Google to Launch Real Time Web Search

Larry Page back in May made it very clear that Twitter had set the trend for real time searches The fact that Google was loosing sleep over Twitters exponential growth made it very clear that it was time for The Big G to get back to the drawing desk to and changes its algorithm to feature real time searches in its results.

Google today announced that it will roll out a new real time based search results interface. The new features will be rolling out in the next few days and will be available globally in English. You can try them out today by visiting Google Trends and clicking on a “hot topic,” which in most cases will bring you to a search results page with the new real-time feature.

Have a first look at Google’s real-time search:

If you see the search results in the video above you’ll notice that real time searches take up almost 4 – 5 lines of the page. This will impact the search results that were at the bottom of page one. If your search result was at number 9 or 10 on the first page, you’ll find that its has now moved to page two or maybe even out of the search results.

According to the Google Blog , “Our real-time search features are based on more than a dozen new search technologies that enable us to monitor more than a billion documents and process hundreds of millions of real-time changes each day. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of our new partners that we’re announcing today : Facebook, MySpace, FriendFeed, Jaiku and — along with Twitter, which we announced a few weeks ago”

With the new launch Google clearly has indicated that relevancy and real time searches is the way forward for Google’s future search technology and if you are not present on media that impacts real time searches you may not be featured in the top results.

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affiliatepayload December 8, 2009 - 5:32 am

I would be glad to welcome google’s real time searches.

silverwealth December 8, 2009 - 5:36 am

i find it amazing that you type something and click on search and google produces about a thousand results for your search. Although some of the results are not relevant to what you seek, but i think google is doing great and i imagine what the real time searches would be like

Benjamin@online marketing December 8, 2009 - 7:20 am

Sounds like an interesting feature for google! Looking forward to test it myself!
.-= Benjamin@online marketing´s last blog ..Massive PPV Traffic, Extra Bonuses Added! =-.

Paul December 10, 2009 - 2:18 pm

I cant wait to test it and see if I can get some more traffic for news related posts.

free beats December 8, 2009 - 7:43 am

huu.. real time searchh
.-= free beats´s last blog ..Jurassic 5 – Quality Control =-.

IGNOU MCA December 8, 2009 - 9:12 am

Google trends is available long back. what is new in this?
.-= IGNOU MCA´s last blog ..Narayana Hrudayalaya Course Admission =-.

Dennis Edell December 8, 2009 - 1:49 pm

Lets see if it also indicates that twitter will lead them around like a puppy…
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Blogging Halted Here – Don’t Despair, This Is A Good Thing! =-.

Luigi | December 8, 2009 - 6:52 pm

Interesting. Real time searches and relevance is the key. Thank you so much for sharing a very informative post.

oes tsetnoc December 8, 2009 - 11:31 pm

real time search is just amazing!! ever time i tweet my link google index it in just a second

Dataflurry December 9, 2009 - 11:03 am

Wow, that is exciting. I am eager to see it continue to roll out.

Essay Writing December 9, 2009 - 3:36 pm

The video is informative but i am still not able to understand that how google will come to what is happening right now. Google seems to depend upon social networks for this.

Hummer limousine December 10, 2009 - 12:55 am

Real time search is always in demand and may become a all time favorite for the net savvy geeks to go along… Its again a better step to go forward and wider the knowledge within the fraction of time with the real time web search..

promotional items December 10, 2009 - 3:01 am

Google is up-to some thing hopeful their into ruling the internet full and frequently.

Tea December 10, 2009 - 4:44 am

It will be really exciting stuff as because it will create new array in the filed of search results.

Tea December 10, 2009 - 4:46 am

Although some of the results are not relevant to what you seek, but i think google is doing great and i imagine what the real time searches would be like

Paul@diabetis December 10, 2009 - 5:20 am

This would be good for us little webmasters.
.-= Paul@diabetis´s last blog ..Can we do blood sugar testing after meals? =-.

Kit Homes December 10, 2009 - 5:53 am

You should use an antivirus program and antispyware software, because your computer is now infected with viruses and/or spyware.
.-= Kit Homes´s last blog ..Are there any Exclusions? =-.

