Home Twitter Marketing Tweet scheduling was yesterday – Start Buffering

Tweet scheduling was yesterday – Start Buffering

by amol238

Retweet this post and Win 5 Premium Buffer accounts worth 90$ each

If you are a heavy twitter user, chances are that you have tried out several additional twitter tools already. Be it twitter clients, analytics software or one of the many automation Apps available.

One main struggle I came across is being able to draw the line between where I remain genuine and where I turn into an “auto”-bot. With the app Buffer, I feel to have highly optimized my twitter routine, yet without becoming a robot on auto-pilot cruising through the twituniverse.

I don’t have time – Give me a quick description

All you do with Buffer is you throw a few tweets in your Buffer. The App will then send them out for you during the day. The best thing is you can add your tweets right from any page you are one with various browser extensions.

What makes this App “killer”?

  • You don’t need to schedule each individual tweet like you do with other services
  • You put tweets in your Buffer from any page you are on with browser extensions (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
  • You track your impact with analytics of buffered tweets.


Step 1 – Getting started:

After you created your free account, I suggest you install one of the available browser extensions.

Step 2 – Putting tweets in your Buffer:

The simplest thing you can do is, whenever you read an article, hit the Buffer icon and add the tweet to your Buffer. By default Buffer gives you the link of the page you are on and the title of the site. Here is how I did it with one of ZK’s posts:

If you simply want to add ANY tweet to your Buffer, without referring to the site you are on you can either go to your home account or still use the browser extensions. Simply delete the suggested tweet and add your own, like this:

Step 3 – Editing your daily tweeting times

The frequency of daily tweeting is always up to you. You can go to your dashboard and increase or decrease your fixed daily tweeting times. At each one of these, one of your buffered tweets will go out. It’s a simple “fire and forget” handle. Here are my tweeting times

Step 4 – You Buffered some tweets

After you put a few tweets in your Buffer you can still go back to your account. Move tweets around by simple drag and drop, delete or edit them.

Step 5 – Track your tweets

After your tweets have been sent, you can use the analytics feature to check on the impact you have made. This allows you to set your tweeting times when you have seen to get the most impact.

Buffer saves me a lot of time every day and gives me a consistent Twitter stream throughout the whole day. What do you think about this App? Let me know in the comments.

Retweet this post and Win 5 Premium Buffer accounts worth 90$ each

As with every product Buffer has a paid version too. We have 5 Premium Buffer accounts for 3 months to giveaway here on WebTrafficROI for you. All you do is retweet the post in order to participate in the giveaway. We then pick 5 lucky winners using http://random.org/lists.

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Sam @ Weekend Getaways March 17, 2011 - 5:56 am

This tool really seems great one for twitter users and marketers.

leon March 17, 2011 - 8:18 am

Hi Sam, many thanks for your comment. Exactly it is perfect for anyone wanting to maximise it’s impact on Twitter, yet by remaining personal. Glad you like it :).

ipad apps uk March 17, 2011 - 8:30 am

Useful way for sharing ideas.

leon March 17, 2011 - 8:34 am

Hi, many thanks for stopping by. Indeed it is supposed to make sharing the great reads and ideas you have super simple. Just one click on the icon and you are set to tweet it :).

Alex March 17, 2011 - 6:31 pm

So this tool saves your tweets and publishes them at certain times of the day?

I don’t understand why would someone do that instead of publishing the tweet right away?

Also, I went to your website watched the video and I didn’t really get what your app is doing, I saw that all the tweets I wanted to make were actually saved on same other website… but I never found out why.

leon March 17, 2011 - 7:08 pm

Hi Alex, many thanks for your comment. Yes you understood the use Buffer correctly indeed :).

I think your question is very valid. People like to schedule tweets for serveral reasons. Sometimes, people are just to busy to be around on Twitter all day. Often they still want to keep their followers posted about all the great things they have been reading say for example in the morning when they have read the news.

Now, in order not to flood all your followers with these great articles you have read, you put them in your Buffer. They are now tweeted well spread out over the day and your followers can catch up with your news one at a time.

Let me know if that makes sense to you :).

Many thanks for stopping by Alex

foreign exchange March 17, 2011 - 7:59 pm

Sounds like an amazing tool/app. I usually manually post tweets throughout the day, but that’s really, really tough. Thanks for the share.

Leo Widrich March 19, 2011 - 3:40 pm

Hi, really glad you like it. Exactly staying on top of twitter manually is quite hard. Simply throwing tweets in when you read the news makes it a lot easier :).

Many thanks for stopping by.

hp laptop repair March 18, 2011 - 2:03 am

Thanks for the tips, does it really gives positive results as I would love to try it out…

Leo Widrich March 19, 2011 - 6:43 am

Many thanks to all of you for participating in the giveaway. We have just chosen 5 lucky winners. Here is the result: http://grab.by/9yUk

iPhone 5 March 19, 2011 - 8:57 am

This is something good, i have used scheduler but i liked buffer better, i have seen some good results through it.

And am i too late for the retweet?

Leo Widrich March 19, 2011 - 9:02 am

Hi, many thanks for stopping by.

Really great you like Buffer for scheduling, it really is supposed to be way simpler than existing schedulers, just like you said.

Oh and yes, the giveaway is already over, hope that doesn’t stop you from Buffering. The free account gives you a lot to use it fully :).

ZK March 19, 2011 - 2:06 pm

Thanks Leon for the FREE accounts to the readers of this blog, I am hoping the winners will love the product 🙂

Johanna @ GIJoh.com March 21, 2011 - 12:15 am

I think this will be a helpful app. I normally tweet the manual way, and it kind of takes a lot of effort and time. Glad I read this!
Congratulations to the lucky winners!

Kavya Hari March 28, 2011 - 5:41 am

Hello Leo, you did a very good job on here. Buffers saves a lot of time and it has good support.

Leo Widrich March 28, 2011 - 5:46 am

That’s really great to hear Kavya. Yep indeed it saves you all the hassle of individual time setting and such, glad you enjoy it! 🙂

Harsh Agrawal March 31, 2011 - 10:24 am

Hey Leon
It’s good to see you here too and no doubt Bufferapp is one good app… I wish if there is a way I can integrate it with my feedreader ( Feeddemon on Windows) or Reeder on iPhone, to add all interesting link in the queue….

Leo Widrich March 31, 2011 - 10:29 am

Hi Harsh, I am glad to tell you we have something really cool planned so you can add from your feed reader into Buffer, will keep you posted. 🙂


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