Home Search Engine Marketing Position 2 on Google in 2 days

Position 2 on Google in 2 days

by amol238

 Thanksgiving Contest Screenshot

How did my Thanksgiving Contest post get indexed in Google at position 2 in 2 days ?

 – Google can be very friendly to your site at times and can be a terror at times, its easy to tame Google if you know what it loves . Its just like knowing and understanding your spouse.
There are a few basic things that Google loves :
Effective Title tags
– Effective Headlines
– Keyword density on your post
– Effective blog tags
Alt tags for images on your blog post
That’s precisely what I did for my Thanksgiving Contest post. I used all the above elements well and Google rewarded me for doing this.
I used an upcoming local event and created a contest around it on my post.  I knew that people would search for the event and if I use the mix well I could rank higher and faster on Google. 
Close to 80 % of my traffic is from Search Engines, I have not yet spent any money on banner ads or featured links on any site. The rest of the traffic comes from commenting on other sites.
I’ve got more than 50 comments for the Thanksgiving contest post and over 750 views in the last 10 days. Ranking  on Google is not magic and any site can be optimized to rank high on Google

The above screenshot is taken from Google, the arrows show the different sites that have posted the Thanksgiving contest also being picked for the term Thanksgiving Contest

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Tushar Dhoot@make money online October 21, 2008 - 7:36 pm

Wow, congratulations on the achievement.

That’s some pretty solid positioning there, and I’m sure we have a lot to learn from you.


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ZK October 21, 2008 - 7:56 pm

Thanks Tushar

ZKs last blog post..The Blogworld this Week – 15 year old bloggers

Ganesh October 22, 2008 - 6:19 am

That’s cool. I plan on holding a contest next month or during Christmas/New Year time. I guess it would be really hard to rank for a Christmas contest since there will be a lot of other blogs holding contests that time. 😛

Anyway, thank you for giving me the idea to hold a contest. 😉

Ganeshs last blog post..Blog About What You Love and You Will Succeed

Bruno Auger October 22, 2008 - 8:14 am

Thats pretty cool. I like seeing great result like that and the people posting about how they achieved it. It give me a better understanding on how to be better.

Bruno Augers last blog post..Internet Marketing with Affiliate Landmines

John @ Maryland Real Estate October 22, 2008 - 9:19 am

Position 2 in 2 days is very impressive, congratulations.

Johns last blog post..Tracys Landing Real Estate

Ben Tremblay October 22, 2008 - 9:42 am

Good work on publicizing the contest mate! I’m glad to sponsor it, hehe

Ben Tremblays last blog post..SEO-Quake: website analysis in half a second

ZK October 22, 2008 - 10:22 am

Hi Ganesh : Thanks Ganesh , I hope it helps

Hi Bruno : I am happy you liked the post , I hope it helps 🙂

Hi John : Thanks for your comment.

Hi Ben : Thanks for sponsoring it 🙂

ZKs last blog post..The Blogworld this Week – 15 year old bloggers

CoolProducts October 22, 2008 - 12:01 pm

Good job on getting there in two days!

Ben Pei October 22, 2008 - 12:29 pm

Ooo.. Great job there I must say.. Congratulations on the listing!

Ben Peis last blog post..A Great Idea To Blogging Is No Longer Enough

shawal October 22, 2008 - 7:36 pm

Congrats on the result…

I have been in this situation before…

My post has been at the first page on Google just after 3 hour of posting it…

Dennis Edell October 22, 2008 - 11:25 pm

Excellent work ZK, I will need this info when I put my physical product sites back online (with matching blogs) 😉

Dennis Edells last blog post..Are You Like Jack?

Ben Pei October 23, 2008 - 1:16 am

Yah I agree with Dennis. Its something we can all put into good use.

Ben Peis last blog post..48 Social Bookmark In Just 30 Minutes

Dennis Edell October 23, 2008 - 2:22 am

Thanks Ben, I’ll send a dollar to your paypal account 😉

Dennis Edells last blog post..Are You Like Jack?

ZK October 23, 2008 - 1:44 pm

Hi Shawal : Getting listed in 3 hours on Google is amazing. Can you share some more insights here. Would help us better our search engine knowledge.

Hi Ben : Good to see you here, I am glad you like the post

Hi Dennis : Would love to see the site , let me know when its live

ZKs last blog post..Position 2 on Google in 2 days

Dennis Edell October 23, 2008 - 6:54 pm

I’ll be posting about it on DSWM, so stay tuned!

Which reminds me, did you ever verify your subscription?

Dennis Edells last blog post..7 Very Common Startup Mistakes – Are You Guilty? 😉

ZK October 23, 2008 - 7:24 pm

Hi Dennis : I ll be looking forward for that on your blog . I am subscribed to your blog..webtrafficroi at yahoo.ca is the email id verified

ZKs last blog post..Position 2 on Google in 2 days

Dennis Edell October 24, 2008 - 1:53 pm

Ohh ok, ther’s also a ZK at yahoo unverified.

