It looks like Google did another PageRank update yesterday and I notice a jump in PR for this Web Marketing blog. I also noticed a few of my internal pages have got an increase in Page Rank.
Google seems to be increasing its frequency of PR updated, there has been about three to four PR updates this year. The last one was about six week ago.
With an increase in PR for this blog, Google seems to have changed its algo with this update as I noticed some SERPs move to the second page on Google.
With Twitter’s real time searches and Microsoft’s efforts on improving Bing, is Google feeling the heat in the search engine market ?
Did you notice the update for your website ?
Yes, the home page of my site actually dropped 1 from 4 to 3 now. The SERP of the most important keywords hasn’t dropped so far. Finger acrossed.
Google is deserving to have high PR.
To be able to be index by Google website must have first PR. Must also have quality link backs.
they definitely have been increasing their PR updates because I feel like my site has been updated like twice in three months. I hope Google is feeling the heat because I like the updates 🙂
They certainly do seem to be getting more regular, something I definitely like! Well done on the PR4 by the way, impressive.
Thanks 🙂
.-= ZK@Web Marketing Blog´s last blog ..Become A Blogger is now open ( only for 5 days ) =-.
They’ve done another Page Rank update? I think it’s good that they keep updating so regularly because it gives bloggers another boost.. it sort of rewards them for all their hard work
It is getting hard to keep up with Google these days. Congrats on pr4…A lot of bloggers saw a bump this time around. I am still stuck on pr 3..I am working hard to get to 4. What is your trick? Do you do a lot of commenting on other blogs?
.-= Tycoon Blogger @Promote your blog´s last blog ..Is Twittley better than Tweetmeme? =-.
I’m same to you, stuck on PR3. I’m working hard to get PR4 too. ZK, I do like to listen your trick too, mind to share with us? 😀
.-= Make Money Online´s last blog ..5 Steps To Create Your Own Brand =-.
Congrats, all my blogs shot up this update as well. To be honest PR is useless to me though. I’ll take traffic over PR and day!
.-= daniel@loans for bad credit´s last blog ..Car Loans for People with Bad Credit =-.
I hope this means that Google will be updating us more often, it would be great to see that happen! Personally I did not seen an increase on my own website, which is sad for me, but at least it didn’t go down, is the only positive takeaway I have. Congrats on your PR 4! That is an awesome achievement 🙂
Yep, happy update for me also, from nil to PR4 in less then 4 months 😉 SY
.-= hospitalera@Blogging Resources´s last blog ..7 Useful Social Networking Sites for Photographers =-.
First of all congratulation. You’ve done a great job increasing your PR.
And i also agree with the comments above, google really need to update the PR more often, because some people might think that they are not improving and going nowhere.
congrats on the increase in PR.
Getting a pagerank this high can be tough. Keep up the hard work.
.-= paul´s last blog ..Michael Jackson Funeral Plans =-.
definitely tough work!
My website has a 1 but i hope to get it to a 3 by the next update!
.-= paul´s last blog ..Dunkin’ Donuts Recall =-.
Bit disappointed still i am on same rank…I thought this time i will get some pr-4 or 5
Congrats mate keep going
Yes. You are right. My site pages also get higher page ranks due to algo changing of google.
Congrats on pr4…A lot of bloggers saw a bump this time around.
Its superb to have PR 4 on blog. Congrats for this achievement.
and may i know the tips u did to get the pr?
Congratulations on PR4! As for me, I’m still doing some activities to have a page rank.
it takes a lot of activities!
How many links does it take to get to PR4?
.-= paul´s last blog ..Dunkin’ Donuts Recall =-.
It such a great position as blogger. it definitely deserve it.
Congratulation to get the PR 4 really it’s shows your capabilities and your post quality
Congratulations on the progress of you and your blog has achieved,you took the place that is really yours.
I started writing my blog last week and I’ve started getting about 200 visitors and over 300 pageviews a day. But most of them come from my submissions on DZone.com
.-= History of UNIX´s last blog ..Read how UNIX books make your administration task easy =-.
I can join and post from time to time for fun. But it is better to go to some popular forums and to ask members to join. It will be more helpful to the blog.
.-= History of UNIX´s last blog ..Read how UNIX books make your administration task easy =-.
My other blog suffered a PR drop. I trying to examine what went wrong.
.-= Buat Duit Online´s last blog ..Get your buat duit blog index fast =-.
Such things happen.Do not be sorry!
there’s much chang on my blog.. the Page Rank was running down.. Did u think black hat SEO will be the best solution ?
.-= gemal´s last blog ..The New Fantastic, Nokia Morph =-.
i didn’t sure about black hat seo.. Let’s learn more on my blog about that. I write about Black Hat SEO and how to earning money by it..
.-= mymoen´s last blog ..Black Hat SEO Marketing =-.
I’ve read that supposedly google aims for a PR update every month. It’d be pretty sweet actualy because you’d be able to see the effects of your work sooner than usual (before you sometimes had to wait up to 3-4 months).
That’s actually good news, right? Congrats on your new PR rank! I hope my blog will increase in rank too… or not.
Congrats! Most personal blog sites don’t climb past a 3 PR, so you are on a great path with an excellent following!
i hope my pr up…..
.-= kris´s last blog .. =-.
Firstly, congratulations on your PR4. Secondly I’ve also been wondering about the reasons for Google applying so many updates in such a short amount of time, versus the pattern that we’re used to seeing. You’re right, they are feeling the heat abit, but definitely are not resting on their laurels either.
My personal blog has just been updated to PR2 and I’ve only started it during the summer. But I did hear lately about Google not showing anymore the PR toolbar as people get too much hung up on this (granted, me too, lol). Yet with this latest update the PRs still show.
Btw congrats on your ‘upgrade’ 🙂
.-= Joannah@tv mounting brackets´s last blog ..Flat Panel TV Mounts =-.
Just checked ours and no change – does Google update all at the same time or could it be staggered? If not, I guess no change is better than going down!
Social Media Assistant, Silicon Beach Training
Ok so does anyone know when the next PR update it? I’ve heard that it should be now sometimes in July, however no sign of anything moving yet.
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