Home Social Media Marketing 5 Easy Ways to Lead Traffic to Your Infographic

5 Easy Ways to Lead Traffic to Your Infographic

by amol238

Facebook Infographic

People grasp information in various ways.

Some people acquire the information either through reading or hearing.

However, with the Internet fast blooming as a productive means to provide information to the millions of people, it has certainly become quite a daunting task to communicate your ideas to large audiences and diverse people in a very effective manner.

Making the information attractive and reader friendly so that you could topple your competitors is a very challenging task, especially in this competitive online world.

This is where infographics come to your rescue.

Infographics are visual explanations that help the people to easily understand any information. 

Infographics are one of the perfect mediums to reach out to the people by combining great visuals with the message or information. It cannot be doubted at all that a visually appealing picture speaks large volumes about your business or product.

If your content has an image, then it is quite likely to drive a tremendous amount of traffic to your website than a content that is devoid of any images.

If you are looking forward giving your online business a boost, then it is imperative that you employ below mentioned strategies to increase traffic to your infographic:

Eye-catching Information
– You have to make sure that you add some compelling images to your information to make it visually appealing so that the visitors cannot resist placing it in a mail or spreading it around various social networking websites. A very small amount of text is used in the infographics, so it is pivotal that the message should be short and convincing.

Effective use of Social Media
– You may be leaving no stone unturned to encourage people to share your infographic, but it is also critical that you undertake the task of promoting the content yourself, if you have a strong presence on the various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and so on.

If you do not have a great degree of know how about online promotion, then you could take the specialized assistance of a social media promotion agency. 

Building Quality Backlinks
– A stunning infographics that offers quality information and interests the people go a long way in building quality backlinks. If you are using a well-designed infographics for your link building campaign, then it is for sure that the quality links will be generated from the relevant websites.

Share with your community
– It is important that the visitors must not experience any difficulty in distributing or sharing your infographic. For this purpose, you must provide a ‘Share’ button in your infographic landing page so that the image can be shared across many social networking websites just with a single click of a mouse.

Use StumbleUpon and Pinterest
– A large number of people do not know that there are some major websites such as StumbleUpon and Pinterest that can increase a tremendous amount of traffic to their infographics.

StumbleUpon has a special section for the infographics, submitting an infographic there can get you significant hits.

Pinterest is a very popular social networking website where you can pin your infographics. A large number of pins and likes on your Pinterest board will surely drive traffic to your infographic and website.

Infographics can certainly prove to be a game changer for many in the field of online marketing. An effective usage of the best strategies to promote the infographics can really do wonders for your business website.

Image Credit: JeshzMonster

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Letting Agents in Enfield August 4, 2012 - 3:03 am

Many different way of increase traffic on your site like social networking site social site directory site twitter site you can put your site on this type of site you can increase traffic http://goo.gl/CoRHW

Asma Khan August 5, 2012 - 3:27 pm

Indeed social media is the only game and that thing easily proved by infographic that strategy recently come across us and gain quick popularity among marketer we can generate good traffic with infographic feature because people attract more towards pictorial effect as compare to lengthy text and that think will support to generate leads and good outcome towards blogs.

WSI Digital Web August 6, 2012 - 2:36 am

A proper and efficient use of social media is the best place where you can promote infographics messages and information and it brings a good traffic too.

Jasmine August 7, 2012 - 1:00 am

I love infographics as they are usually very attractive with cool graphics and present interesting facts in a very easy t0 understand manner. I would certainly like to create some infographics for my website too. Do you have any suggestion where I can get help in this area?

Anton Koekemoer August 7, 2012 - 5:11 am

Hi Richard,

Yes – I do agree. Since an info-graphic tend to rely on visual stimulation amongst users you should definitely be making use of the valuable networks that rely heavily on graphical content like pinterest as an example. The new Digg interface also relies quite heavily on visual content as well.

Wedding Dresses Shops Ireland August 16, 2012 - 2:55 am

I think social bookmarking activities get better traffic to your infografic business .


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