Dennis Edells last blog post..Guest Post: Article Marketing Experience – Dominique Goh

ZK October 24, 2008 - 2:17 pm

Hi Dennis : That’s also mine , but I seem to have lost the verification mail in spam ..so I subscribed with a new one 🙂

ZKs last blog post..Position 2 on Google in 2 days

jj-momscashblog October 24, 2008 - 6:39 pm

Hi first time here and I must say this post was an eye opener. Congrats on your google listing, and the how-to on getting the position. Always good to know and be reminded of what Google loves.

jj-momscashblogs last blog post..Can Blog Burnout Be a Good Thing?

ZK October 24, 2008 - 8:05 pm

Hi JJ- Momscashblog : Welcome to the blog and thank you for your comments. I am glad you liked it.

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buysellshort October 29, 2008 - 10:57 am

Hey ZK, Nice going..shoot me an email for a contest idea I have

Web Talk October 29, 2008 - 12:25 pm

what you said is absolutely right. but the position on google also depends on the niche your blog is located. the more the competition is fierce the more your blog is low in the serp, no matter about key density etc. anyway what you said is correct.

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ZK October 29, 2008 - 12:30 pm

Hi Buysellshort : Email sent , looking forward to connect with you on the contest idea

Hi Web Talk : You are right, the niche is important but more important is your passion for that niche. You must write for your reader first , before you write for search engines

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digga live October 29, 2008 - 3:38 pm

Dam nice 1 !

Gigs October 29, 2008 - 8:19 pm

Great tips dude. This is very helpful. I wish my site will now be place in first page.

Gigss last blog post..$350,000 For World’s Most Expensive Abaya

Publicidad Gratis November 3, 2008 - 11:56 pm

It’s incredible what you did man, congratulatios and thaks a lot for the tips, i’m going to use them in my blog posts.

Best regards..

blogger seo November 15, 2008 - 11:26 pm

So how much traffic your are getting from this keyword??

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ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 16, 2008 - 8:42 pm

Hi Blogger SEO : I average 70 visits a day from Google for this keyword.

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SEO Tips Blog November 21, 2008 - 2:03 pm

This does sound like it was also a good case study. I’m only sorry that I found out about this too late to be in the contest. 🙁 Very cool though.

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ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 21, 2008 - 2:44 pm

Hi SEO Tips : I am glad you liked the case study , that is more important than contesting 🙂 I hope you can use it for your site or blog. 🙂

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Codrut Turcanu @ Article Writing Software December 4, 2008 - 6:25 am

Great! This really proves that the key to successful SEO (particularly for blogs) is to keep it SIMPLE.

the basic works guy… ZK is living proof!

ZK@Internet Marketing Blog December 4, 2008 - 9:43 pm

Hi Codrut : Welcome to the blog and thank you for your comments 🙂

ZKs last blog post..November Blog Update

Odzyskiwanie Danych February 20, 2009 - 5:40 am

Your blog position is quite strong. Everything you post here will be ranked high in google. High traffic, big pagerank and many backlinks do their work.

Dave Smith March 3, 2009 - 11:37 am

I was told that web positioning in Search engine depends from Hosting Place. Is it true? Can anyone tell me if web position in Google depends from the hosting company?

Dave Smiths last blog post..Tips to choose the perfect gift for any occasion

ZK@Internet Marketing Blog March 3, 2009 - 12:00 pm

Yes, it does depend on where you host your site. You need to host your site in the target market that you operate. The location of your site hosting is a major factor to rank your searches on Google

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jons Gifts shop March 4, 2009 - 8:44 am

There are a bunch of good tools, but search engine genie seems to be the best: http://www.searchenginegenie.com/google-
The site also has a lot of free useful Internet tools as well.

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Cheap vacations March 19, 2009 - 12:22 pm

How to get Top #1 ranking in Google within two days for a unique keyword that is already listed with 500,000 results on Google search page, while there are about 130 competitors who are trying to achieve the same?

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Mesothelioma March 19, 2009 - 1:31 pm

I heard about a hack software that can make our web site to the top of the google , is it true , or there is any other good technique to make this happen , actually one of my friends website has page rank 2/10 but mine is zero/10 and his website is newer than mine ?

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website creation September 17, 2009 - 1:44 am

84% of searchers never make it past the bottom of page two of Google

Mack@Las Vegas Real Estate September 22, 2009 - 4:25 am

ZK, When i read the headline of this post in the feedreader, I just thought it is another me too seo tip advice. But when I landed here and clicked on the screenshot I was totally hit back. Unbelievable!!!! congratulations and you have proved a crackerjack. The SERP was solid ranking and is well placed and the most important tip i got here is about the geographical hosting of websites to attract the target market. Thanks a bunch and this has motivated me to have a contest on my own……..
.-= Mack@Las Vegas Real Estate´s last blog ..Commercial Real Estate Bubble =-.

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