 am

Hashtags! I’m always forgetting about hashtags! Now, I absolutely adore Buffer, and I really appreciate how they insert hashtags in there even when I forget. But still, I’m such a dolt about them, and they can be such a great way to jump into the conversation!

I must work on this.


Harsh Agrawal March 31, 2011 - 10:16 am

Mark some nice tips but you missed out the engagement formula and that is saying thanks to people who tweet your articles..
Also I prefer using favorite feature to mark only those tweets which works as a testimonial.. This was I’m creating an archive of testimonial on twitter..

marksimon March 31, 2011 - 10:43 am

Thanks for all the kind comments everyone.

@Kate, agree 100%

@Jamie, great tip too

@Harsh, that is a great use of the favorite feature thanks for the tip!

Alex March 31, 2011 - 1:46 pm

Hello Mark,

You give some great points but on #3 I think there is a problem, mainly because people treat private message as spam and usually don’t read them or may even consider to yell on the public chat that your are spamming (yeah, I know someone who happened to someone).

But the rest seem some really cool tips!

Dean Saliba March 31, 2011 - 3:00 pm

I always retweet old content, the problem I have is not knowing how iften to do it, at the moment I have it scheduled to post 4 old articles a day.

Brankica March 31, 2011 - 11:06 pm

Awesome post. I would add – create lists. With more and more spammers all over Twitter, people are trying to find genuine users to follow so they are checking lists more and more.

For example, I have a few good lists that I know some of my followers followed in whole. Isn’t that a great way to find great people to follow, engage with them and end up getting more Twitter traffic 😉

Tinh @Affiliate Blogging Tips April 1, 2011 - 1:29 am

Nice tips and I would suggest to use Tweet old posts plugin to solve the Tip #4 🙂

The Greatest Internet Networker April 1, 2011 - 4:43 am

I think re-tweeting your tweets can help get high traffic, too. I am just new to Twitter. Thanks for this awesome read!

The Greatest Internet Networker in the World

Alex April 1, 2011 - 7:32 am

I don’t use Twitter at all… I find it useless. A friend of mine showed me some statistics in is Google Analytics account and he had the same number of followers on twitter as the friends on facebook. Well, facebook brought him about 550 visits the last month, and twitter only 50 and the time on site was lower. So, in my opinion, facebook is way better for traffic

jilianne @ website marketing tips April 1, 2011 - 9:55 am

#hashtag works like magic! It works great especially if you’re tweeting a very interesting topic from Webinars. Hubspot is the best place to catch webinars that uses hashtags. Great post, thanks!

John Rampton April 1, 2011 - 10:31 am

Thanks for the great post… I’ve started using Twitter a lot more in the past couple months. It’s getting my blog TONS more traffic. Especially when I go out into the world and find REAL people

Bani April 1, 2011 - 2:00 pm

wanna get a lot of traffic from twitter? then get targeted, real followers, thousands of them, and then post a tweet with a link to your blog articles each hour, and make sure to add some great titles to your posts (or the text in your tweets)

Amit kumar April 2, 2011 - 2:24 am

Great ,Twitter is a traffic Generating machine if taken properly,Thanks for the post

59fifty April 2, 2011 - 11:01 am

Please share how do you get your traffic because your alexa rank is very good indeed. It will be good if you can share these tips to us. thanks

Roger@Bike Racks April 2, 2011 - 12:17 pm

Getting traffic through twitter is one of the effective ways. But most of the followers may get listed into the spammers so be aware.

Tony April 4, 2011 - 1:21 pm

Twitter is a good social networking to increase traffic and help us growth the business.

MicroSourcing April 5, 2011 - 4:17 am

Tweeting past content is a great way of making sure your content never goes stale; re-tweeting it in connection to new content will make it relevant all over again.

Felicia @ No Deposit Poker April 7, 2011 - 1:12 am

Hi Mark,
These sure are simple yet very effective tips on how to increase traffic with Twitter. I will surely follow them.
Thanks for sharing!

Tina from best hcg drops December 25, 2011 - 10:55 am

I just started using the direct message follow backs and I’m so sorry I haven’t been using it beforehand. It adds such a personal touch to things. Thanks for all the tips.

Phil@yacht charter croatia April 13, 2011 - 9:14 am

Did everything, except those darn hash tags! Also, tweeting past content seems like a sensible idea. Must get on that right away. Thanks for posting.

Entrepreneur Training April 14, 2011 - 10:55 am

Most of all I like “Send Direct Messages to New Followers” recommendation. I used this method in my advertising strategy on Twitter and would like to say that it really works. In this post I also found out a few new methods and I will definitely try them in the future.

Anna@Yachtcharter Griechenland April 14, 2011 - 12:01 pm

Well, I see the spirits got kind of agitated here around Twitter…do not forget that it can get addictive 🙂

weight loss reviews August 17, 2011 - 11:14 am

Tweet Adder, for instance, is a cool service made to solve this problem. It is one of the best Twitter traffic tips that can be had.

best drops August 20, 2011 - 9:51 am

Cheers great points to set me off in the right direction. I haven’t been putting my twitter link out there enough in places other than twitter. I am going to add the RSS feed now to my blog.


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