Paul December 10, 2009 - 2:17 pm

Wow..this is going to change things up a bit.
.-= Paul´s last blog ..Welcome to How-to’s =-.

Frank Goley@Business Success Solutions December 12, 2009 - 4:59 am

wow, this is awesome after Wave, Snipper, google has came with some thing new again, real time search will really save the load up time and will make things more easy too.

Davits December 14, 2009 - 3:50 am

Thanks for information about Google Real Time web search feature.

kitchen taps December 14, 2009 - 5:02 am

It does look great in a row after wave and snipper. That’s why google does seem a great leader to the search engines.

Bidet December 14, 2009 - 3:58 pm

Wow that is really cool, Google is always expanding and trying to compete with its competitors. Thats a real nice change to google search.

Suzanne Klamentz@Oil Painting, Australia December 14, 2009 - 10:55 pm

Google turned on real-time search on its main site this morning with little fanfare, after a huge announcement and demo earlier this week. Go to and search for a news query (Obama Nobel will work) or for something like “marshallk on twitter” and you’ll see a live streaming section of the page displaying messages from Twitter, newly updated web pages and other real-time information.

PS3 Accessories December 14, 2009 - 11:34 pm

I can see clearly from the video that the new feature being added by the Google. google always come up with great things.

Monique Maddison@Wedding Planning December 15, 2009 - 1:20 am

Yahoo! announced its integration of Twitter alone in its search results today, but it’s buried in obscure parts of the site and isn’t based on access to the full Twitter fire hose. Google’s implementation is much better than what Yahoo! or Bing are doing and is going to introduce millions of people to the concept of real-time search for the first time.

rohn smith December 15, 2009 - 2:41 am

Yes we need to be aware of each and every short change in Google strategy.So As you said in real time search your rank can be decreased .

Paul December 15, 2009 - 5:32 pm

I was thinking…what if 100 sites submit a news story on the same topic. Who shows up first? The biggest, most powerful site?
.-= Paul´s last blog ..Welcome to How-to’s =-.

ZK December 16, 2009 - 11:56 pm

We are going back in time, Infoseek days in 1997. If you want to rank #1, don’t worry about quality content, relevance or popularity, just be the last person to Tweet about a topic and you’ll come out on top (at least, for a few seconds).

Guildford December 16, 2009 - 2:47 am

thats a cool feature from Google. keep moving…

Pete dzineit@SEO Company December 17, 2009 - 9:42 am

yeah, due to real time search now you may easily search your result with keyword and you may also check your mail,facebook,twitter status directly from SR of Google, this gradually saves up you time

Chris Mladenovski@Personalised Wine December 19, 2009 - 7:28 am

If you see the search results in the video above you’ll notice that real time searches take up almost 4 – 5 lines of the page. This will impact the search results that were at the bottom of page one. If your search result was at number 9 or 10 on the first page, you’ll find that its has now moved to page two or maybe even out of the search results.

David Allis@Barcode numbers for Australian retail products. December 20, 2009 - 1:42 am

With the new launch Google clearly has indicated that relevancy and real time searches is the way forward for Google’s future search technology and if you are not present on media that impacts real time searches you may not be featured in the top results.

John Jeracevich December 29, 2009 - 11:34 pm

Google is pretty quick at indexing fresh content and new web pages can show up in Google search results within minutes of getting published online.

Mark Daniel@Abs Workout December 29, 2009 - 11:34 pm

To use Google as a real time web search tool, you can add the parameter &as_qdr=d to the Google search URL and only recent pages, that were indexed in the last 24 hours, will show up in your search results.

seo Liverpool December 29, 2009 - 11:45 pm

Amazing and remarkable steps has been taken by the google and i think it is really very useful and unique.
.-= seo Liverpool´s last undefined ..(Enjoy 10 returned posts for Christmas) =-.

video izle January 28, 2010 - 8:10 am

I am eager to see it continue to roll out.

Lida January 28, 2010 - 10:19 am

I would be glad to welcome google’s real time searches.

infopediaonlinehere February 22, 2010 - 8:09 am

Its a great news from google

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