How I got scammed on a webmaster forum and how you can avoid getting scammed :
Webmaster forums have be a good source of sharing knowledge and information about web development and web marketing initiatives. Forums have also played a pivotal role in acting as a marketplace to connect buyers and sellers. Here you ll find sellers offering all types of internet related services ie. article submission, comment posting, logo design etc.
The services are very cheap and can be negotiated based on the sellers experience and iTrader ( iTrader is a pointer or a rating that is given by buyers who have completed projects with the seller )
While this can be a cheaper mode of getting your jobs outsourced it also acts a place where scammers thrive to make a quick buck. I’ve recently got scammed on one of the high profile webmaster forum twice in the last month. Both the times the seller had a high iTrader rating.
I sent the payment to the seller via paypal and never got a response from him in spite of sending several message and postings on the thread. The seller apparently never replied to the thread after a few postings.
Here is what I recommend you to do to avoid getting scammed :
1 ) Avoid getting your work outsourced on forums :
– Use specialized sites like Get A Freelancer or Rent A Coder to get your work done. The main objective of these sites is to connect you with a domain expert. These sites have a robust platform and payment security system to manage your project and funds.
You can check the credibility of the sellers’ work and projects done before you pay for his services. His profile will give you a complete description of the projects he has handled, based on this you can judge his expertise.
Webmasters forums do not have such a robust system hence there is no transparency for the sellers work and other project details that the seller has undertaken.
2 ) Ensure that the seller has worked on other similar projects.
– Sites like Rent A Coder and Get A Freelancer have a very transparent system to giving you details about the sellers history, projects the seller has undertaken for his clients alongwith the bid amount for that project.
This gives you a ball mark figure of the cost involved for your project and the cost of services involved for developing the project from a particular seller.
3 ) Ensure a secure payment system:
– The above sites have their own payment systems or Escrow services that are reliable v/s paypal services that you will use on webmaster forums to send the money to the seller.
Paypal does not take responsibility if the seller does not delivery your project ( they don’t take responsibility for any form of digital media ).
You can open a dispute with paypal if the seller refuses to respond to your mail but paypal will not do anything to help you out in such a situation. Escrow services are closely monitored and chances of the seller scamming you are minimal.
Webmaster forums are good for exchange information and interactivity if you want to outsource you web work I would highly recommend you to use the services of Rent A Coder or Get A Freelancer
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Wow, that really sucks, I have been lucky with my outsourcing so far, knock on wood, but it is a scary thing, sending money to someone you don’t know and then hoping for the best. These are some FANTASTIC tips and I will definitely check out the sites you recommend!
JRs last blog post..Another Google Page Rank Update!
Wow I’m sorry to hear this. So far I’ve gone on personal recommendation only for things I’ve needed. I’ll keep this for the future though, just in case.
Dennis Edells last blog post..My First Contest! Time To Put Your Thinking Caps On…
Hi JK : These are top sites if you need to outsource any of your projects.
Hi Dennis : Personal recommendation is the best way to outsource your projects, I would go with a personal recommendation before I look for other options.
I am sorry to hear about this.
What about the forum managers? Were they of no help? And paypal?
I do not have any experience of such matters, but I have had excellent support from paypal when I complained about one transaction.
rummusers last blog post..A New Fail-Proof Enterprise For Senior Citizens.
Hi Rammuser : Every forum has a post that says you will be responsible for your own dealings. Paypal told me that they will not be responsible for any issues regarding digital services. They will investigate if its a physical product or if you had an issue with the seller on ebay, the goods being physical in nature.
I agree with you in this context Use specialised sites like Get A Freelancer or Rent A Coder to get your work done. They are legit.There we will get the details of the provider from other peoples reviews.
safas last blog post..What You Need To Know When Getting A Mortgage Loan
I know how getting scammed feels, and it sucks ass.
You got some quality tips there tho.
It all sounds like common sense, but I bet numerous people are scammed in this way.
I heard about these 2 in past & got myself registered but never be actively participate. One & half month ago, I joined a forum that facilitate its member to participate & earn some bucks. After reading this article, I will now prefer & reactivate my account on those specialist sites before getting scammed on the forums. Thank you for your nice & valuable words.
Hi Kashif : Forums are great to interact with the online community and participate in discussions. I would recommend you to avoid outsourcing projects to forum participants.
ZKs last blog post..Are You Making Money with Your Blog ?
Forums are all good until you meet the wrong type of people, I’ve been scammed of 100’s in the past.
