Home Search Engine Marketing How To Rank On Page One in Google in 15 days

How To Rank On Page One in Google in 15 days

by amol238

That’s a tough one to crack but I landed on page one in the first 5 days on Google for one of my health blogs.

How did I achieve this ?

Buy choosing the right domain name that is linked to the theme of the site , Google gives high ranking priority to sites that have relevant domain names based on teh theme of the site or blog. Now that doe snot mean that blog or site with irrelevant domain names dont get high ranking, its just that the domain ranking factor basedon the Google algorithm ranks high.

For the Health Blog i took a domain that related to my theme , hired an elance writer to write about 10 articles on the blog. I never did any linking activity or any promotion to drive traffic to the blog.

After a week i saw that Google displayed my site on the 10 th rank on its first page. After about 10 days it moved to 9 th rank for the term ” Healthy Eating “. Today the blog ranks 7 the for “Health Eatings , however it also shows up ranking for “Healthy Eatings” at number 8 this shows that the Google Algorithm does differentiate between plurals ( or the additional s) in the search rankings.

So the next time to put up a site make sure you have done your keyword research before you register a domain.    

An exact match domain is just your first step to geting your site noticed by Google. Once you have the domain you need to back it up with some link building activity for your site. The nicher your site , faster you can get ranked in Google since competing sites for your keyword will be less.   


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Ganesh August 15, 2008 - 9:04 pm

Good advice. I agree that choosing the right domain name influences your rankings but I don’t know whether Google shows partiality between .com and .net or other extensions.

Shanker Bakshi August 19, 2008 - 12:22 pm

Yeah domain do a lot for a good Google ranking.

adda4u August 20, 2008 - 11:21 am

Very Good Question

Absolutely choosing right domain plays a vital role it should match the content.The major steps to be followed are

Day 1. Once ur site is ready Just go to http://www.google.com/addurl add there and go to google webmaster tools and add url sitemap

Day2: Submit to search engines

Day 3: Update the content

Enough With the 3 steps i am sure u site will be up in the page one
it is also depends on keywords u are targeting …

Simon from Otooo October 2, 2008 - 6:14 pm

That’s an impressive ranking for a pretty competitive keyword in such a short space of time
Keyword research is where all the magic happens 🙂

Taylor@Ascend Dreamweaver Classes October 27, 2008 - 5:47 pm

Submitting your site to relevant directories and including keywords in your title tags will up improve your rank in google quickly. Quality and relevant links to your site will also help.

digga live October 29, 2008 - 9:43 am

Hey man, came to your blog from a comment you left on one of my other blogs I read, and bookmarked instantly. Great tips, I hope you check my site out too, it should be up Friday, I put a lot of time into it so I hope to see you commenting there too! And i’ll stay commenting on here of course.

ZK October 29, 2008 - 10:39 am

Hi Digga Live : Thank you for visiting and commenting here . I shall visit your site on Friday, drop me a comment here saying its live 🙂

ZKs last blog post..6 Reasons to Join Twitter

Gett'n Placed November 1, 2008 - 5:03 pm

Great feed! I have found the same results. Search “Natural Placement” and you will see millions and millions or results for Natural placement.

I have page one placement under Natural placement and natural search engine placement both and did this in 3 days.

This website has NO LINKS and is a new domain. Doing your research before design and development is KEY to getting to page one.

ZK November 3, 2008 - 9:15 am

Hi Gett’n Placed : Thanks for visiting and commenting here, natural placement works well on Google, Congrats on getting high results :)and sharing it with the reader here

ZKs last blog post..6 Reasons to Join Twitter

blogger seo November 15, 2008 - 11:23 pm

Good advice !! But i don’t think its possible for keywords with higher search rates ..Try it doing for fat burning..

Gett'n Placed November 16, 2008 - 7:33 pm

Natural Placement has a search result of over 17 million. There are MANY was of doing the same for “fat burning” that has only 2 million results.

Forward me your URL and I will see what I can do for you…:)

Sherry November 18, 2008 - 7:57 pm

good advice I did not think of this before

Sherrys last blog post..How to keep track on your winning?

Zaldy@Australia Web Hosting November 22, 2008 - 9:20 am

Is your keyword competitive? We can easily achieve rankings for non-competitive keywords with several methods. But if it’s a competitive one, then you’re good!

ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 22, 2008 - 10:14 am

Hi Zaldy : Welcome to the community, the keyword was not very competitive, that helped to achieve a faster rank . You are right the trick is to look for high volume searched keywords with less competition. Thanks for commenting 🙂 Hope to see you around here often.

ZKs last blog post..Tips to make a Blog Contest successful

Sam Nichols December 16, 2008 - 2:59 pm

Just one question: how old was the domain?
Because I am pretty sure you can’t rank on first page in 2 weeks no matter what the domain is if is a new domain.

ZK@Internet Marketing Blog December 16, 2008 - 8:09 pm

Hi Sam ,

You are right Google does give weightage to domain history, I had registered the domain about two to three months before I started working on the site layout and content. I dont think it had anything to do with the domain history, as per Google its as good as a new domain.

ZKs last blog post..Thinkdigit.com : A good resouce to build backlinks

Sam Nichols December 17, 2008 - 12:44 am

I believe it has to do. Make an experiment with a completely new domain and you will see what I mea :).
Good luck

ZK@Internet Marketing Blog December 17, 2008 - 10:09 am

Hi Sam,

Thanks for commenting and adding vaule to this thread 🙂

You are right it has a lot to do with the history of the url, but blogs that are regularly updated and have backlinks get indexed much faster than regular websites.

