If you’ve been going crazy with the recent Google updates, then wait there is more to come. Google announced that there is another Panda refresh. This was posted on Twitter
New data refresh of Panda starts rolling out tonight. ~1% of search results change enough to notice. More context: here
— A Googler (@google) July 24, 2012
This is Panda refresh update 3.9, the 3.8 update was rolled out on June 25 , 2012 – a month ago.
I wonder how many more Panda refresh are we going to see this year ?
Oh my. Another Panda update? Wonder what sorts of things will happen again this time.
Fingers crossed… Last updates didn’t affect my site much..hopefully this time too nothing adverse happens to my traffic…
All the best all webmasters.. 🙂
ZK, thanks for the heads up. Anyway, did the Panda bring any noticeable change in any aspects to your website, such as more traffic?
Lets hope it does not have any negative impact on our sites 🙂
Another Panda update roll out will make some website owners be the loser, while some website owners be the winner as their website rank better. This will be a game of never ending.
I think in the same way ZK, I read in Googlewebmastercentral about this and i found that one should pay attention on “What counts as a high-quality site?”
and there is also good guidance what you can do on that!!
If google launched Panda then no doubt in that it will work to stop some embarrass kind of work. Beside that it helped lot to maintain quality in content which is one of the most important part for any site/blog.
I’m just fed up by hearing the name Google Panda again and again. One don’t need to worry, if he’s using original content on website and for link building purpose.
thanks @ZK inform me about panda update 🙂 useful information
Oh, thanks for informing us about this latest Panda update. Guess we don’t have to worry too much if we are not doing anything black magic. Haha…
After two Pandas update, L lost two of my sites which have been on top of the search. The problem with the Google- there is no one to call or ask, nowhere ask for support. That’s what I hate about Google, they do whatever they want, and after no one answer for it.
You can always work on few things to recover from panda..
Things like:
Get rid of low quality content
Get rid of duplicate content
Improving over all site SEO score and structure
Implement Google authorship
Work on branding
Improve social signals.
Google target is to offer more user friendly sites and content..
An another update from Panda.Is there any new certain measures one has to take with this update compared to previous Panda3.8.
Hope it will not affect my ranking on Google.
Thanks for updating this information Zk.
The key is to provide great content and let the links build naturally
Yah Google is going crazy with the updates but as they mentioned these are just data refresh and not any change in algo… And this month they made two algo change..one on 19th and another one on 24-25th…
Pagerank values ​​have also changed.