Danny Coopers last blog post..What’s on Your RSS Reader?
Luckily i’ve never got scammed from webmaster forums.
Sometimes from users but luckily with no money loss 😉
I’m yet to be scammed and I don’t outsource a lot on forum either but I’m sorry to hear what happened to you. It appears that itrader isn’t a good metric to measure credibility anymore. What else then?
Yans last blog post..The Art of Writing Catchy Articles
As you said that avoid to get outsourced info from forums, i want suggest more better outsourcing of virtual employees idea.
I think that “if you are not confident that you can do this, than it’s better to hire people who have expertise in that field”. From last 1-2 decades the % of outsourcing or hiring people has tremendously increased. and i have done same thing. For last few months i was working on the concept of “hiring people”.As our organization have some projects in hand and we don’t want to loss them because of lack of skilled employees.And the question is “HOW TO HIRE”? as far as i know there are two basic and trendy ways to hire virtual employees
1. Freelancers/Bidding sites
2. Job sites
But i have selected different path.i mean to say that i haven’t go through the freelancers or any bidding site.i preferred to search directly a good and reliable virtual service providing companies. The actual reason behind this is “searching and selecting freelancers or bidding site is quite time consuming”. And after placing your requisite over there it will definitely take around 1-2 months to get the required virtual employees. it means that over all process will might take 2-3 months.
And the bottom line is wastage of time as well as money.
So, i moved to marketraise (www.marketraise.com) virtual service providing company. And i am fully satisfied with there services. so i will suggest you all to carefully hire the people for virtual services along with keeping in mind the most important factors “time and money”.
I’ve heard many case like this recently. It scare me from buying anything from forum members, not even the moderators.
Going to specific website like elance, rent-a-coder, is much better than forums, at least the system ensure some protection to both party.
Hi Sofia : Thats a very good point , I missed out on virtual services, they are more professional in their approach and as you indicated they can better manage your ” time and money ” factor 🙂
Hi IM Gem : I would advise you not to buy services on forums. Another recommendation would be to get references from the marketplace. I get lot of mail from bloggers asking me for content or technical references.
ZKs last blog post..The Blogworld this Week – 15 year old bloggers
I am totally agreed at your “forum point”.The level of reliability is not enough in forums.That’s why our organization selected reliable and affordable virtual service providers for web designing and development.
And it’s better to first crosscheck the references u are following.
I don’t trust Paypal and Godaddy since it is possible to get for the scammer to get his money back and still have the domain. I have had plenty of bad experiences with Godaddy and Paypal. You have to be careful when trading in forums.
Ganeshs last blog post..Blog About What You Love and You Will Succeed
Last month someone posted on forum that he needs forums posters. I joined his forum after I made the numbers of post that he required, he never pay me for the said post. Thanks for this tips and I know now how to deal with that kind of job.
Gigss last blog post..$350,000 For World’s Most Expensive Abaya
Hi Gigs : Welcome to the community, always take an advance for the services you render on these forums.
ZKs last blog post..6 Reasons to Join Twitter
I don’t trust any of the services on the webmaster forums. I mean if some of them were so good at what they do, they wouldn’t be broadcasting there services. The would just be making websites themselves and benefiting from their own services. I think all these services are too good to be true.
That’s absolutely true.If your services are good then you don’t need to be advertise it.But i think if your services are new and unique then it need some kind of awareness factor, i mean peoples who make others aware about your services.
“That’s absolutely true.If your services are good then you don’t need to be advertise it.”
I offer some good stuff, can someone show me how to earn without advertising?
Dennis Edells last blog post..Do You Have Good Follow-Through?
Hi Erik : Some of the freelancers are developers and dont have the expertise to market their own sites, their skill set is web development. They need to advertise their services to make a living.
Hi Sofia : I would think its necessary to advertise your services in the marketplace.
Hi Dennis : You are right , one needs to advertise to sell.
ZKs last blog post..6 Reasons to Join Twitter
hi ZK and Dennis : You are right.But my point is if your services are already known to others in that case your customers will automatically advertise your services.You don’t have invest more on adds.And if your services are new in marketplace then it needs advertising.
True, once you get to the “nothing but word of mouth” stage, you’re golden…we wish. LOL
Dennis Edells last blog post..100 RSS Subscribers – It’s Happy Dance Time!
Hi Dennis : All of us should aspire for that stage for our businesses
ZKs last blog post..6 Reasons to Join Twitter
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