This domain is about six to eighth months, in November I ran a contest when I achieved the number 2 position for the keyword ” Thanksgiving Contest” on Google. If you see my earlier posts I ve taken an capture of the Google page.


It would be ideal for a business owner to start a blog as an extension of his website. The blog will get indexed much faster than the regular website thus leveraging the traffic from the blog to the to the website.

ZKs last blog post..Thinkdigit.com : A good resouce to build backlinks

Sam Nichols December 17, 2008 - 10:51 am

yes you are right but even if it ranks in 2 days or 2 weeks – and usually it does even for new domains and websites – it will drop after that period. And only after 3-4 months will start to climb again. I believe your experience when you ranked in 2 weeks was a lucky one or the domain had also trust and backlinks beside age.
I tested with 3 years domains and I still don’t rank after more than 1 month for the main keyword. Therefore, age alone doesn’t mean anything for Google. A bit confusing already but that’s how G works..at least for me.

ZK@Internet Marketing Blog December 18, 2008 - 12:16 pm

Hi Sam,

I suggest you get crazy building backlinks from relevant content source, this will help rank your pages higher and faster.

ZKs last blog post..Thinkdigit.com : A good resouce to build backlinks

Sam Nichols December 19, 2008 - 2:03 am

Hi ZK,
That’s the hard part isn’t it? 🙂

Nigel February 15, 2009 - 11:08 pm

I’ll check out 3 way link. Thanks for the share

Nigels last blog post..Get 19,530 new twitter followers in 30 days? (It’s Awesome)

Ann @ Work From Home March 8, 2009 - 1:17 pm

HA HA! Good for you, it still amazes me how many webmasters and bloggers do not understand the value of KW research and on-site KW optimization.

Anns last blog post..Work From Home Jobs and Staying Productive and Disciplined

Work At Home Blog March 29, 2009 - 7:08 am

I think it also depends on the no. of quality backlinks your competitors’ sites have. If they have tons of them, I really don’t think you’re going to move to the top positions like 1-3 spots i.e. displacing them easily, irrespective of your domain name or age. Having said that, my domain name is more than a year and I’m seeing more traffic, better serps now than before. But it’s difficult to make conclusive deductions as all of us do lots of link building activities. Good post ZK.

Peter Lee

Work At Home Blogs last blog post..Case Study:How Top Twitter Client Gave Me 293 Page Views

SEO DUDE March 29, 2009 - 11:33 am


Google this key word term: Debt Settlement Houston

My client HAS #1 position with NO Links.

THis is a 3page site and brand new…….. Natural search engine optimization needs to be be done right the first time for a site to be #1 every time.

Mark@Free DSi April 19, 2009 - 2:14 pm

I have used the link building method for a couple of months now on my site and am still waiting for the next PR update to see what happens.
After that i’ll have a look into some of this info from here and see if I can improve on it.

Bodrum property May 8, 2009 - 7:13 am

Links do count, without a doubt. Googles premise is to recommend sites that are recommended by what they feel are trusted sources. Getting high authority backlinks is key to SEO.

However on’page optimisation is important too and should not be ignored.

cyberblogteam May 17, 2009 - 7:02 am

Wow! I’m very glad and I agree with you about having a domain name that matches exactly your keyword. That’s my experience with my guitar posing domain which has been enjoying number 1 position for two years now – GuitarPose (which is proof BTW – yes there’s fluctuations but goes back to 1 and stays for months). I wrote from that experience last week and posted it right where I’m blogging about SEO nowadays.

cyberblogteams last blog post..Forever Five (5) Best Blogging Tips

lee brooker June 17, 2009 - 1:15 pm

A good post thanks.
its true that keyword research should be done PROPERLY before anything else (product research apart of course!) and good quality backlinks with juice are vital for staying power.

There are many factors to take into account for a page one listing too many to list in this post! I have developed a formula which gets my web content onto page one, top 3 positions, 99% of the time. Now before you start tutting and rolling your eyes! Yes they stay there and no they are not for obscure silly keyword phrases y=thart anyone can get top billing for. Most top positions are out of millions of search results with proper KEI research.

Work smart, not hard 😉

Thanks again for a good post, very informative.

Lee Brooker
How To Hit Page One On Google OvernightAnd Stay There

Beat depression July 19, 2009 - 6:27 am

I had looked everywhere for this article – something that I would do exactly what it said, without all the fuss and hassle. I had already wasted hours of time and who knows how much time on other blogs, so I have to thank you for this article. Thanks!

Diet Magazine July 25, 2009 - 9:03 am

I’m not a pro when it comes to evaluating blogs – and most of what I’ve seen over the years leaves a lot to be desired. But you can take my word for it that your blog is everything they say it is and more! Seriously – nice information. I am so happy to read your blog!

Move2 Removals Edinburgh July 26, 2009 - 5:18 am

It sounds crazy that you managed to get to page one without doing any linking.

However it does show the power of ensuring you have a good relative domain to match your keywords.

Ghulam H August 15, 2009 - 5:14 pm

Your website content and meta tag relevent to that may bring your website on top of the 1st page. Pakistani Music

kitchen taps September 23, 2009 - 6:36 am

I think google does count backlinks which are relevant to the site and have some quality and that is the main thing to be considered if one wants to rank on google in just few days – 15.

clavier arabe October 18, 2009 - 5:24 am

thanks alot for all this graet info
but i think google gives the priorty domain names first , and that can help u alot if you shoose the right domain name

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